Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Create Purchasing Vendor Master Record
Use this procedure to create a purchasing vendor master record.
Perform this procedure when a vendor registers with Central Purchasing to do business with the University, or when a vendor needs to be added for a purchase or price inquiry.
  • Information provided by vendor via the Vendor Registration Application (either online or paper)
  • Accounts Payable Related Defaults
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
  • SelectLogisticsMaterials ManagementPurchasingMaster DataVendorCentralCreate to go to the Create Vendor: Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
  • The process described in this procedure is only used to create a Purchasing vendor. AP vendors are created using another process.
  • If different from the main vendor record, the remit-to address vendor record for Purchasing vendors are created by AP during the invoice process and will only have Accounting views. AP associates these records with the Purchasing vendor using the Permitted Payee button on the Purchasing record.
  • Purchasing vendor numbers are internally assigned and are in the range of 100000 to 199999. Remit-to address vendor records use the same base number range but contain a hyphen and a letter at the end of the number.
  • Account groups identify a group of vendors. All Purchasing vendors are in the ZVEN account group.
  • The associations for Material Groups and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Codes will be made through Vendor Classifications. A vendor can have multiple assignments to either of these types of classifications.

Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Create Purchasing Vendor Master Record
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Create Vendor: Initial Screen

2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Vendor (Number) / Required / Unique number that identifies a vendor
Leave blank. This number is assigned by SAP.
Company Code / Required / Organizational unit within Financial Accounting
Purchasing Organization / Required / Code identifying the purchasing subdivision within the company
Account group / Required / Summary of attributes that control the creation and maintenance of master records; The account group determines which data is required for the master records and the number range assigned to those master records; You must assign each master record to an account group
Vendor (Reference) / Optional / Unique number that identifies a vendor
Only use this field in the Reference section to create a Vendor Master Record based on an existing record. Typically Vendor Master Records are not copied since most Vendor information is unique to the particular vendor.
Company code / Optional / Organizational unit within Financial Accounting
Only use this field in the Reference section to create a Vendor Master Record based on an existing record.
Purchasing. Organization / Optional / Code identifying the purchasing subdivision within the company
Only use this field in the Reference section to create a Vendor Master Record based on an existing record.
3. / Click .
Create Vendor: Address

4. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Title / Optional /
Name 1 / Required / The name of the vendor
Horizon Environmental
Enter the correct and legal vendor name exactly as identified by the vendor including any punctuation, spaces, etc. If the name is too long for this field, continue it on the Name 2 field. If it is too long, break up the name at the beginning of a complete word, not in the middle of a word. If this is not possible, abbreviate, following instructions from the buyer.
Name 2 / Required / The division name of the vendor
Sales Division
Enter the remainder of the company name if it is too long to fit in the Name 1 field, or if there is a division name enter it here.
Search term 1 / Optional /
Search term 2 / Optional /
House no. / Optional / House number part of the vendor's street address
Street / Optional / Street name part of the Vendor's street address
Kenwood Rd Ste D105
Vendors converted from CUFS will have both the house number and the street combined in this field. Any new vendors are to be entered with the house number and Street in the separate fields. Note that PO Box addresses need to be entered in the appropriate field below. If a street address is entered and a PO Box address entered, the PO Box address will be used on Purchase Orders. If there is a second address line, expand the address section and enter the second address line in the Street 2 field.
City / Required / City name part of the vendor's address
State / Required / Region name (State, Province, County) part of the vendor's address, depending upon the country
Enter the correct 2 letter USPS state abbreviation.
ZIP Code / Optional / Postal Code part of the vendor's address
If the last 4 digits of the 9 digit format is provided, enter the first 5 and last 4 digits separated by a dash.
Country / Required / Country part of the vendor's address
PO Box / Optional / PO Box part of the vendor's address
Enter the PO Box number in this field. Never enter PO Box information in the Street field above. Do not preface the number with “PO Box”. Note however, Vendors converted from CUFS may have the PO Box addresses contained in the Street field.
Postal Code / Optional / Postal Code part of the vendor's PO Box address
Only enter a postal code here if there is a PO Box available.
Language / Required / Language to be used to communicate with the vendor
Telephone / Optional / Telephone number of the vendor
For both long distance and local phones, enter the area code and number with dashes using the format 999-999-9999.
Telephone Extension / Optional / Telephone number extension of the vendor
Mobile Phone / Optional / Mobile Telephone number of the vendor
Fax / Optional / Fax number of the vendor
Enter in the same manner as the Telephone field.
Fax Extension / Optional / Fax extension of the vendor
Create Vendor: Address (2)

5. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
E-Mail / Optional / Email of the vendor's sale representative

Comments / Optional / Additional information regarding the vendor
Vendor suspended
Use this field to enter comments as needed, especially when putting a block on a vendor for PO or invoice posting.
/ This is a continuation of the previous screen after scrolling down.
6. / Click .
Create Vendor: Control

7. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Tax Number 1 / Conditional / Social Security Number of the vendor
Enter the vendor federal tax ID in this field if the ID is a social security number. Leave blank if it is not.
Tax Number 2 / Conditional / Federal Tax Employer Identification Number of the vendor; a tax ID number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities
Enter the vendor Federal Tax ID in this field if the ID is not a social security number. Leave blank if it is.
Actual QM sys. / Conditional / Description of the Quality Management System
This field is only needed for vendor records converted from CUFS. All of those records will have ZUC entered in this field. Leave this field blank for new vendors.
QM system to / Conditional / Date the vendor was entered in the previous system
This field is only used for vendor records converted from CUFS. Those records will have the creation date from the CUFS vendor category field entered in this field. Leave this field blank for new vendors.
Date of birth / Optional / Birth date of the person subject to withholding tax
Enter the date of birth of the owner for a company if their Recipient Type is Individual or Limited Liability Corporation which is individually owned.
8. / Click .
Create Vendor: Payment transactions

9. / Click .
/ Do not enter information on this screen. A/P will enter information during the invoice process if needed. A/P uses the Permitted payee button to associate remit-to address records.
Create Vendor: Contact persons

10. / Click .
Create Vendor: Accounting information Accounting

11. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Recon. account / Required / The reconciliation account in G/L accounting is the account which is updated parallel to the sub ledger account for normal postings (for example, invoice or payment)
Sort key / Required / Default value for sorting line items in a line item display
W. Tax Code / Required / Withholding tax code; Code used to determine the point at which the tax is posted, method of calculating the tax base amount, and accumulation
Always enter “07” if the vendor’s Recipient Type is Individual (01), Partnership (02), or a Limited Liability Partnership (04), otherwise leave blank.
Recipient type / Required / Type of vendor for tax purposes.
12. / Click .
Create Vendor: Payment transactions Accounting

13. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Payt Terms (AP) / Required / Vendor's payment terms for Accounts Payable, composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods
These are the payment terms for A/P. For Purchasing vendors, these terms are always the same as the Purchasing payment terms.
Tolerance group / Required / Freely definable group code for customers and vendors, or G/L accounts; Each tolerance group contains settings that affect cash discount and payment difference processing. These settings become effective during payment entry
Cr memo terms / Required / Terms agreed with a customer or vendor that apply to the clearing of credits for goods supplied or services rendered
0001 – Immediate
Credit terms are always entered as immediate.
14. / Select to the right of Chk double inv field.
Create Vendor: Payment transactions Accounting

15. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Payment methods / Required / List of payment methods which may be used in automatic outgoing payment transactions with this customer/vendor; If no payment method is specified on the master record, it must be specified on the invoice
This field should always be set to “C”. AP will change the field during the invoice process if necessary.
House Bank / Required / Identification for an organization's particular cash account with a financial institution. All information regarding the account is determined using this key
Pmt meth.supl. / Required / Payment method supplement is used to indicate the sorting for printed checks. Payment method supplements were defined to mirror the CUFS disbursement groups
16. / Click .
Create Vendor: Purchasing data

17. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Order currency / Required / Indicates the monetary unit of the document
Terms of paymnt / Required / Vendor's payment terms for Purchasing, composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods
If the Terms of Payment that the vendor has indicated are not configured in the system and are available to select, contact the Buyer to see what terms they want to use or if they want to have the new terms added to the system.
Incoterms (Part 1) / Required / Vendor's shipping terms, including identification of ownership transfer point and freight charge responsibility
Enter the appropriate code for the Shipping (FOB) terms.
18. / Select Environment Classificationto go to the Create Vendor: Classification screen.
Create Vendor: Classification

19. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Class / Required / Element of classification system used to organize objects; Objects of the same class share similar attributes. Programs, reports, organizational structures, etc. can be assigned to classes
20. / Click .
Create Vendor: Classification (2)

21. / Click in the Value field to the right of Material Group.
22. / Click to go to the Material Group window.
Material Group

23. / Select to the left of the appropriate Material Group.
24. / Click .
Create Vendor: Classification (3)

25. / Click .
Create Vendor: Classification (4)

26. / Click in the Value field to the right of Disadvantaged Business.
27. / Click .
Disadvantaged Business Enterpr

28. / Select to the left of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) code.
29. / Click .
Create Vendor: Classification (5)

30. / Click .
Create Vendor: Classification (6)

31. / Click .
Create Vendor: Purchasing data (2)

32. / Click .
Create Vendor: Initial Screen (2)

33. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
/ The system displays the message, "Vendor XXXX has been created for company code UC purchasing organization UC."
34. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / 01_PUR_XK01_Cr Pur Vendor_0_VendMstrDataMaint R2.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/29
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Create Purchasing Vendor Master Record
You have created a purchasing vendor master record.
If you need to create another record, you can repeat the process without exiting the Create Vendor: Initial Screen.
Ver: / 01_PUR_XK01_Cr Pur Vendor_0_VendMstrDataMaint R2.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/29