Flood Resistant Design s1

Floodplain Facts #9.Flood Resistant Design.What Does Flood Resistant Mean?.Floodplain areas can be subjected to hydrostatic (standing water) and hydrodynamic (flowing water) pressures during floods. These pressures can result in displaced foundation walls

Landscape Architects/Designers

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS/DESIGNERS.General Rules.1. Straighten or remove rugs and mats that do not lie flat on the floor.2. Do not use extension or power cords that have the ground prong removed or broken off

Installation Instructions for the Breeze Single Motor Boathouse Lift

Installation Instructions for the Breeze Single Motor Boathouse Lift

Installation Instructions for the Breeze Single Motor Boathouse Lift.1. First look up in the boat house and confirm that the Joist Layout is similar to the above drawing. A-supports the motor. B, D and F support the drive pipe hangers and the drive pipe

Golden Technologies Power Lift & Recline Chairs

Golden Technologies Power Lift & Recline Chairs.MAKING THE POWER CONNECTION TO YOUR LIFT CHAIR.1. Remove AC/DC adapter (transformer) from packaging located under the base of the chair

How a Refrigerator Works

How a Refrigerator Works.The refrigerator.Did you know that for thousands of years, people have used some kind of refrigeration to cool beverages and preserve food? Since the mid- 1800's, refrigerators have been widely used to keep food from spoiling

Section 23 52 39 - FIRE-TUBE BOILERS

SECTION 23 52 25 LOW-PRESSURE water heating boilers.SPEC WRITER NOTES.1. Delete between if not applicable to project. Also delete any other item or paragraph not applicable in the section and renumber the paragraph. Deleted paragraphs should be labeled omitted

I. Introduction to Planner Lab

I. Introduction to Planner Lab.The goal of this tutorial is for you to become acquainted with the Planners Lab software for financial and business planning. It is easy while also being intellectually sophisticated. You can entertain alternative assumptions

Preventing Cancer in Dogs

PREVENTING CANCER IN DOGS!.More and more dogs are becoming cancer survivors because their owners are doing their holistic homework. Here, Drs. Richard Pitcairn, Cheryl Schwartz, and Bob Goldstein provide nine at-home preventive strategies to help guard your pet against cancer

The Fire Is out Now What

THE FIRE IS OUT NOW WHAT?.The Wooster Division of Fire.We have put out your fire; we ve made sure the fire is completely out. We ve done some basic clean up work, but that s only part of the job. It s now up to you to repair fire damage and replace damaged

Green Staging to Prepare Your House to Sell and for Better Living

StagedHomes.com Green Home Staging Tips to Sell, Live, and Work.Barb Schwarz, The Creator of Home Staging , trains Accredited Staging Professionals (ASPs ) techniques specific to Home Staging. Whether you are preparing a house to sell or simply want to

How to Make Cleaning Products from Foods

HOW TO MAKE CLEANING PRODUCTS FROM FOODS.For further information, see my paperback book titled, How to Make Basic Natural Cleaning Products from Foods: Solve your stain removal problems with spices, oils, salt, baking soda, vegetables, cream of tartar

Media Contact: Ryan Mcgeeney 501-671-2120 s1

By Ryan McGeeney U of A System Division of Agriculture.Media Contact: Ryan McGeeney 501-671-2120.Save the pruning for the spring.As trees go into dormancy, fresh pruning wounds may linger throughout winter.While the amount of sap in trees remains constant throughout the year, its contents do change

Simple Tool Control Solutions

Simple Tool Control Solutions.We all know searching for tools is a regular occurrence that is so unnecessary. More than likely, most of the same issues that occur at work occur in your own garage. Thankfully, there are many solutions available today for

Group 1 Support Surfaces

Group 1 Support Surfaces.A therapeutic support surface, according to the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, is a specialized device for pressure redistribution designed for management of tissue loads, microclimate, and/or other therapeutic functions

Bedbug Addendum

BEDBUG ADDENDUM.This is a property plan of action to follow to both help prevent a Bedbug infestation and an action plan to follow if we encounter bedbugs in our properties.Bedbugs are now a pandemic, not just here in the United States, but around the

Questions Using Only Information Given in the Commercial

Proportions in Advertising.Brita manufactures and sells water filtration devices. Bottled water companies sell water around the globe. These two entities are trying to get you to spend your money on their products. Watch the Brita commercial and use the