Section 2: History and Use

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Region 6 - Cultural Recourse Program.Jackson Ranch and Gardiner/Orr Ranch.Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge Northwest Montana.Prepared by: RMC Consultants and Avenue L Architects

Jennie Wagner Awarded Careers-In-Conservation Scholarship

Jennie Wagner Awarded Careers-In-Conservation Scholarship.Running the family farm was not what Jennie Wagner had envisioned for her life. But after watching a documentary examining corporate and conventional farming techniques in the United States, she

Reproduced with Permission of Editor, Prof. PJC (Phil) Harris, See

Reprinted from Biological Agriculture and Horticulture , 2000, Vol. 18, pp. 141-159. 0144-8765/00 $10 A B Academic Publishers, Printed in Great Britain.Reproduced with permission of editor, Prof. PJC (Phil) Harris, see

Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

Use of nuclear techniques to: a) determine soil redistribution amounts and b) assess land degradation caused by anthropogenic activities in Latin American, Caribbean and Antarctic ecosystems. (ARCAL)

Learning Objectives

LEARNING OBJECTIVES.Agriculture changes the environment in many ways, both locally and globally. After reading this chapter, you should understand.How agriculture can lead to soil erosion, how severe the problem is, what methods are available to minimize

Fish Farming Presentation

FISH FARMING INSTITUTE.New Orleans, Louisiana.Purpose: The Public Service Institute is sponsoring this training activity in response to our long-term objectives to reduce poverty by increasing the choices in dietary protein for the poor, and to encourage expansion of fish farming enterprises

Public Release Date: 23-Sept-2007

For immediate release: 23 Sept 2007.Contact: Terry Collins, 416-538-8712; 416-878-8712.Focus on Urban Trees as Canada Marks.National Forest Week: Sept. 23 to 29.From crowded cities to spacious countryside, events across the country will celebrate the

Introduction to Forestry Commission

Introduction to Forestry Commission.The Forestry Commission is seeking to recruit a Non-executive Forestry Commissioner (Scotland).The Forestry Commission is a statutory body and non-Ministerial Government Department with responsibility for forestry throughout

Local Sustainability Matching Fund Proposal

Local Sustainability Matching Fund Proposal.Launch social marketing and education campaign to promote sustainability through increased citizen engagement in solid waste minimization, urban agriculture and urban forestry.Brief description of project goals, strategy, and key activities

Asean Regional Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management Of

FRAMEWORK FOR.ASEAN REGIONAL CRITERIA AND INDICATORS FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF.NATURAL TROPICAL FORESTS.Worldwide, the demands of the human community on the forests have increased but the extent of forests keep on declining. Forests are essential

Working to Create a Renewable and Sustainable Future

2015 Green Lecture Series presents.The Michigan Forest Biomaterials Initiative.Working to create a renewable and sustainable future.By Terry Sharik, Dean, and Mark Rudnicki, Professor of Practice.MTU School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science.Date & Time: Thursday, Oct. 1st, 7:00-8:30 pm

What Is Urban and Community Forestry

GROWING OUR FUTURE.A PLAN FOR URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY.What is Urban and Community Forestry?.If you can look out your window and see a tree, you are living within the urban and community forest. The trees that grow along our streets, in parks and

Title: Sustainability Assessment of Community Forestry Practices in Nepal: Literature Review

Title: Sustainability Assessment of Community Forestry Practices in Nepal: Literature Review and Recommendations to Improve Community Management.Short Title: Sustainability of Nepal s Community Forests

Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson University, for the Commission

Identification Information.Citation Information.Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson University, for the Commission.for Environmental Cooperation.Publication Date: 2010.Title: Terrestrial Protected Areas of North America, 2010.Geospatial Data Presentation Form: Vector digital data

Organic Process/Handling Plan Questionnaire

OHIO ECOLOGICAL FOOD & FARM ASSOCIATION.Organic Processor/Handling Plan Questionnaire.To: Organic Handler Applicants.From: Janie Marr Werum, Certification Coordinator.To apply for organic certification of your processing/handling operation through the

Inventory & Pre-Planning Assessment