Possible Side Effects of Tretinoin (Table Version Date: June 24, 2013)

In 100 people receiving Tretinoin, more than 20 and up to 100 may have: /
·  Blood clot which may cause bleeding
·  Abnormal heartbeat
·  Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
·  Dry mouth, skin
·  Internal bleeding which may cause black tarry stool, blood in vomit
·  Chills, fever
·  Pain
·  Swelling of the body
·  Tiredness
·  Infection
·  Weight gain
·  Headache
·  Damage to organs which may cause shortness of breath
·  Itching, rash, flushing
·  Bleeding
·  Retinoic Acid Syndrome or APL syndrome consisting of shortness of breath, fever, weight gain, and fluid in the lung or heart
·  Numbness and tingling of the skin
·  Peeling of skin
In 100 people receiving Tretinoin, from 4 to 20 may have: /
·  Fluid around heart
·  Heart failure which may cause shortness of breath, swelling of ankles, and tiredness
·  Cloudiness of the eye, visual disturbances
·  Constipation
·  Reaction during or following infusion of the drug which may cause low blood pressure
·  Liver damage which may cause yellowing of eyes and skin; enlarged liver and spleen
·  Weight loss, loss of appetite
·  Dizziness
·  Feeling of "pins and needles" in arms and legs
·  Restlessness
·  Sensing things that are not there
·  Worry
·  Hair loss
·  Painful urination
·  Increased sweating
·  Swelling of the brain which may cause headache, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances
In 100 people receiving Tretinoin, 3 or fewer may have: /
·  Heart attack which may cause chest pain
·  Heart stops beating
·  Stroke which may cause paralysis, weakness
·  Skin changes
·  Blood clot which may cause swelling, pain or shortness of breath

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