Elfida P. Chavez

Principal’s Attendance Plan

Continuation of initiatives/procedures in place from 2016-2017 school year:

1.  Attendance Warning Letter

2.  Phone Call to Parents

3.  Incentives offered

Procedures/Protocols to be carried out 2016-2017

·  Establish Attendance committee members

·  Train attendance committee members

·  Review attendance incentives established 2016-2017 (Modify as needed)

·  Establish calendar for reports run by PIEMS for warning letters

·  Establish warning phone calls protocol

·  Review procedures for documenting letters/phone calls in Eduphoria

·  Establish plan for attendance make-up (instructional time lost)

·  Establish plan for tardy

·  Review and outline framework for GPC’s

Make It Count Attendance Incentives


Student Attendance Incentives

·  Each three week period:

1.  Classes will have the opportunity to earn some type of class reward. Examples: popsicles, candy, etc. Classes will spell out EPC Moose. Each day the class has 100% attendance will earn a letter to spell out EPC Moose!! They must do this within the three week period and can earn more than one treat during the 3 week period. After each three weeks they must start over in spelling EPC Moose. The classroom teacher will submit a request for their incentives.

2.  All classes that maintain the highest for their grade level average during for the 9wk period will be honored on a Make It Count bulletin board. The class picture will be displayed to show congratulations.

3.  The class with the highest attendance rate of 97% and above will be awarded a pizza party and the Traveling Trophy.

·  During a nine week period:

1.  Every student who has perfect attendance will be allowed to participate in a perfect attendance popcorn dance and party. They will also receive a certificate and incentives.

Teacher Attendance Incentives

·  On a monthly basis:

1. Teachers with perfect attendance will enter a monthly raffle and will have a chance to win the perfect attendance moose parking.

2. Teachers with perfect attendance will also be receiving incentives from our partners in education.

Incentives will be purchased and distributed by the CIS Coordinator, Parent Liason, and Counselor with assistance from Volunteers and Partners in Ed.

Attendance Committee Meeting

Fall September and November

Spring January and March

All other committee meeting will be called on “as needed” basis, to include possible parent meeting in which all members will be asked to be in attendance.

Calendar for reports run by PEIMS for warning letters

4th and 8th week of every nine weeks

Protocol for warning phone calls

A warning phone call will be made to parents when a student falls below the 90% attendance rate as required by law. Once a student falls below the 90% requirement, parents will be called by the CIS Coordinator. In this phone call, the Coordinator will notify parents that attendance has fallen below the 90% requirement, and that they may expect to receive a warning letter.

A warning letter will be send after 3 absences in a four week period.

Procedure for documenting letters/phone calls in eduphoria

After a phone call and warning letter has been sent to parent, the CIS worker will document the call and letter in the eduphoria system. Included in this documentation will be a summary of any parent responses made during the phone call, or in response to the warning letter.

Guidelines for attendance meeting with parents

When students falls below an 80% attendance rate (based on number of days currently enrolled), and if student has failed to come to attendance make-up sessions as recommended and offered to parents, a meeting with the parent will be requested. In these meeting, the CIS Coordinator, the Counselor, and the Attendance Coordinator (Assistant Principal) will meet with parent. CIS Coordinator will document meeting in eduphoria.

Plan for Tardy Warnings/make-up/incentives

·  When a child has in excess of 3 tardies in a nine week period, they will receive a warning

·  Student’s with 5 tardies or more will not qualify for the perfect attendance rewards

Framework for GPC’s

An Attendance GPC will be held:

When a student is below 90% attendance


Has failed any subject for the first semester


Has failed the third nine weeks


Is in danger of failing the 4th nine weeks

If these conditions are met, the attendance of the full committee will be required.

Truancy Action Plan

A Truancy Action Plan will be put in place for each child dropping below 90% attendance. Students will be recommended to attend an Intersession Make-up session. The rate of attendance make-up is recommended to be: Four hours for each day which has placed the child below the 90% attendance rate

The following form shall be used to document Truancy Plans for purposes of review by the Attendance Committee.