Grade 5 First Nations Research Project
Purpose: Students will build on their knowledge of First Nations People by researching a First Nations Group of Canada.
Grade 5 Objectives :
L.A. – Students will learn to:
1. Show respect for presenter’s opinions and ideas through active listening , appropriate behavior and constructive feedback
2. Prepare and present talk/oral report on a specific topic using organizers, supporting examples/evidence and visual aids to engage and inform an audience
3. Understand and compare challenges and situations encountered in daily life with those experienced by people in various times, places and cultures
4. Answer inquiry and research questions using variety of information and represent this information through various media and formats
5. Understand and compose in a different genre/form – myth/legend
6. Participate in developing criteria to respond to, evaluate and revise compositions
7. Gather information from various texts and media to find information
Social Studies – Students will learn to:
1. Recognize that First Nations and Metis peoples have a unique history and are an integral part of society.
2. Understand that there is great diversity among First Nations Peoples
3. Learn from and appreciate oral history and the lessons it has
4. Identify and respect different perspectives and points of view
5. Recognize how human societies adapt lifestyle based on natural diversity offered.
The number 4 is Sacred in First Nations Culture. It is represented by the Medicine Wheel and is related to all things Mother Earth gives us; The 4 directions, The 4 colors of the skin, the 4 gifts above Earth, 4 kinds of animals, etc.
This assignment will follow this idea in that it will have 4 parts.
Each student will be responsible for researching a First Nations Group of Canada, in doing so they will be:
1. Writing/Creating a Myth – this myth will use the concepts/ideas of the First Nations group. Myth will be shared orally through the use of Photostory as this honors the First Nations practice of handing down myths and teachings orally. All Photostories will be presented to class as part of oral presentation
2. Research/Powerpoint – students will research a First Nations group of
their choice. Research will be added into a Powerpoint to be presented to the class as part of oral presentation.
3. Diorama – each student will create a diorama of their First Nations
4. Oral presentation – once all portions are complete students will be required to give a presentation showcasing all components of their project.
General Timeline:
This is a large project that will require some work at home and some at school.
1. Written Myth and pictures will be due on February 10th , because final project is in a oral photostory format a good copy will not be handed in. Photostories will be completed by Feb. 17th ( By February Break)
2. Research project – Notes should be done by February 17th. This is close to a 3 week period to work on research both at home and in school.
3. Powerpoints - Students will start on their powerpoints the as soon as they are done their research (or have a good amount done) I hope most grade 5’s will be able to start their powerpoints BEFORE the break. There will also be time February 27-March 2 to work on these.
5. Dioramas – students will create a diorama of their First Nations typical camp. They will need to collect their materials throughout February and begin work on this at HOME! We will take 1 full afternoon on Wednesday February 29th to work on Dioramas in class.
6. Oral Presentation – All presentations will take place the week of March 7 and 8th. This will allow the assignment to be completed and assessed for Term 2 Report Cards.
This is a general outline to help students see how they will need to set small goals in order to complete the larger one.
Assessment and Evaluation:
On this page are rubrics used in past years. As a class we will review these together and make and adjustments to these to meet the set criteria we as a class make for ourselves.
Diorama of Photostory
Village Myth
Oral Presentation