Project Winned

Proposal for Project Winned

The Colorado Space Grant Consortium,
The University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, and the
Edge of Space Sciences

Team Poptarts

Corinne Desroches

Saad Alqahtani

Kyle Skjerven

Joseph (Connor) Jacobsen

Alexa Warly

Matthew Busby

Charles MacCraiger

Mission Statement

The mission of Project Winned is to discover the optimal altitude for which floating wind turbines can be placed in order to generate electricity via lateral wind speed most efficiently. Many stationary wind turbines today are not generating electricity as efficiently as nature can provide, for they can only swivel across a two dimensional plane. Aeronautical wind turbines can account for movement across three dimensional space, allowing for the potential of the physically optimal position at which to generate electricity. Wind speed fluctuates at different altitudes, which is why the acquisition of the data of Project Winned is vital to the implementation of the aforementioned hovering wind turbines.

Mission Overview

The purpose of Project Winned is to collect data that will play a pivotal role in the advancement of future wind turbine technology. The data to be collected for the advancement of this concept consist primarily of wind speed, but also requires the measurement of altitude and the time that corresponds to the readings at multiple waypoints. Upon acquiring these values, we will analyze the data and uncover an optimal position in space (only height in this experiment) at which the placement of a wind turbine will be most efficient in generating electricity. The electricity generated in the operation could be used for a multitude of uses ranging from powering on-board experiments and/or propulsion to transferring clean energy to the masses on the ground.

Technical Overview

How we will achieve what we want to discover

Our mission objective will be achieved through a simple yet effective design concept. We will use a bicycle computer to record rotational velocity of an anemometer, as well the rate of ascent. These measurements will be recorded together to plot wind speed as a function of height. The way we will capture wind speed will be through our own design of a rotating cup anemometer. We use the rotating cup design to capture wind flow from more than one direction as wind flow can be random. Its rate of rotation will be captured using the bicycle computer. The data can be collected in the computer itself. In other words, the computer integrated with the cup rotators will be self-sufficient after we switch it on, as it even has its own power source.The design of the satellite shall take into account structural modifications to protect the rotating cups for retrieval as well as to let wind flow to the cups through this structure. Once the satellite is retrieved safely we will have all the data we will need to plot a graph that will tell us the maximum wind velocity at its height. We will then understand at which heights wind would be collected much more efficiently than on Earth’s surface.

Required Hardware

Sigma Cycling Computer

Improvised homemade anemometer, thermometer, altimeter, rate of ascent, and waypoint function

How We Are Going to Turn Our Design Into a Satellite

We are going to build a basic cube or rectangular prism shaped structure first. Then we are going to order our bike computer and build our own version of an anemometer. The bike computer has a magnet that we are going to attach to a free-spinning propeller. The sensor will sense a change in magnetic field every time the magnet makes a revolution on the propeller. We are going to test our anemometer in a wind tunnel to see how many revolutions per minute we get during five, ten, and fifteen mph winds. This will help us convert our readings from the bike computer into wind speed after the launch. We are then going to install the anemometer to the top of our box so that we can record wind speed from any direction. We will then build a basic cage structure to protect our propeller, which will minimize the disturbance of the amount of air flow. Testing our satellite for cold temperatures, insulation, and drop tests will also make sure that our bike computer and the rest of our hardware will be able to withstand the characteristics of near space. Our bike computer will be able to track the rpm of the propeller at various set times, and then using our altitude measurements will allow us to figure out the wind speed at various altitudes.

Testing our design to meet science and mission objectives

In order to make sure our design meets all our objectives we are going to domultiple tests on both the individual subsystems and the completed project. Wewill do whip tests, drop test, freeze tests, staircase test, condensation tests, andcamera tests in order to make sure our balloon sat can withstand the obstaclesof the rise and fall of the payload. We will also need to test the effectiveness ofthe anemometer in the wind simulator. We need to do the freeze test tomakesure the payload can withstand internal temperatures of about -10 degreesCelsius at 30 km high. This will be done by placing the payload in a container ofdry ice which will have similar effects on the payload as the actually flight willhave. The whip test, drop test, and stair case test will mimic the impact of therise and fall of the payload, the burst of the balloon, and crash of the payload.The whip test will be done by attaching the payload to a firm string andwhipping it in jerky back and forth motions to simulate the effects of burst onthe satellite. The drop test will see if the payload and its internal subsystems canendure the impact of the fall. The staircase test will see if the satellite canwithstand the crash and rolling after the impact. The electrical aspects will betested pre-flight in order to make sure data will be properly recorded and that theon and off switch can consistently turn on the hobo, the anemometer,and all electric battery-run subsystems. We can make sure data is recorded bygoing to different altitudes to check if the hobo records location. We can check thatthe hobo records temperature with the dry ice test and by breathing on thethermometer. We will test the bicycle computer multiple times beforehand to synchronize the custom waypoint function with the projected flight plan.


We will take precautions in order to make sure all team members aresafe during all stages of the experiment. We will make sure to stand beyond 7 ftof the payload during the whip test, drop test, and stair test in order to preventforceful contact from the satellite. During soldering of wires, the freeze test, andtests using other dangerous materials, goggles, gloves similarprecautions will be taken,such as staying a reasonable distance from the burning part of thesolder.

Special Features of Our Satellite

Our special features of our satellite includes our make-shift anemometer as well as the cage we will be protecting it with. Using a bike computer instead of buying an anemometer will enhance our satellite because we will be using less space, weight, and money than if we bought an anemometer. In addition, using an anemometer with a wireless connection to the inside will reduce the number of holes in the satellite walls, assisting in insulation. After tests, we should be able to keep the whole bike computer inside the satellite. Its wireless capabilities will enable it to pick up the readings from the anemometer. Lastly, our propeller will allow us to track the wind speed no matter what direction it is coming from, whereas the other portable anemometers we were researching had to be facing the wind in order to get a reading.

Data Storage and Retrieval

Contained within the BalloonSat will be devices for recording the data that will be collected: a camera, a HOBO, and a custom built anemometer. The camera contains a MicroSD Card which will record all pictures taken during the flight. Theses pictures can be simply accessed from the card after recovery via a generic computer image program. The HOBO system will measure temperature both inside and outside the BalloonSat during the flight and will also record atmospheric pressure. This data can then be acquired during recovery and analyzed through a HOBO data-logger. The custom built anemometer will include a wireless cycling computer. This mini computer contains its own storage device that will store all the data during the flight. Once recovered it can be connected to a computer so the data can be transferred. The data will be analyzed by software that will come with the cycling computer.

How we will achieve the Requirements

The team will meet the requirements of this Proposal by following the instructionsgiven in the RFP document. All components will be weighed as to not exceed the850 grams maximum weight limit. Our satellite will be put through the varioustests to ensure the structure is solid in order for it to be retrieved unharmed afterrecovery. All the unprovided parts' costs shall be calculated and filed in order tokeep under the budget as well as for payment issues. The satellite shall be madeout of foam core and allow for the installation of the required parts such as theHOBO, camera, internal heater (as to not let the internal temperature drop below -10 Celsius,) and the internal tube. We will have to allow the structure toaccommodate certain external cables such as the external HOBO cable and ourown external wind speed anemometer. The structure will have to be built sturdilyand be insulated well as for it to survive Burst and any other violent forces it mayencounter during the flight. Condensation must be taken into account andprevention for it will be looked at. Measurements shall be in the metric format touse a universal measuring system. Everyone will be respectful of each other andwork safely and diligently together to prevent any injuries that might occur fromlack of concentration.

Illustration of Structure

Functional Block Diagram

Management Overview

Date / Schedule
Tuesday 9/13 / Team Meeting
Friday 9/16 / Proposal Finished
Sunday 9/18 / Proposal Due
Team Meeting
Tuesday 9/20 / Conceptual Design Review (CoDR) Presentations
Sunday 9/25 / Team Meeting
Tuesday 9/27 / Turn in Hardware Order Forms
TBD / Receive Parts
Begin Building Anemometer/Cage
Sunday 10/02 / Team Meeting
Tuesday 10/04 / pCDR Presentations
TBD / Test anemometer and various parts
Troubleshooting for parts. Begin integration into structure
Sunday 10/09 / Team Meeting
Tuesday 10/11 / G2S Pizza Night
Sunday 10/16 / Team Meeting
Complete BalloonSat
Tuesday 10/18 / Mid-semester team evaluations due
TBD / Testing
Sunday 10/23 / Team Meeting
Tuesday 10/25 / Pre-Launch Inspection
Thursday 10/27 / In-class mission simulation test
Sunday 10/30 / Team Meeting
Tuesday 11/01 / Launch Readiness Review (LRR) Presentations
Friday 11/04 / Weigh/turn in BalloonSats by appt.
Saturday 11/05 / LAUNCH
Saturday 12/03 / Team videos due
All Team Meetings are Subject to Change. There will be at least one per week until the week of Launch
All Due Dates and Presentation dates are final and must be met.

Budget Management

Connor will be the primary budget manager. Any purchase made will be compared against similar items in order to minimize cost. All purchases will be recorded on a team spreadsheet, and all receipts will be turned in within 48 hours. Any purchase must go through Connor before completion.

BUDGET/Hardware List
Materials / Cost / Source / Estimated Weight* (g)
Foam Core / provided / Gateway / 20
Desiccants / $4 / AGM Container / 10
Insulation / provided / Gateway / 10
Camera/memory card / provided / Gateway / 220
HOBO / provided / Gateway / 30
Heater System / provided / Gateway / 100
Wires / provided / Gateway / 10
Switches / provided / Gateway / 20
Batteries / $10 / Safeway / 20
Bike computer / $200 / WeKeepYouCycling / 250
Cage / donated / Alexa / 150
Total / $214 / 840

*This weight is an estimation made prior to weighing the components, and is subject to change.

Team Poptarts

Matt Busby


Matt Busby AKA Buzz, was born May 10, 1993. He currently is studying Engineering Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder. He has lived his whole life in Batavia, Illinois but currently lives at 9025 Aden Hall, in Boulder CO, 80310. He graduated from Batavia High School with a 4.00 GPA. He loves to snowboard and has visited 7 different countries. He also enjoys listening to music, hiking, and tossing a Frisbee around on campus. His special skill includes removing the peal from oranges in one piece.

Alexa Warly


Alexa is from Cherry Hills Village, Colorado and attended Cherry Creek High School.
She is an applied math major with specialties in aerospace. She played varsity
tennis in high school and is continuing with club tennis at the University of
Colorado. She is hardworking and very interested in aerospace. She decided to
attend the University of Colorado for skiing and the close proximity to her home.
You can contact her at 303-808-9055 or in room 125 of Baker Hall.

Corinne Desroches


Corinne was born in May 1993 and grew up in Conifer, where she attended Conifer High School. She graduated high school with High Honors. She is currently an aerospace engineering major. She can play two different instruments—trombone and euphonium. She loves to ski but that is not the reason she came to CU Boulder. She often wishes she were Princess Leia. She currently resides in room 128 of Brackett Hall.

Charles Henry MacCraiger


Charles was born December 10, 1993 in London, England where he lived for 10 years. Roughly 8 years ago he moved to the city of Ouray in South-West Colorado. He is currently an Open Option Engineering student but is very interested in Aerospace. He enjoys playing guitar, hiking, and imagining impossible things. He wishes that people would call him 'Lord British', however this is unlikely. He is living in Room 310 in Kittredge West.

Kyle Skjerven


Kyle "Young Gun" Skjerven was born in San Jose California on October 7th, 1992. He is coincidentally attended the University of Colorado at Boulder with the rest of his balloon sat team and majoring in aerospace engineering with them. He hopes to one day work on a military project that involves space. He hopes to set a solid foundation for his aerospace career in his gateway to space class and is currently single and enjoys long walks on the beach.

Joseph Jacobsen


Joseph Jacobsen, AKA Connor, was born on March 15, 1993. He is currently studying aerospace engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He moved from Texas to escape the heat and to get a taste of Colorado cycling and now lives at 9036 Andrews Hall, Boulder CO 90310. He has an elaborate coin collection.

Saad Alqahtani

Saad Alqahtani was born in Saudi Arabia (the land of sand.) His nickname wouldhave to be Iron Saad, pronounced with an Arabic rolling of the ‘r’. His best friendgave it to him after Saad would do push-ups in between gym sets. With a passionfor building things, especially small airplanes as a kid, it was no surprise he choseaerospace engineering as his college major. His biggest talent was his swimmingabilities. He swam for his national team and traveled the world because of it. Thishas taught himto commit and be diligent in what he did. He hopes to put what helearnt from a difficult sport into beneficial use when helping his teammates in hisGateway to Space class. He now lives at Andrews Hall 9070 Boulder CO 80310.

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