CAST Executive Committee



9 November 2009, 11:30-1:30

Belmont C Room of the Opryland Hotel

Documents posted at
Prepared by Karl Schnelle

In Attendance:


CAST Executive Committee

Frank Doyle

Karl Schnelle

Scott Keeler

Yiannis Kaznessis


Jerry O’Brien

Peter Rony

Jeff Logsdon

Marianthi Ierapetritou

Christos Maravelias

Karen High

Wayne Bequette

Gavin Towler

Ray Adomaitis

Carl Laird

Kevin Furman

Richard D. Braatz

Martha Grover

Mayuresh Kothare

Masoud Soroush

Ken Muske

Don Bartusiak

Lorenz Biegler

Mahmoud El-Halwagi

Dimitrios Papavassiliou

Kyle Camarda


CAST Executive Committee

Note: Action Items are in red.

  1. Welcome and Introductions (5min)Frank Doyle
  1. Operating Council Liaison Report (10)Karen High
  2. 6 key messages reported – see online CTOC Report
  3. Recent grads seem to stay 3 stars in AIChE and leave
  4. CAST has all AIChE funds in CDs, so no downturn this year
  5. AIChE membership – 91% US, 885 male, 85% over 35, 3300 new/yr – 4600 leave/yr
  1. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report (5)Karl Schnelle
  2. Previous minutes approved – need to post Value Proposition on website for Committee to use as they see fit, Chair also sends out to all new members.
  3. CAST Consolidated Financial Statement for previous 6 months presented – posted online
  1. Programming Reports (30)Larry Biegler
  2. Reviewed online Programming Report
  3. Request that each programming-area chairman submit at least one, good, presentation for publication in CAST Communications.[Peter Ronyrequest for Wayne Bequette]

10a (Design)Kyle Camarda (2010)

10b (Control)Masoud Soroush (2009)

10c (Operations)Christos Maravelias (2009)

10d (Applied Math)Dimitrios Papavassiliou (2010)

10e (Information Technology)Jerry O’Brien (2011)

  • Cyberinfrastructure and Smart Plants are emphasized; need new blood and new ideas
  1. AIChE Spring Meeting and CAST Larry Biegler

Programming (5)

  • See online document
  1. CAST Awards Report (5)Mahmoud El-Halwagi
  2. Dupont pulled out of funding this year and for the future
  3. Pursue funding by “Friends of Dave Smith” - report due in spring meeting
  4. Another idea is to find sponsor(s) for the student travel grants, at ~$600 per student
  1. Director’s Award (new item)All
  2. Don and Martha assigned from current Directors to arrange judges and to select award winner at the poster session this week
  3. Be sure to add as agenda item next year
  1. CAST Dinner ArrangementsMahmoud El-Halwagi
  1. CAST Elections Report (10)Gavin Towler
  2. 2010 Directors are Thomas A. Badgwell and a tie between Ray A and Matt B, so a software coin-flip will be performed at the CAST Banquet to determine who will be a 2010 or a 2011 Director
  1. webCAST Report (5)Mayuresh Kothare
  2. should still be free as an added value for CAST membership (in person and archived on our website)
  3. no problem with having AIChE add them as webinars on their website
  4. authors hold copyright to AIChE presentations so not an issue for later publication of material
  5. Can we keep it free on our site, if AIChE also lists it?
  6. Can we have AIChE track # of downloads?
  7. Can we also track # of downloads from our own site?
  1. Membership (5)Scott Keeler
  2. 38 CAST members are PEs
  3. See membership idea below, under section 12.
  4. Early summer membership is 548
  5. Full report to be submitted soon
  1. Other Business (10)Frank Doyle
  2. Directors Award – need Directors to run it every year so add to Agenda
  3. Membership idea – can we run a CAST membership for life or for 10 years campaign – Richard Braatz as new 2nd Vice Chair will ask AIChE about it. What would be the cost?
  4. Newsletter idea - ask CAST Plenary session speakers for their presentations to be published by CAST in the next newsletter [done]
  1. Spring Executive Committee MeetingScott Keeler
  2. Usual conf call will be conducted in MAR/APR
  3. Discuss if 5 or more student grants to be awarded in 2010
  1. Adjourn


9 November 2009, 11:30-1:30

Belmont C Room of the Opryland Hotel

  1. Welcome and Introductions (5min)Frank Doyle
  1. Operating Council Liaison Report (10)Karen High
  1. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report (5)Karl Schnelle
  1. Programming Reports (30)Larry Biegler

10a (Design)Ted Fidkowski (2009)

Kyle Camarda (2010)

Nikhil Arora (2011)

10b (Control)Masoud Soroush (2009)

John Congalidis (2010)

Prodromos Daoutidis (2011)

10c (Operations)Christos Maravelias (2009)

Kevin Furman (2010)

Carl Laird (2011)

10d (Applied Math)Nikolaos Mantzaris (2009)

Dimitrios Papavassiliou (2010)

Antonios Armaou (2011)

10e (Information Technology)Scott Butner (2009)

Venkat Venkatasubramanian (2010)

Jerry O’Brien (2011)

  1. AIChE Spring Meeting and CAST Larry Biegler

Programming (5)

  1. CAST Awards Report (5)Mahmoud El-Halwagi
  1. CAST Dinner ArrangementsMahmoud El-Halwagi
  1. CAST Elections Report (10)Gavin Towler
  1. webCAST Report (5)Mayuresh Kothare
  1. Membership (5)Scott Keeler
  1. Other Business (10)Frank Doyle
  1. Spring Executive Committee MeetingScott Keeler
  1. Adjourn