Fortress America (Gilded Age/ Progressive Period)
Created in 2010 by:
· Central Organizer:
Camille Henderson
· Unit I – V Multiple Choice coordinator:
Matthew Roarty
· Unit VI – X Multiple Choice coordinator:
· Document Based Question coordinator:
Christiaan Clark
· Essay coordinator: Mallory Marshall
Kelsey Hammond
Time – 55 minutes
80 Questions
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet.
1. Which event led to the revision, and eventual overhaul, of the Articles of Confederation?
a. Whiskey Rebellion
b. Bacon’s Rebellion
c. Olive Branch Petition
d. Shays’s Rebellion
e. French Revolution
2. The 1889 Pan-American Conference resulted in
a. settlement of the Venezuela boundary dispute.
b. the lowering of tariff barriers between participating nations.
c. arbitration of the Pribilof Island dispute.
d. worsened relations between the United States and Latin American countries.
e. creation of the Organization of American States.
3. The Teller Amendment
a. guaranteed the independence of Cuba.
b. made Cuba an American possession.
c. directed President McKinley to order American troops into Cuba.
d. appropriated funds to combat yellow fever in Cuba.
e. granted the U.S. a base at Guantanamo Bay.
4. Who were the settlers at the Jamestown colony?
a. Religious refugees
b. Intellectuals
c. Spanish explorers
d. Joint-stock company employees
e. Former slaves
5. The New Immigrants of the 1980s and 1990s
a. came to America primarily in search of jobs and economic opportunity.
b. assimilated more quickly into the American mainstream than earlier waves of immigrants.
c. received more in welfare payments, as a group, than they paid in taxes.
d. made Mexican-Americans the largest American minority by 1995.
e. settled primarily on the East Coast.
6. A “bird of passage” was an immigrant who
a. came to the United States to live permanently.
b. only passed through America on his or her way to Canada.
c. was unmarried.
d. came to America to work for a short time and then returned to Europe.
e. flew from job to job.
7. Judicial review was created in the case
a. Gibbons v. Ogden
b. McCulloch v. Maryland
c. Marbury v. Madison
d. Korematsu v. United States
e. Plessy v. Ferguson
8. Which area was most opposed to the War of 1812?
a. Southeast
b. West
c. Northwest
d. Northeast
e. Mid-Atlantic
9. The Zimmermann note involved a proposed secret agreement between
a. Britain and France.
b. Russia and Germany.
c. Germany and Mexico.
d. Mexico and France.
e. Germany and Canada.
10. Which early American colony was most prepared for life in the New World?
a. Massachusetts Bay Colony
b. Plymouth
c. Roanoke
d. Jamestown
e. Fort San Juan
11. New France’s most valuable resource was/were
a. Slaves
b. Tobacco
c. Lumber
d. Silver
e. Fur
12. The greatest increase in the national debt occurred
a. during World War II.
b. under Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.
c. during Ronald Reagan’s eight years in office.
d. under Lyndon Johnson.
e. under George Bush.
13. The Morrill Act of 1862
a. established women’s colleges like Vassar.
b. required compulsory school attendance through high school.
c. established the modern American research university.
d. mandated racial integration in public schools.
e. granted public lands to states to support higher education.
14. Which agreement gave the United States Texas and California?
a. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
b. Jay’s Treaty
c. Treaty of Greenville
d. Crittenden Compromise
e. Missouri Compromise
15. Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Munich Conference, (B) German invasion of Poland,(C) Hitler-Stalin nonaggression treaty.
a. A, C, B
b. B, C, A
c. C, B, A
d. C, A, B
e. A, B, C
16. The 1920 census revealed that for the first time most
a. men worked in manufacturing.
b. adult women were employed outside the home.
c. Americans lived in cities.
d. Americans lived in the trans-Mississippi West.
e. families had fewer than four children.
17. Who wrote the influential pamphlet Common Sense?
a. Thomas Paine
b. John Adams
c. John Locke
d. Caesar Rodney
e. Thomas Jefferson
18. Which law was responsible for the formation of the First Continental Congress?
a. Townshend Acts
b. Stamp Act
c. Intolerable Acts
d. Quebec Act
e. Quartering Act
19. Senator McCarthy’s anticommunist crusade ended when he
a. began to attack the personal integrity of his critics.
b. alleged that there were communists in Hollywood.
c. alleged that there were communists in the Foreign Service.
d. alleged that many college professors were communists.
e. alleged that there were communists in the army.
20. The “Sagebrush Rebellion” was a fiercely anti-Washington movement that had sprung up to protest
a. James Watt’s appointment as secretary of the interior.
b. oil drilling in scenic places in the western United States.
c. federal control over scarce water resources in the West.
d. federal control over rich mineral and timber resources in the western states.
e. federal national parks and forests throughout the West.
21. The First Great Awakening was a reaction against
a. Calvinism
b. The liberalization of religion
c. A rapid spread of Roman Catholicism
d. Native American religions
e. The Salem Witch Trials
22. Andrew Jackson was the first President
a. Without a wife
b. To employ patronage
c. From the West
d. Who chose his Vice President
e. Who lost the popular but won the electoral vote
23. The British signed the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812, because
a. Of the Battle of New Orleans
b. Of the Battle of Horshoe Bend
c. Montreal was captured
d. There was an uprising in London
e. Tsar Alexander I mediated terms in order to focus on Napoleon
24. Which is not a part of the American System proposed by Henry Clay?
a. A strong banking system
b. A protective tariff
c. Construction of roads
d. Construction of canals
e. Construction of schools
25. The Homestead Act assumed that public land would be administered in such a way as to
a. raise government revenue.
b. conserve natural resources.
c. favor large-scale “bonanza” farms.
d. guarantee shipments for the railroads.
e. promote frontier settlement.
26. Teddy Roosevelt’s New Nationalism
a. pinned its economic faith on competition.
b. opposed consolidation of labor unions.
c. favored the free functioning of unregulated and unmonopolized markets.
d. supported a broad program of social welfare.
e. favored state rather than federal government activism.
27. The French and Indian War was instigated by what prominent American figure?
a. George Washington
b. Thomas Paine
c. Benjamin Franklin
d. Benedict Arnold
e. Nathan Hale
28. In the epochal 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court
a. declared that the concept of “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites was unconstitutional.
b. upheld its earlier decision in Plessy v. Ferguson.
c. rejected desegregation.
d. supported the “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” issued by Congress.
e. ordered immediate and total integration of all American schools.
29. At the wartime Teheran Conference,
a. the Soviet Union agreed to declare war on Japan within three months.
b. the Big Three allies agreed to divide postwar Germany into separate occupied zones.
c. the Soviet Union agreed to allow free elections in Eastern European nations that its armies occupied at the end of war.
d. plans were made for the opening of a second front in Europe.
e. it was agreed that five Big Powers would have veto power in the United Nations
30. President Kennedy’s alleged assassin was
a. Jack Ruby.
b. Lee Harvey Oswald.
c. Medgar Evers.
d. James Earl Ray.
e. an agent of Fidel Castro.
31. In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court upheld a married couple’s right to use contraceptives based on
a. the “necessary and proper” clause.
b. the First Amendment.
c. the right to privacy.
d. Roe v. Wade.
e. the Fifth Amendment.
32. The Corrupt Bargain of 1824 purportedly
a. Gave Andrew Jackson the Vice Presidency
b. Made Henry Clay Secretary of State
c. Gave John Quincy Adams money in exchange for withdrawing from the Presidency
d. Gave the Oregon Territory over to British control
e. John C. Calhoun the coveted South Carolina governorship
33. Most people who went to California during the gold rush were
a. Freed slaves
b. Spanish missionaries
c. Lawless men
d. Mormons
e. Anarchists
34. Which group was most opposed to the power of the British Crown?
a. Clergy
b. Whigs
c. Ministers
d. Barons
e. Tories
35. After the Civil War, the plentiful supply of unskilled labor in the United States
a. helped to build the nation into an industrial giant.
b. was not a significant force, because industrialization required skilled workers.
c. came almost exclusively from rural America.
d. increasingly found work in agriculture.
e. was almost entirely native born.
36. Match each entrepreneur below with the field of enterprise with which he is historically identified.
A.Andrew Carnegie 1. steel
B.John D. Rockefeller 2. oil
C.J. Pierpont Morgan 3. tobacco
D.James Duke 4. banking
a. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
b. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
c. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
d. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
e. A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3
37. The Roosevelt Corollary added a new provision to the Monroe Doctrine that was specifically designed to
a. enable the U.S. to rule Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone.
b. stop European colonization in the Western Hemisphere.
c. restore cordial relations between the United States and Latin American countries.
d. establish a friendly partnership with Britain so that it could join the United States in policing Latin American affairs.
e. justify U.S. intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries.
38. Napoleon gave away Louisiana so willingly because
a. He was about to be overthrown and didn’t want his enemies to have an empire
b. Uprisings in his Caribbean colonies and British control of the seas hampered his access
c. The United States surrounded New Orleans and demanded land
d. Mental illnesses clouded his judgment
e. The colonists who lived there were in open revolt
39. The Missouri Compromise was created to
a. Balance the number of free and slave states
b. Allow Missouri to be admitted as a free state
c. Guarantee the right of all colonists to own slaves in any state
d. Emancipate slaves
e. Organize territories gained in the Louisiana Purchase
40. Which of the following did not impose restrictions on American trade?
a. Sugar Act
b. Stamp Act
c. Quartering Act
d. Townshend Acts
e. Navigation Laws
41. Who is the Father of the American Constitution?
a. John Jay
b. James Madison
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. George Washington
e. Alexander Hamilton
42. The Nixon Doctrine proclaimed that the United States would
a. honor its existing defense commitment, but that in the future its allies would have to fight their own wars without large numbers of American troops.
b. supply only economic aid to its allies.
c. seek détente with the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China.
d. intervene to help its allies fight communism only if the United States was allowed to send American troops.
e. maintain naval and air bases in East Asia but not put troops on the Asian mainland.
43. The Supreme Court cases of Muller and Adkins centered on
a. racial differences.
b. affirmative action.
c. “right to work” laws from several states.
d. the question of whether women merited special legal and social treatment.
e. antitrust legislation.
44. After the Scopes “Monkey Trial,”
a. fundamentalism disappeared outside the rural South.
b. John Scopes was sentenced to serve time in jail.
c. Christians found it increasingly difficult to reconcile the revelations of religion with modern science.
d. the gap between theology and biology began to close.
e. fundamentalist religion remained a vibrant force in American spiritual life.
45. The 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact
a. formally ended World War I for the United States, which had refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles.
b. set a schedule for German payment of war reparations.
c. established a battleship ratio for the leading naval powers.
d. condemned Japan for its unprovoked attack on Manchuria.
e. outlawed war as a solution to international rivalry.
46. Public education was created
a. To educate freed slaves
b. To make voters more responsible
c. To fight the influence of Communism in poor communities
d. In accordance with Article V of the Constitution
e. To empower women
47. Which was not a side effect of the construction of the Erie Canal?
a. New York industry boomed
b. The Old Northwest attracted thousands of immigrants
c. Great Lake adjacent cities became powers
d. Farmers moved farther west
e. Slave labor in the north exploded
48. Which Founding Father favored government most similar to the British system?
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. John Adams
c. James Madison
d. Alexander Hamilton
e. John Marshall
49. Which document led to the theory of nullification?
a. Jay’s Treaty
b. Neutrality Proclamation
c. Kentucky Resolution
d. Northwest Ordinance
e. Sedition Act
50. Which group exemplified Nativist feelings in early America?
a. Know-Nothing Party
b. Sons of Liberty
c. Whigs
d. Federalists
e. The German Forty-Eighters
51. Slaves in the Antebellum South were mostly used
a. To harvest cotton