Ketchikan Charter School

Academic Policy Committee

April 7, 2016 at KCS


I.Call to Order: 6:04P.M.

Attending APC Members: Adam Archibald, Lindsay Duckworth,

Daryl Easterling, Victor Esposito, Rhea Kahle, Ken Montero

KCS Administrator: Julie Espinosa

KCS Staff Representative: Erin Henderson

Guests: Nia Boor, Loo Heather, Stephanie Lively, Kayla Livingston

Bookkeeper: Chandra Oshima

II.Consent Agenda

A. Consent of 3/24/2016 Meeting Minutes

B. MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda

Member Motion Second Aye Nay Abstain Absent







III.Public Remarks

A. Nia Boor and Loo Heather expressed their appreciation to the teachers of



A. APC Member Report


B. Treasurer’s Report

The new 2017 school year funding formula was put out. Based on 187 students, KCS will have a 1.6 million dollar budget, which will put KCS in good standing.

C. Principal’s Report

1. AMP Testing

AMP testing was cancelled due to technical difficulties. One day of testing was completed before the testing was cancelled by the State.

2. KDN Advertising

KCS advertising is currently running in KDN on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and will continue through 5/4.

3. Annual Agenda Guideline Report

J. Espinosa suggested that the APC Principal evaluation be moved up one month on the agenda guideline to better fit the District schedule. The APC agreed to move it from January to December.

4. Teacher Appreciation Week

The official Teacher Appreciation Week is the first week of May, but was moved to the second week of May at the last meeting due to teachers being absent during to the camping trip. The camping trip has been moved up one week, so the APC decided to move Appreciation Week back to the first week of May.

APC members will bring a food item as follows:

5/2 L. Ofgalilo

5/3 A. Archibald

5/4 R. Kahle

5/5 D. Easterling

5/6 V. Esposito

D. Staff Representative Report

1. KCS Pamphlets

E. Henderson brought in the edited student-created KCS pamphlets and had the APC members choose the one to use in advertising.

2. 4th Grade Fieldtrip

On May 4th, the 4th graders will be going on a four-hourfieldtrip led by the Forest service via an Alan Marine boat.

3. 8th Grade Fieldtrip

E. Henderson and H. Kennoyer took students to the museum on a fieldtrip and have since received a nice letter from them remarking on the students’ good behavior.

V.Old Business

A. Advertising

1. V. Esposito reported that $1400 was left in the advertising budget and suggested KCS advertise for the Core Knowledge Fair in the Local Paper, the radio, and the movie theater.

B. Enrollment

1. Returning students have handed in their applications and several new students have also applied. 1st Grade is the only grade that is currently full.

VI.New Business

A. APC Member Election

1. Nia Boor, Victor Esposito, Stephanie Lively, and Lorina Ofgalilo were electedas APC members in the KCS election.

2. Nia Boor and Stephanie Lively were sworn in as new APC members; Victor Esposito was sworn in as a renewed APC member.

VII.Public Citizen Remarks


VIII.APC Member Comments

1. L. Duckworth expressed her regret about leaving the APC.

2. D. Easterling stated that he learned a lot about what teachers and administrators do, during his time on the APC.

3. A. Archibald thanked L. Duckworth and D. Easterling for their time and commitment in serving on the APC.

IX.Adjournment: 6:36 P.M.