Walton CEVC Primary School Curriculum Overview 2015-2016 (Year B)

Class 3 (Year 3/ Year 4)

Autumn Term 2015 / Spring Term 2016 / Summer Term 2016
English / Reading
Read, Write Inc. Phonics (daily )linked with spelling, punctuation and grammar
Guided Reading/Comprehension (daily) and linked to Writing.
Writing & Spoken Word
Quest Tale-The Papaya that Spoke
Letter Writing- Clarks Shoes
Journey Tale- Dragonary
Recount Writing-Shoe Museum Visit / Reading
Read, Write Inc. Phonics (daily )linked with spelling, punctuation and grammar
Guided Reading/Comprehension (daily) and linked to Writing.
Writing & Spoken Word
Meeting Tale- Matiwara’s Name Game
Report Writing-Fair Trade
FindingTale –The Spider’s Wife
Instruction Writing / Reading
Read, Write Inc. Phonics (daily )linked with spelling, punctuation and grammar
Guided Reading/Comprehension (daily) and linked to Writing.
Writing & Spoken Word
Defeating a Monster Tale- The Monster over the Hill
Explanation Writing- Linked to Geography topic
Warning Tale- The Caravan
Style & Vocabulary
(All aspects of Mathematics taught each term, building on pupil’s prior knowledge and in line with statutory requirements for Year Group) / Yr. 3/4 Place Value
Number-Addition and Subtraction
Number- Multiplication, Division, Fractions
Measurement- lengths, mass/weight, capacity, volume, time, money
Geometry- Properties of shape, position and direction.
Statistics- Interpreting data / Yr. 3/4 Place Value
Number-Addition and Subtraction
Number- Multiplication, Division, Fractions
Measurement- lengths, mass/weight, capacity, volume, time, money
Geometry- Properties of shape, position and direction
Statistics- Interpreting data / Yr. 3/4 Place Value
Number-Addition and Subtraction
Number- Multiplication, Division, Fractions
Measurement- lengths, mass/weight, capacity, volume, time, money
Geometry- Properties of shape, position and direction
Statistics- Interpreting data.
Science / Animals & Humans- Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amounts of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food.
Identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. / Rocks- Compare and group together different types of rocks on the basis of their appearance and physical properties.
Describe how fossils are formed.
Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. / Plants- Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants. Explore the requirements of plant for life and growth and how they vary from plant to plant.
Investigate the way water is transported within plants.
Explore the part flowers play in lifecycle.
Art & Design / Drawing & Sculpture
Creating ideas in sketch books, investigating great artists, architects and designers linked to the focus techniques and the topic history theme- Clarks Shoes. / Painting, Collage & Textiles
Creating ideas in sketch books, investigating great artists, architects and designers linked to the focus techniques and the geography topic – Fair Tradebag design. / Printing & Digital Media
Creating ideas in sketch books, investigating great artists, architects and designers linked to the focus techniques and the topic geography-Wells and Wells Cathedral

Walton CEVC Primary SchoolCurriculum Overview 2015-2016 (Year B)

Class 3 (Year 3 / Year 4)

Autumn Term 2015 / Spring Term 2016 / Summer Term 2016
Computing / Bringing it to Life (Yr.3 &Yr.4)
Programming, Multimedia, Technology in our Lives & e-safety / Games in the New World (Yr.3 & Yr.4)
Programming, Handling Data, Multimedia & e-safety / Move It & Sort It (Yr. 3 &Yr. 4)
Programming, Handling Data, Technology in our Lives & e-safety.
Design & Technology / Materials- Design and make prototypical pair of shoes. Link to History Topic
Food & Nutrition
Preparing & making seasonal savoury healthy meal- Meal to link to Christmas topic/L2L / Textiles- Link to Fair Trade Design and make a cotton bag fit for purpose aimed at a particular individual.
Food & Nutrition
Preparing & make a healthy dish. Link to Fair Trade- food from another country. / Design & Make
Use gears/pulleys/cams/levers
Food & Nutrition
Seasonally ingredients grown at school.
Geography / Fair Trade- Locate different countries of the world. Identify human and physical characteristics. Use maps, globes, atlases and compasses. / Living in the South West of Britain- The City of Wells
Extend knowledge and understanding beyond Walton to include a local city.
History / Shoes- Local History Focus
Finding out about the history of a local industry- Clarks Shoe. Develop chronology, contrasts and trends over time and ask historical questions.
French / Greetings, Instructions, Animals & Numbers 1-5 (Year 3)
Classroom Instructions, Animals and Expressing Opinions (Year 4)
Focus on speaking, phonics and writing / Colours, Numbers 1-10, Age and Opinions (Year 3)
Colours, Verbs J’ai, Je suis, Numbers (Year 4)
Focus on speaking, phonics and writing / Days of the Week, Verbs- Je voudrais, Numbers 1-15 (Year 3)
Days of the Week, Verbs- Je voudrais, Months of the Year, Storytelling (Year 4)
Focus on speaking, phonics and writing
Music / Samba Drumming- Focus on history of drumming, playing technique, reading music, composition and rhythm
Singing- Harvest & Christmas
Music Appreciation- Music from different cultures / Samba Drumming- Focus on history of drumming, playing technique, reading music, composition and rhythm
Music Appreciation- Music from different cultures/ famous composers / Samba Drumming- Focus on history of drumming, playing technique, reading music, composition and rhythm
Singing- Summer production
Music Appreciation- Music from UK link to Geography Theme
Physical Education / Multi Skills
Running, jumping, catching skills linking these skills to playing football, netball, basketball. Applying attacking and defending skills
Dances demonstrating a range of movements patterns
Swimming (Year 4) / Multi Skills
Running, jumping, catching skills linking these skills to playing rugby.
Agility, balance and co-ordination, working individually and in groups using low level and higher level apparatus.
Swimming (Year 3) / Multi Skills
Running, jumping, catching skills linking these skills to playing rounders & cricket.
Participation in team games linked to running, throwing, catching and preparation for Sports Day activities and development of skills.

Walton CEVC Primary SchoolCurriculum Overview 2015-2016 (Year B)

Class 3 (Year 3 / Year 4)

Autumn Term 2015 / Spring Term 2016 / Summer Term 2016
Religious Education / What does it mean to belong to a religion?-Christianity
Awareness, Mystery & Value Unit 4 / How do we make moral choices?
Awareness, Mystery & Value Unit 6 / Why do religious books and teachings matter?
Awareness, Mystery & Value Unit 3
PSHE / New Beginnings- SEAL Unit 1
Getting On and Falling Out- SEAL Unit 2
SRE/Substance Misuse- Rules and laws, effects of Smoking, solvent abuse
Learning to Lead- Develop self-leadership and work with others. Build and affirm positive relationships. Turn Class 3 into a L2L community. / Going for Goals- SEAL Unit 3
Good to be Me!- SEAL Unit 4
SRE/Substance Misuse- Eating, Exercise and Mental Health.
Learning to Lead- Build a sense of ownership of their learning and life in school.
Develop a weekly class forum during class assembly. / Relationships- SEAL Unit 5
Changes-SEAL Unit 6
SRE/Substance Misuse- Making choices, bacteria and keeping clean and safe.
Learning to Lead- Run a review and planning session. Create a L2L link to the school website.