College Leadership Team

March 9, 2016

Present – Jeff Cornett, Chris Janson, Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, Marsha Lupi, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, Megan Possinger, Sue Syverud, John Venn

Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.

Approval of Minutes – The team motioned and approved the minutes


Dr. Syverud - The PDS Conference in Belize was a great success. Presentations showcased 9 different facets of education.

Dr. Kemppainen and Dr. Syverud attended/presented at the Florida Global Summit in Orlando. Speaking very highly of UNF was Patrick Faber, Minister of Education, Belize. Patrick was a key note speaker at the summit.

Drs. Lupi, Kane, Kemppainen, Janson, Swanson and Wilson attended FACTE. There will be federal money coming available for a grants that encourage University and District partnership. We will be meeting with other area institutions and Dr. Janson will represent COEHS during a preliminary planning meeting at FSCJ downtown. This planning meeting will hopefully grow a Northeast Florida Consortium.

Drs. Kane, Venn, Swanson, and Stanley will visit Nassau County to discuss a Master’s Cohorts in Educational Leadership and Elementary Education.

Dr. Janson shared enrollment service conversations about a Segway for undergraduate status to over-lap into graduate status.

Syllabus Upload Process – JJK

Office managers and faculty can upload syllabus on my wings, staff tab, under institutional effectiveness, syllabus departmental. Need to upload as soon as possible moving spring 2016 semester and forward. A list of courses that are missing the syllabus was provided. EDIE and CELT are already doing this but FSE and LSCSM have not begun.

Enrollment Trends – MHL

FA Executive Committee will bring to the table for discussion – How COEHS can best utilize and build recruitment efforts and relationships.

Request to waive common prerequisites by a consortium of SUS schools – JPK

Dr. Kemppainen has been on conference calls with SUS schools. A trend is happening which may lead to re-thinking COEHS’s position on the common pre-requisites to be admitted into the college. Discussion to retain these courses as baccalaureate degree requirements but not as pre-requisites. This is an action item on the committee and will require a minor course change.

New Business

Visiting faculty teaching over three years will require a strong rationale to continue as long term visitors.

The leadership team continued discussions on the staffing of intern supervisors.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am