IPS: Unit 2.7 "Short Cuts" name ______


  • Why do houses have circuit breakers or fuses? ______


  • What is meant by a short circuit? ______
  • Would it be easier to run through a hall filled with people or an empty hall? ______

Why? ______


1. Wire the circuit at the right, read the meters to get the following measurements, and write the values on the schematic. REMEMBER UNITS!!!!
a. Potential gain from the batteries. ______
b. Current passing through the circuit. ______/
2. Place a wire between the terminals of bulb #1, as shown at the right. Measure the values shown and write the values on the schematic. The wire must be connected so current can flow through it.
What happens to each of the following?
a)the current, I? ______
b)Bulb #1? ______
c)Bulb #2? ______
d) The voltage across the batteries? ______
e) Use a colored pencil to show the path(s) taken by the . . current.
f) Why does the current measured by the ammeter change? . ______
g) Why does bulb #1 go out? ______/
Place a wire between the first terminal of Bulb #1 and the last terminal of Bulb #2, as shown at the right. Measure the values shown and write the values on the schematic.
3.What happens to each of the following?
a)The current, I? ______
b)Bulb #1? ______
c)Bulb #2? ______
d)The voltage across the battery, Vs? ______
e) Why did the current get so high? ______
f)What happened to the batteries? ______
g)Use a colored pencil to show the path(s) taken by the current.
h)How do we prevent this from happening in our houses?
OK, we learned that our homes are wired in parallel. So what happens when we have a short in a parallel circuit?
4.Wire the circuit at the right.
a) What is the potential gain from the battery? ______
b) Current flowing through the ammeter______
c)Use a colored pencil to show the path(s) taken by the current.
5.Place a wire between the terminals of bulb #2, as shown at the right. Measure the values shown and record them on the schematic.
a)What happened to the current, I? ______
b)The voltage across the battery, Vs? ______
c)What happens to bulb one and two? ______
d) Use a colored pencil to show the path(s) taken by the . current.
e) Where does most of the current go when there is a . . short circuit? ______
e) What does it mean to have a short circuit? ______

5.To protect a circuit fuses or circuit breakers are placed near the source.
a)What happens to the fuse when there is a short like the one shown? ______
b)What happens if there is a circuit breaker instead of a fuse?
c) SO, how do circuit breakers or fuses protect your house, BE . SPECIFIC. ______

IPS: Unit 3.7112/02/2018