Denise Goldman’s English Class
2010-2011: Semester 2, World Literature
January 31 – June 10
Contact Info:
Denise Goldman, Room C-212, Mon-Fri, 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Phone: 612-355-5819
Email Address: (best way to reach me)
Class website:
Facebook name: Denise Goldman SECA
1. Follow South Education Center Alternative (SECA) School Rules (signed expectations).
2. Show Respect.
ü for yourself (dress appropriately for school, bring your best self to class—pay attention, do your work, make good use of your time, advocate for yourself)
ü for your classmates (no put-downs, no hate language, no bullying)
ü for your teacher (be on time, use appropriate language, focus on class activities, have a positive attitude, speak to me as a professional)
ü for our building (leave the classroom as you found it, careful with food an drinks, return books and borrowed supplies)
3. I will not tolerate the following:
ü cell phone/iPods/MP3 players/handheld devices (texting/talking/playing)
ü headphones during any type of class discussion, teacher instructions, or group work
(they may only be used during individual reading or individual assignments)
ü swearing at me or anyone else in the room
ü hate language (the words “gay” and “retard” use as put downs, any type of racial slur)
ü drug or alcohol talk
ü any behavior that impedes learning of other students
§ You must have a pass to leave or enter the room during class time, including tardies.
§ 3 tardies will count as one absence.
§ More than 9 absences per 9-week quarter (half of the semester) will result in an incomplete for the entire semester.
Academic Honesty
§ If there is any cheating, both parties involved will receive a zero for the assignment.
§ Plagiarizing (copy/paste) is cheating: you will receive a zero for the assignment.
§ If cheating becomes a problem, you will be referred to the office and will receive an incomplete for the semester.
Makeup Work
§ Daily work is posted on our class website each day. If you miss class, this is the best place to find what you need to make up.
§ I will provide you with a progress report a minimum of once every two weeks.
§ I have a check sheet on my bulletin board for you to check your missing work.
§ You may collect missing assignments during your own time: before school or after school.
§ You may collect missing assignments during class only if you have finished your other work.
§ Do not catch me in the hallway or interrupt me during class asking for your work.
§ Late work will be given 80% credit, unless otherwise stated.
Structure of Class and Grading System
Free Choice Silent Reading
ü We will read the first 15 minutes of every day.
ü You will be graded for participation (5 points/day = 340 points/semester).
ü You may choose any book (SECA, public library, your own).
ü You may switch books at any time.
ü SECA books may not leave the school.
Class Readings (Viewing World Literature through a Gender Lens)
ü We will be reading 3 main texts, supported by smaller texts, during the semester.
ü You are responsible to make up readings we do in class.
ü We will read:
o Medea by Euripedes (Greek mythology)
o Macbeth by William Shakespeare (British literature)
o Novel of Your Choice (Contemporary literature)
ü Medea and Macbeth will be whole class readings.
ü The Novel of Your Choice will be read as part of a literature circle.
ü Participation (silent reading and class discussions) will count as 30% of your grade.
ü Quizzes (as needed) will measure reading comprehension and vocabulary.
ü Question Creation (Inquiry) will measure critical thinking.
ü Writing Exercises (paragraphs and essays) will measure writing skills, reading comprehension, note-taking skills, critical thinking, vocabulary and grammar.
ü Project-Based Assignments will measure writing skills, reading comprehension, critical thinking, social skills, visual literacy, vocabulary and grammar.
Semester System: The semester is divided into two 9-week quarters. You will receive a mid-term grade on your progress report (mailed home) after the first quarter. The grade scale is as follows:
100-98 A+ 97-93 A 92-90 A-
89-88 B+ 87-83 B 82-80 B-
79-78 C+ 77-73 C 72-70 C-
69-68 D+ 67-63 D 62-60 D-
Incomplete: If you have 9 or more absences in a 9-week session (half of the semester) or are below 60%, units earned will be determined by the percentage of work you turn in. Keep in mind, 30% of your grade is based on attendance and participation.
80% + I 38 75-79% I 36 70-74% I 34
65-69% I 32 60-64% I 30 55-59% I 28
50-54% I 26 45-49% I 24 40-44% I 21
35-39% I 18 30-34% I 15 25-29% I 12
20-24% I 9 15-19% I 6 10-14% I 4
5-9% I 2 0-4% I 0