Matt Manders

Brady Dykema

Kyle Ignatowicz

Hideyuki Tamura

Laura Anderson

Environmental Issues in Robinson Park

Group D

Issue #1.Erosion at Robinson park can potentially be harmful to the riverbanks and soil near the river. Wear and tear from constant visitors, rain, wind and other elements cause continuous erosion to the general area. Some possible solutions to this problem may include such things as planting trees along the river to avoid soil erosion, prevent people from walking along the hillside and creating foot paths, re-enforce the bench area which is nearly washed completely out.

Issue #2.The Car traffic is destroying the grass within the park. When visitors come in to camp, a majority goes into the main park and uses the grass area as a turn around. This affects the grass a lot, and erodes away at the grass, and leaves the soil exposed. In order to fix this we suggest there be no more traffic on the grass area. The parking lot is very close by, and campers should be more than able to carry are camping equipment to the grass area. Also, we feel to prevent people from driving, the large stones which are starting along the road should be continued so no cars would even be able to have the chance to enter the area. The 2nd water entrance also seems unnecessary, and we feel the park would be able to accommodate the guest with only one water entrance. Having one entrance would significantly cut down on traffic.

Issue #3There are definitely spots around the woods where you can tell that people have “left a trace”. Some cliffs have graffiti all over and there is a little garbage throughout the park. After the rock wall gets scrubbed and the garbage gets picked up the park could reduce some of the trails that bring people right up to the rock to prevent this from happening in the future.

Issue #4The campground we stayed at didn’t have any designated spot for a fire pit. People can start a fire where they feel leaving burn spots on the ground. A possible solution could be to build designated pits for fires so the ground doesn’t get all burned up and grass can grow back.