Training and Instructional Design: Assessment


1. In a logic model diagram for a training program, where would you list the investments?

*a. Inputs

b. Outputs

c. Outcomes

d. Assessments

Answer: a

Objective: 1. Apply principles of logic-model (for designing evaluations of training programs)

Lecture/Slide: 7

2. In a logic model for a training program, where would you indicate the long-term impacts of the training on targeted persons or groups?

a. Inputs

b. Outputs

*c. Outcomes

d. Investments

Answer: c

Objective: 1. Apply principles of logic-model (for designing evaluations of training programs)

Lecture/Slide: 7

3. The activities, services, events and products that reach people who participate or people who are targeted in a program are called:

a. Inputs

*b. Outputs

c. Outcomes

d. Investments

Answer: b

Objective: 1. Apply principles of logic-model (for designing evaluations of training programs)

Lecture/Slide: 7

4. Only the persons directly impacted by a training program should be included in a logic model diagram.

a. True

*b. False

Answer: b

Objective: 1. Apply principles of logic-model (for designing evaluations of training programs)

Lecture/Slide: 7

5. Which of these questions would you ask in an outcome evaluation?

a. Were all the sessions delivered?

*b. To what extent did behaviors improve?

c. Was the intended population trained?

d. What was the level of participation?

Answer: b

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 11

6. Which of these questions would you ask in process evaluation?

a. To what extent did skills improved?

b. What impact has the training had on the patients?

*c. Were the students satisfied?

d. Which participants demonstrated a change in skills and behaviors?

Answer: c

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 15

7. You wish to assess a piece of work or behaviors with a tool include criteria to gauge levels of potential achievement in the form of a rating scale. This type of assessment procedure is called a: ______.

*a. Performance Assessment with a Rubric

b. Self-report Attitude Scale

c. Paper and Pencil Quiz with an Answer Key

d. Interview-based Rating Scale

Answer: a

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 21

8. For each of the four following types of evaluation, describe what components of the program you would measure:

1. Process evaluation

2. Outcome evaluation

3. Output evaluation

4. Impact evaluation


1. Process evaluation- Delivery processes. [Activities that are delivered to the targeted population as intended.]

2. Outcome evaluation- Outcomes. [Whether the program successfully produced the desired changes or outcomes in target populations]

3. Output evaluation- Activities, services, events and products that should reach people who participate

4. Impact evaluation- Main focus would be on expected Outputs and Outcomes

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slides: 14-17

9. When would you design a formative evaluation? When your goal is to:

a. Improve the program delivery processes

b. Redesign or change the program goals

c. Identify strong and weak areas

*d. All of the above

e. None of the above

Answer: d

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 11

10. Which of the following would be appropriate for assessing whether participants’ skills and behaviors changed after receiving instruction?

a. Asking participants to fill out a self-reported survey

b. Using an observation rubric as participants complete various tasks

c. Conducting oral tests to measure participants’ learning

*d. All of the above

Answer: d

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 18

11. What assessment method would you use to determine if employees have acquired new technical skills that have to be demonstrated?

a. Paper and pencil quiz

b. Oral exam

*c. Performance-based assessment

d. Product-based assessment

Answer: c

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 19

12. To improve a training program, you have been asked to access the impact that the learners’ new knowledge has had on workplace efficiency. To do this you would propose a ______.

a. Learner assessment

*b. Formative evaluation

c. Summative evaluation

d. Needs assessment

Answer: b

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 14

13. To determine the amount of money and time that were invested in a training program, you would conduct a ______.

a. Process evaluation

b. Learner assessment

c. Formative evaluation

d. Outcome evaluation

*e. Input evaluation

Answer: e

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 7

14. Of the four types of evaluation, which type is most similar to formative evaluation?

*a. Process evaluation

b. Learner evaluation

c. Outcome evaluation

d. None of the above

Answer: a

Objective: 2. Apply principles of study design to formulate evaluation questions, select variables to measure, and/or identify suitable assessment tools

Lecture/Slide: 14

15. In the list below, identify which items are essential components of a complete evaluation report? Fill in blanks with Yes or No answers.

_____ a. The objectives

_____ b. The methods used to collect the data

_____ c. The hypotheses

_____ d. The limitations of findings

_____ e. The proposed recommendations

_____ F. The names of program sponsors

_____ G. The logic model

_____ H. The developers of the program

Answer: All are “Yes” except for f and g.

Objective: 4. Specify revisions to instruction resulting from the formative evaluations

Lecture/Slide: 26

Health IT Workforce Curriculum Training and Instructional Design1

Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 Assessment

This material (Comp20_Unit6) was developed by Columbia University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000003.