Awards of Excellence in e-Governance2014-15

Nomination Response Template

Nominee Details

Name :


Name of Organization:

Contact Address :

Mobile no :

Office Landline No:

Fax No:

Name of the contact email of Alternate person for correspondence:


This is to certify that the information provided in the Annexure are correct and best of my knowledge.I/We agree with the terms and condition stipulated in the Award Scheme and shall abide by the decisions of the IT Department, Govt. of Bihar. I/ We shallabide by the decision of the Jury for declaration of the award.

Date :Signature & Seal

1)Name of the Project/District/Block

2) Category of Award

3) Name of the Nominating Authority

4) Name of the Organization

5) Objective of the Project (Brief Summary of the project along with its Salient Features):

6) Date of Launch of the Project:

7) Geographical Coverage/Demographic Coverage spread:

8) Situation before the project was initiated[Max. 500 words] :

9Scope of services/Activities covered under the project [List Services]:

10) Technology Plateform

11) Citizen Centricity (If Yes, Please elaborate)

12)Model of Service Delivery

13) Other distinctive feature/accomplishment of the project.

14 ) Additional information ,if any

Categories of Award

  • Department Level
  • District Level

List of Awards for Departments or State Level Public Sector Enterprises

1)Award for Best Implementation of national eGovernance initiative-

2)Award for use of digital application for service delivery to Citizen Services.

3)Award for Excellence in Government Process re-engineering

4)Award for best Innovative Use of Technology in e-Governance

5)Award for Best Department/District Website-

6)Award for Innovative use of mobile technology in eGovernance

7)Award for Best ICT Initiatives in State Govt. PSU/Society/Local Bodies

List of Awards atDistrict Level

1)Award for best e-Governance implementation in a District of Bihar.

2)Award for best e-Governance implementation in a Block.

How to apply

The nomination can be sent through email.

All applicants must fill Nomination Form (common for all categories). Information is to be given as per prescribed format for each of the projects being nominated.

Nominations MUST be sent to on or before 10th February 2015. Nominations received after last date will not be accepted under any circumstances.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nominations in paper format will NOT be accepted in any case.

Terms and Conditions


(a) The project must be new and path breaking initiative in public service.

(b) A project can compete only for one category which should be clearlymentioned.

(c) At the time of submission of nominations for award, the award category under which the submission is to be considered may be indicated. However, it wouldbe prerogative of the jury to decide the category to which a given submissioncan be treated for the purpose of selection for the award.

(d) All nominations MUST be submitted through mail. Nominations received afterlast date will not be accepted under any circumstances. Hard Copies/fax ofthe application forms will NOT be accepted in any case.

(e) Details furnished would need to be comprehensive and cover the specifiedaspects of the initiative undertaken. Incomplete submissions not complyingwith the directions/guidelines detailed herein would not be considered.

(f) Besides leveraging on ICT, the projects implemented would need toshowcase effective use of infrastructure, partnership with the local community, leadership practices, simplification of processes, strategic architectures, bestpractices in the design, development, deployment of solution usingtechnology, innovative people centric approach and such other effective


(g) Diligence in the design, development and implementation of solutions, Persistent problem solving, efforts to create and sustain systemic changes, Institutionalize best practices, gain community/ stakeholder acceptance, discontinuance of inefficient administrative practices; ingenious people centric approach would need to be clearly brought out.

(h) Verification of the ownership of all shortlisted projects shall be carried outbefore finalizing results. Supporting details shall be made available by theProject in Charge.

i) The decision of Principal Secretary, Information Technology Department, and Government of Bihar in selecting the project/initiative for e-Governance awards shall be final and binding on all the participants.

(j) Nominations can be done through Heads of Offices.

(k) In case of dispute the decision of Principal Secretary, IT, Government of Bihar shall be final and binding in this regard.

(l) Applications without completely filled will be summarily rejected.

Time Frame (To be strictly adhered to) Last date for submission of nominations: 10th February, 2015 (17:00 hrs.) for advertisement year 2015. Extension in last date shall not be given. Awards will be presented to the initiative/ project selected by Jury during the e-Bihar Conference. The venue and other details of the Conference shall be intimated separately.

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