Epicenter Earthquake Location

Epicenter Earthquake Location.When an earthquake occurs, different types of waves are generated. These waves carry the energy from the earthquake and travel at different speeds, so their times of arrival at a recording station will differ. As waves travel

Finding an Epicenter

Finding an Epicenter.Background Information.The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the surface of the Earth directly above the focus or origin of the earthquake.Triangulation requires seismic information from three different recording stations

Geol 101: Physical Geology s2

Geol 101: Physical Geology.PAST EXAM QUESTIONS.LECTURE 31: DESERTS AND WIND.31. In which of the following regions is wind NOT an important means of erosion, transport and deposition?.D. agricultural areas.E. wind is important for these processes in all of these regions

E&Ps 303 Metamorphism Lab 3

Progressive metamorphism of pelitic rocks A lab assignment to facilitate translation from AFM space to P-T space.Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences.University of New Mexico.Comment to instructors

Geology Practice Midterm

GEOLOGY PRACTICE MIDTERM QUESTIONS- this is NOT everything on the exam!.MINING/MINERALS.1.Which mineral will fizz with hydrochloric acid?.2. What is the most dangerous type of mining?.3. Describe solution mining.4. Why is sand not considered a mineral?

Mineral/Rock/Fossil Lab

Mineral/Rock/Fossil Lab.Your ultimate objectives are to be able to 1) tell whether a sample is a rock, mineral, or fossil, then 2) identify by name any of these samples you are given

Wyatt Et Al., Global Geologic Context for Rock Types and Surface Alteration on Mars, Geology;

Wyatt et al., Global geologic context for rock types and surface alteration on Mars, Geology; August 2004; v. 32; no. 8; p. 645 648; doi: 10.1130/G20527.1.Rebecca Greenberger s summary.Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer has found 2 spectral end members.Surface type 1 (ST1)-basalt

Answer Key for 2010 ESRT Scavenger Hunt

Answer Key for 2010 ESRT Scavenger Hunt.Thanks to Ms. Henderson, HFL.Beth Henderson, Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School: ESRT scav hunt 1010.3. Evaporating 10 grams of water.5b. It s organic and existed lived.6b. Ice is less dense than liquid water.7. Eurypterus remipes.8. Hydrogen and oxygen

Business Address: the University of Texas at Austin s3

Professional Summary.Business address: The University of Texas at Austin.Bureau of Economic Geology.University Station, Box X.E-mail address.Academic Background.B.S. Geology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 1980.M.A. Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1983.Areas of Expertise

Rocks & Fossils

Rocks & Fossils.Geologists study rock layers, fossils, and ice cores to learn about Earth s history.Using these findings, they have been able to develop the Geologic Time Scale.Determining the Age of Rocks

Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics

PLATE TECTONICS.The Earth s crust can be divided on the basis of seismological evidence into areas which only rarely have earthquakes, these aseismic plates are separated by narrow active seismic belts

Upon Completion of This Lab You Will Be Expected To

GLS100 Lab - Identification and Interpretation of Igneous Rocks Physical Geology Dr. Lindley Hanson.Upon completion of this lab you will be expected to.1. Describe the economic significances of igneous rocks.2. Identify and describe environments of igneous rock formation

Natural Hazards: Homework #1

Natural Hazards: Homework #1

Natural Hazards: Homework #3.1. Volcanoes like Hawaii produce large lava flows and the hazard comes from how large an area is covered. This information has been compiled for a number of historic lava flows from Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes in Hawaii

1 Which of the Following Is NOT a Major Volcano Cone Type?

Senior Science, Volcanoes.1 Which of the following is NOT a major volcano cone type?.b. mantle plume.2 What is an area of volcanic activity far from a tectonic plate boundary?.c. Mantle plume.3 Where do most volcanoes occur?.b. Along divergent boundaries.c. Along convergent boundaries

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - MS24

RALPH ARCHIBALD STEPHEN.Senior Scientist.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - MS24.360 Woods Hole Road.Birth: February 18, 1951, Toronto, Canada.Citizenship: USA, Naturalized, 1989.B.A.Sc. (Hon) University of Toronto, 1974, Engineering Science.Ph.D. University of Cambridge, 1978

Quaternary Geologic Map of the White Lake

QUATERNARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE WHITE LAKE.4 x 6 QUADRANGLE, UNITED STATES.QUATERNARY GEOLOGIC ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES.State compilations by.David E. Pope, William A. Gilliland, and E.G. Wermund.Edited and integrated by.Gerald M. Richmond, David L. Weide, and David W. Moore