At the end of the last unit, we started to loosely discuss the criteria needed to develop a civilization. Today’s task is to further breakdown themes into more specific aspects and to rank the importance of each. Major themes include:
A) Politics / B) Economics / C) GeographyD) Intellectualism / E) Arts / F) Technology
You will be assigned one major theme.
Arrive at a thesis statement that answers the following question: “Why is your theme significant to the development of a civilization?”
Offer some specific aspects of a civilization that fall under your broader theme.
Be prepared to share your thesis statement and the specific aspects of your theme with the class.
After hearing all of the thesis statements, get together with a partner and arrange each theme on the pyramid graphic organizer. The most essential themes will appear on the bottom (as the foundation) and you will upwards to the top of the pyramid with the less essential themes.
Beside each theme, record specific aspects to help you remember what can be included under that theme
Write a one page position paper that responds to the following questions
What are the most significant factors contributing to the development of a civilization?
Arrive at a clear thesis and defend it throughout your position paper.
Include a clear introduction paragraph, one body paragraph and a concluding paragraph.
B2B2a / Analyse the factors that contributed to the maintenance of stability and continuity in a variety of societies from earliest times to the sixteenth century.
- Identify forces that tended to reinforce stability and continuity in the world before the sixteenth century
Level Four / Level Three / Level Two / Level One / Insufficient
E2a / Interpret and analyse information gathered through research, employing concepts and approaches appropriate to historical inquiry.
- Draw conclusions based on supporting evidence, effective analysis of information, and awareness of diverse historical interpretations.
Level Four / Level Three / Level Two / Level One / Insufficient
E3a / Communicate the results of historical inquiries, using appropriate terms and concepts and a variety of forms of communication.
- Express ideas, arguments, and conclusions as appropriate for the audience and purpose, using a variety of styles and forms. (position paper)
Level Four / Level Three / Level Two / Level One / Insufficient