Colonial Hills Civic Association Scholarship Application

Student Application

The following are eligibility requirements and conditions for the Colonial Hills Civic Association Scholarship:

  1. The applicant must be a current resident of Colonial Hills, Worthington, Ohio and a graduating high school senior during the current year.
  2. The Scholarship may be used for all types of educational programs beyond high school. (e.g., college, vocational, technical, and business institutes)
  3. The Scholarship must be used within one (1) calendar year of the award and will be made available in a lump sum payment upon proof of enrollment in an academic or vocational program and proof of residency in Colonial Hills, Worthington, Ohio.
  4. The applicant must complete this form for consideration. Final selection will be the sole decision of the Colonial Hills Educational Scholarship Selection Committee. All information will be kept confidential except essay question response.
  5. The completed application and a copy of his/her high school transcript must be submitted by Monday April 2, 2018 to CHCA Scholarship Co-Chair Jenny Kendall (418 Park Overlook Drive) Mail entries must be postmarked by Monday March 26, 2018.
  6. The applicant may be requested to appear before the committee.
  7. The application must be signed by the student and parent (s) or guardian (s).
  8. The applicant must have attended at least one (1) Colonial Hills Civic Association meeting during his/her high school years. Check the website, for meeting dates.
  9. The applicant must have volunteered at two neighborhood eventsduring his/her high school years.
  10. Submit (2) two letters of recommendation with this application from two (2) of the following people of your choice who know you well and have worked with you in a relevant capacity:

School faculty member, administrator/counselor; youth pastor; employer/supervisor, adult neighbor, scout leader, etc.

Student’s NameAddressPhone Number

Current SchoolDate of GraduationAge

Father’s NameMother’s Name

Name of School Enrolled in for Secondary EducationAddress

Date of EnrollmentField of StudyAnticipated Number of Years for Completion

Complete the following for your HIGH SCHOOL YEARS ONLY:

  1. List School

Activities/OrganizationsCircle Year (s) ParticipatingPosition or Office Held

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  1. List Awards Presented to You In High School Circle Year(s) Awarded

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Complete the following for your HIGH SCHOOL YEARS ONLY:

  1. List NON-School

Activities/OrganizationsCircle Year (s) ParticipatingPosition or Office Held

1)______9 10 11 12 ______

2)______9 10 11 12 ______

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9)______9 10 11 12 ______

10)______9 10 11 12 ______

  1. List Awards Presented to You

During High School by Non-School Organizations Circle Year(s) Awarded

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  1. Provide responses to the following prompts. Responses should be typed, double spaced. Paragraph responses should be approximately 250 words or less, not including lists. Please note any response below may be printed in the Courier after receiving Scholarship; signature acknowledges release to print response.
  1. Provide a paragraph response describing what being a resident of Colonial Hills means to you.
  1. Provide a paragraph response describing how you feel you have been of service to your community. (This is not limited to formal work with organizations or work done within Colonial Hills. This paragraph response can include a list of hours and organizations outside of Colonial Hills with contact information)
  1. Provide a list of Colonial Hills’ neighborhood service. Include dates, number of hours served brief description of service and a contact person for the event/activity. Also, list dates of Colonial Hills Civic Association meetings attended. (volunteering at two events are required to be eligible to receive this scholarship)
  1. Provide two (2) letters of recommendation as noted in number 10 on the first page of the application.

Student SignatureDateParent/Guardian SignatureDate

Submit application to CHCA Scholarship Co Chair, Jenny Kendall at 418 Park Overlook Drive Worthington, OH 43085 by Monday April 2,2018. Mail entries must be postmarked by Monday March 26, 2018.

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