All-points Bulletin (APB)
PROCESS: You will choose one of the invasive species below to research and then create an "APB" .
1. Tree of Heaven
2. Wild boar (feral pig)
3. Africanized honeybee
4. Gypsy Moth
5. Brown Tree Snake
6. Burmese Python
7. Starling
8. Garlic Mustard
9. Phragmites
10. Zebra Mussel
11. Purple loosestrife
12. Kudzu
13. Mongoose
14. Asian Carp
15. Fire Ant
16. Asian Tiger Mosquito
17. Goldfish
18. Hemlock woolly adelgid
19. Asian Long-horned beetle
20. Hydrilla
21. West Nile Virus
PRODUCT: You will prepare your APB on regular sized piece of notebook paper (you may use front and back). This APB would be sent out all over the US to look for and capture invasive species that are destroying our ecosystem . Your wanted poster must include:
· Name and aliases – Species genus (latin name) and common name (the one listed above)
· Picture - can be hand drawn or from the internet
· Last Seen - where did it come from/originate?
· Known Hideouts - where does it live now (including states/regions of country would be helpful)?
· Accomplices - what helped it get here (hitchhiked, swam, was a pet, etc.)?
· Crime - what are the impacts of the presence of this invasive (ecologically, economically, etc.)?
· Reward – How will the ecosystem benefit if the organism is removed from the area it doesn’t belong in?
All-points Bulletin (APB)
PROCESS: You will choose one of the invasive species below to research and then create an "APB".
22. Tree of Heaven
23. Wild boar (feral pig)
24. Africanized honeybee
25. Gypsy Moth
26. Brown Tree Snake
27. Burmese Python
28. Starling
29. Garlic Mustard
30. Phragmites
31. Zebra Mussel
32. Purple loosestrife
33. Kudzu
34. Mongoose
35. Asian Carp
36. Fire Ant
37. Asian Tiger Mosquito
38. Goldfish
39. Hemlock woolly adelgid
40. Asian Long-horned beetle
41. Hydrilla
42. West Nile Virus
PRODUCT: You will prepare your APB on regular sized piece of notebook paper (you may use front and back). This APB would be sent out all over the US to look for and capture invasive species that are destroying our ecosystem . Your wanted poster must include:
· Name and aliases – Species genus (latin name) and common name (the one listed above)
· Picture - can be hand drawn or from the internet
· Last Seen - where did it come from/originate?
· Known Hideouts - where does it live now (including states/regions of country would be helpful)?
· Accomplices - what helped it get here (hitchhiked, swam, was a pet, etc.)?
· Crime - what are the impacts of the presence of this invasive (ecologically, economically, etc.)?
· Reward – How will the ecosystem benefit if the organism is removed from the area it doesn’t belong in?