In the news this week
11/08/2011 NTW successfully upgrades Rio
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust has successfully switched from version 4.2 to 6.1 of its Rio clinical information system:E Health Insider
11/08/2011 Push for closer IT links
Two royal colleges are pushing for improved IT links between GPs and community pharmacists: RPS and RCGP statement
09/08/2011 GP data extraction service given go-ahead
The GP extraction service (GPES) has received approval from the Department of Health and means the service will extract data from all NHS GP practices and provide the information for all nationally sponsored initiatives that require GP data: E Health Insider
08/08/2011 Trusts jointly procure IT system
Seven mental health trusts are jointly procuring a clinical information system using the NHS Shared Business Services: E Health Insider
08/08/2011 Making open data real: A public consultation
The government has launched a consultation on plans for greater data transparency. For healthcare it seeks views on providing more information enabling patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare choices and providing online access to medical records: Cabinet Office
05/08/2011 More NHS 111 pilots
The Department of Health has asked strategic health authorities to confirm plans to roll out a further 15 NHS 111 urgent care service pilots: E Health Insider
05/08/2011 Aintree paperless by Christmas
Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust estimates it will be virtually paperless by the end of 2011 with cost savings of £1.6million per year:BJ-HC
05/08/2011 Newcastle Hospitals
Guardian Healthcare Network reports on Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust’s successful implementation of Cerner Millennium clinical system in 2009. The article discusses the benefits and the importance of clinical engagement.
Three IT projects up for EHI awards
Three projects in three different categories have the opportunity to scoop awards at this year's 'E-Health Insider Awards: Rewarding Excellence in Healthcare IT'.
NHS Choices, NHS Pathways and Department of Health quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) are among the finalists and will find out if they have won at the awards ceremony in October.
NHS Choices is nominated in the ‘Best use of social media in healthcare’ category for the ‘Couch to 5K’ mobile application designed encourage people to take up running.
The NHS Pathways and Directory of Service project is nominated in the ‘Most promising IT for GP-led commissioning’.
The urgent care clinical dashboard project has been shortlisted for an ‘Outstanding work in IT-enabled change in healthcare’ award. The dashboard has been successfully piloted in Bolton and is now being rolled out to 12 pioneer sites across England including Tees.
The dashboard shows GPs ‘real time’ information from local acute and A&E attendances, admissions and discharges and information from local out of hours and walk in centres.
For more information on the awards, visit:
A summary of all the finalists is available at:
P3MAG briefing
The portfolio, programme and project management advisory group (P3MAG) has produced a briefing its on-going work and a high level overview of the work taking place across each workstream.
For the full update, see the attachment below.
Lorenzo engagement sessions
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMB) are hosting a number of engagement sessions designed to give attendees an introduction to the UHMB Lorenzo programme, a Lorenzo demonstration, deployment, clinical content, Lorenzo extensions and a question and answer session.
Strategic health authority chief information officers are contacting local trusts to ascertain if they would like to attend a session.
Available dates include: 16 and 29 September, 7 and 13 October, 17 and 25 November 2011.
To discuss further please email:.
Guidance for NHS boards: Information governance
The NHS chief executive, David Nicholson, in his recent communications to NHS chief executives, has made it clear that the ultimate responsibility for information governance in the NHS rests with the board of each organisation.
This guidance sets out details about those responsibilities, and the questions that board members should ask to assure themselves that information is effectively and appropriately used in their organisation.
To download the guide, go to:
You will need to be connected to the N3 broadband network to access this document.
National demographic service user group launches
National demographics services are widely-used by NHS organisations and their partners in health and social care provision.
Among other things, they enable patients to be readily identified by staff and associated with care records, for data in these records to be shared between care providers, and for patients to be correctly registered and associated with health care planning and commissioning agencies. The patient's NHS Number is extensively and increasingly used as the key identifier and link, in line with national policy and patient safety advice.
Whilst these services are well-established, new and changing requirements, along with operational issues, mean that there is a need for continuous improvement and enhancement to the services, as well as improved advice, guidance and support for users and system suppliers.
The national demographics user group has therefore been re-established with a wider representation of key stakeholders in order to utilise the experience of national NHS demographics services users. This will help usersto shape and prioritise the development, delivery and enhancement of these services, and to ensure that their use is optimised.
The user group is also used to share and cascade news of programme plans and progress, highlight current priorities and promote any training and education opportunities to users of national demographics services.
The first user group has taken place, but further updates are available on the NHS Connecting for Health (NHS CFH) website:
To register your interest in the group, email: .
Final chance to complete NHSmail survey
The deadline for the annual NHSmail survey is Monday 15August 2011. It is NHSmail users’ opportunity to feedback to NHS Connecting for Health (NHS CFH) to develop the mail service in the future. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete.
To complete your feedback, go to:
Interoperability toolkit release 2
NHS Connecting for Health (NHS CFH) has published new information on its website following the upgrade of the interoperability toolkit (ITK). The re-launched site contains information on what is new in release 2 and an upgrade summary from release 1.1 to version 2.
For further information visit the NHS CFH website at:
NHS Innovation Challenge Prizes – deadline 14 August 2011
The NHS Innovation Challenge Prizes, organised by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, are awards given to NHS organisations across the country to recognise and reward those who have proven that they can deliver more for less, and sustain and improve the quality of care for patients.
The Institute have awarded the first set of Innovation Challenge Prize awards, with three winning organisations being awarded £100,000; £50,000 and £35,000 respectively.
They are now looking for more teams who are finding the solutions that will make a long-lasting difference. They are specifically interested in the reduction of MSSA and E.coli, but a full list is available to download.
Click here to find out more and to apply. Closing date:14 August 2011.
Innovation newslink – summer 2011
innovationnewslinkis the source of information about health informatics innovations for the north east.
Click hereto take a look atinnovationnewslinkand find out about:
- Integrating patient care across Teesside.
- NHS South of Tyne and Wear scoop IT service excellence award.
- North east clinical health informatics forum and Royal College of Physicians join forces – we need you too.
- Get into a net.
- Congratulations to Tees champions.
- NEAS start using electronic patient report forms.
- North east summary care records is leading the way.
- Case study: CaptureStroke.
- Coming soon: EMIS national user group conference.
- NHS Sees pioneering urgent care clinical dashboards.
- Images in the right hands.
- Local NHS gains Microsoft excellence award.
- Case Study: ePAQ in Sheffield.
EPS bulletin – summer 2011
The latest electronic prescription service (EPS) bulletin contains updates on the progress of release 2 following a number of pharmacy and GP system full roll out approvals.
In addition, the EPS deployment map has been updated, go to:
Clickhere for more detail on EPS progress.
Community Information e-bulletin – August 2011
In the latest edition of the Community Information e-bulletin, contains news on:
- Local ISN issued for the community information data set (CIDS).
- Using thecommunity information data set implementation resources.
- Allied Health Professional referral to treatment (AHP RTT) pilot site experience: East Lancashire case study.
- Update to improving access to psychological therapies data set development.
- Extensive user guidance now available for the mental health minimum data set (MHMDS).
Communications updates for:
- Maternity services data set.
- Children and young peoples’health services data set.
- Child and adolescent mental health services data set.
Click here to read the bulletin in full.
North east leadership academy summer newsletter
The second north east leadership academy (NELA) newsletter celebrates the first year of aspirant, emerging and clinical fellowship programme candidates.
Read on for further news and updates from the academy.
NHS Yorkshire and the Humber - Newslink
NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Newslink highlights news and views from across the whole of the region. Featured in this month’s edition:
- North Yorkshire patients reap the benefits of telehealth.
- Question of care planning ...
- Connecting care in Calderdale.
- Chooseand Book.
- Dates for your diary.
- Spotlight on Paula Mulrooney.
For more information, or to subscribe contact: .
SHAPE bulletin – July 2011
This issue of the Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) bulletin looks at the recent enhancements to the SHAPE application following user feedback and highlights the new features which will be available soon.
Click here to read the bulletin in full.
National mobile worker project event– 24 August 2011 (BT Centre Auditorium, London)
This full day event will focus on the results of the mobile health worker project and the publication of the National Mobile Health Worker Project Progress Report.
The mobile health worker project set out to capture quantifiable evidence to support the case for investment in the use of mobile devices in clinical care. Led by the national clinical lead for mobile solutions, a team of technical and clinical specialists supported by BT and Panasonic selected 11 pilot sites to examine the technical and business change aspects of mobile working deployment.
If you are interested in attending book your place by visiting:
Click here for more information on the BT mobile working project.
Clinical records: Everyone’s business – 12 September 2011 (Waterfront 4, Newcastle upon Tyne)
The north east clinical health informatics forum is aimed at clinicians with an interest in health informatics.
The health informatics unit at the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) is asking for members of the clinical health informatics forum to support them in a national programme of work.
The facilitated workshop session requires input from clinicians across all healthcare settings and will help inform the implementation of evidence and consensus based standards for admission, handover, discharge and outpatients.
This workshop runs from 9.30 am - 12.30 pm at Waterfront 4, Newcastle upon Tyne.
To book go to:
Health informatics Scotland conference – 12 – 13 September 2011 (Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh)
This two day conference includes keynote presentations on eHealth topics from around the world. The three main streams include: patient involved eHealth, medications support and telecare. A range of IT healthcare providers will exhibit at the conference including CareFx, BCS and EMIS.
Go to: for more information on the conference, to see the programme and to book.
EMIS national user group conference – 14 – 16 September 2011 (University of Warwick, Warwick)
The 18th EMIS national user group conference takes place at the University of Warwick over two days.
Speakers include Roy Lilley, an independent health policy analyst, Michael Sobanja from the NHS Alliance and Alan Gillies a professor of health informatics.
Sessions on EMIS Web will cover how the roll out is progressing and practical advice. There will be an opportunity to put questions to Sean Riddell.
There are a range of free seminars beginning on the Wednesday afternoon including:
- EMIS Web search andreports.
- EMIS Web protocols andconcepts.
- EMIS Web appointments.
- RBAC and EMIS Web.
- EMIS Web for GPs.
- Preparing for your EMIS Web upgrade.
- EMIS Web care record.
- EMIS PCS in Scotland.
- EMIS Web dispensing.
An exhibition and welcome meeting are also taking place.
To find out more information, or to book, visit the EMIS national user group website at:
Improving the management of atrial fibrilation: the role of GRASP-AF – 16 September 2011 (Plaza Hotel, Leeds)
This one day event is aimed at those with an interest in using the guidance on risk assessment and stroke prevention for atrial fibrillation (GRASP AF) tool and those who havealready downloaded it and would like some support including staff from GP practices, PCTsand cardiac and stroke networks.
It includes a session from County Durham and Darlington and their experiences of using the GRASP AF tool.
To register for the event, and to see the programme, click on the document below.
Integrating care with TPP SystmOne – 19 September 2011 (Hardwick Hall, Sedgefield)
Taking place at Hardwick Hall Hotel, Sedgefield, this half day workshop will explore the way in which TPP SystmOne provides a fully integrated patient record in primary care.
This workshop follows on from the successful Transforming care with TPP SystmOne: the information revolution in practice workshop held in February 2011.
This event would be of particular interest to clinical commissioning consortia members interested in finding out how integrated systems could bring benefits to services.
A full agenda and details are available on the NHS North East website, visit:
Please note the venue for this event has changed to Hardwick Hall Hotel from Waterfront 4 in Newcastle.
Developing a training strategy – 22September 2011 (Waterfront 4, Newcastle upon Tyne)
This one day workshop aims to provide training managers and team leaders with the skills and knowledge to create a high level training strategy for their organisation.
The workshop links with the education, training and development (ETD) standards and provides practical help for NHS training services in preparing informatics related training.
It will provide an opportunity for delegates to network with peers, share ideas and network with managers and other trainers from across the north east.
Thecourseoutline provides further detail on the course and interested delegates can book via the training provider’s website at:
Healthcare efficiency through modern technology expo – 04 October 2011 (Olympia 2, London)
This new event includes a presentation from the Information Commissioners Office following the recent data breaches reported in the national press. The free event brings together delegates from the NHS and public sector to discuss how technology and innovations can help overcome the efficiency challenge the NHS currently faces.
For more information visit:
Effective incident investigation using route cause analysis – 11-12 October 2011 (Waterfront 4, Newcastle upon Tyne)
This two day facilitated workshop is designed for information governance officers and clinical safety officers who are required to carry out or facilitate formal investigations into incidents or complaints.
To book, or view the agenda visit:
Learning facilitation skills in the NHS – 20 October 2011(Waterfront 4, Newcastle upon Tyne)
The focus of this full day workshop is on supporting individuals learning in a workshop environment, introducing ideas for recognising individuals’ needs within a learning environment, supporting and coaching individuals and small groups and assessing and monitoring their progress.
This course would benefit health informatics education, training and development professionals.
A courseoutline and online booking is available on the training provider’s website.
Enhanced learning facilitation skills in the NHS – 01 November 2011 (Waterfront 4, Newcastle upon Tyne)
This full day workshop is aimed at training professionals who are relatively experienced in facilitating training workshops.
The workshop will provide delegates with enhanced facilitation skills through rapport building, accelerated learning and creativity that can be used in training situations.
The course outline and booking information is available on the MatrixFortyTwo website.
EHI Live 2011 – 07-08 November 2011 (NEC, Birmingham)
Registration for EHI Live 2011 is now open. The conference and exhibition takes place at the NEC in Birmingham and features a range of speakers on NHS policy and IT issues.
The conference will open on07 November 2011 with the thoughts of lively policy expert and blogger Paul Corrigan on where the NHS reforms are headed, and continue with a view from a chief executive – Julie Moore, from University Hospital Birmingham.