Baku, the capital of The Republic of Azerbaijan

AMU has been producing the medical force of Azerbaijansuccessfully since 1930. AMU is the scientific coordinator in the NIROA project.
QU was established in 1993 and has been the top-rated private university since 1996 with its western-oriented well-established curriculum and ISO 9001:2008 QMS.
Set up in 1996, OYU has been experiencing a growing trend ever since with its hospital and international school.
ASOA is the first university that was set up in 1910 with a view to offering education on oil related areas and it has produced many spin off institutions so far.
Tempus JPGR 144764-2008
Network of International Relations
Offices in Azerbaijan

This eventis carried out in the frame of Joint Project-Governance Reform TEMPUS 144764-2008 and it began in February 2009.

The project is the result of the joint activity of 9 universities:

AzerbaijanMedicalUniversity (Azerbaijan)

AzerbaijanStateOilAcademy (Azerbaijan)

OdlarYurduUniversity (Azerbaijan)

QafqazUniversity (Azerbaijan)

University of Genoa (Italy)

NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens (Greece)

University of Nice(France)

University of Technology and Life Sciences (Poland)

University of Siegen(Germany)

At the start of the project, researches on best practices were carried out in order to assess the existing international relations of Azerbaijani Universities. Then, Azerbaijani staff members have been trained through internships in EU universities. Then, International Relations Offices - the core framework of the project – have been created.Dissemination activities have then been carried out to disseminate the achieved results.

The main outcome of NIROA project has been the creation of a two-way communication channel between AzerbaijaniUniversities and foreign ones, enabling students and staff to be trained abroad, increasing their expertise.

The project hasenabled Azerbaijani Universities to act independently in the international context and to raise funds for future projects without help from outside. The longest lasting effect of the NIROA project is going to be the creation of an international network of universities, enterprises and organizations, benefiting the whole country.

International Conference

Call for papers

7-8 April, 2011


Baku, Azerbaijan

Network of

International Relations

Offices inAzerbaijan

The conference is held in the frame of

Project Tempus JPGR 144764-2008

”Network of International Relations

Offices in Azerbaijan”

European Commission





University of Genoa

NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens

University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz

University of Siegen

University of Nice

Conference obJective

This conference is aimed at the dissemination of results of Project Tempus JPGR 144764-2008 ”Network of International Relations Offices in Azerbaijan” and at the discussion of international relations in higher educationboth in EU member States and in ENPI partner Countries.

Topics for papers

  • Internationalization
  • Network of IROs
  • Student mobility issues
  • Faculty mobility issues
  • International funding resources
  • Best practices in the Tempus program in Azerbaijan
  • Quality assurance in HEIs

Official Language


Address of

Organizing Committee



Mardanov gardashlari str.98

Telefon+994 12 5973722

Telefax+994 12 5973722


Conference manager:

Prof. Tamilla ALIYEVA, Dean for International Affairs

Registration Form

Surname, other names______


Organization, position______


Paper topic______







Preliminary registration: 3/2/2011

Receipt of final manuscripts: 3/25/2011

papers and contributions

Authors should submit a paper (5 pages) in English (MS Word,font: Times New Roman 14, interval 1,5),outlining the aims, content and conclusion of papers and contributions presented. The abstract should include the title, author(s) name, affiliation, postal address, e-mail, telephone and fax number, and topic to which the paper could be related.
International Organizing

Ahliman AMIRASLANOV,Rector, AzerbaijanMedicalUniversity, Baku, Azerbaijan

Committee Members

Tamilla ALIYEVA,Dean for International Affairs, AzerbaijanMedicalUniversity, Baku, Azerbaijan

Rafig Jamalov,Vice-Rectorfor International Relations,AzerbaijanStateOilAcademy, Baku, Azerbaijan

Ruslan SADIRKHANOV,Vice-Rector for International Relations, OdlarYurduUniversity, Baku, Azerbaijan

M. Murat ERGUVAN, Vice-Rector for External Affairs, QafqazUniversity, Baku, Azerbaijan

Franco PRAUSSELLO, Project Contractor, Professor of University of Genoa, Italy

Ulrich EBERHARDT, Deputy Directorof International Office, University of Siegen, Germany

Maria IOANNIDES, Professor of NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens, Greece

Malgorzata gawinecka, Head of International Cooperation Office, University of Technology and Life Sciences,Bydgoszcz, Poland

Franck BLANC,Chief of Unit "Organization and Methods", University of Nice, France

АngeloMusaio,Project Manager, University of Genoa, Italy