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Manual (University of Twente)

Website Control – Content Management – Publication
Date: / May 2010
Number of pages / 32
Version: / 1.4.1

Systeem configuratie handleiding - Inhoudsopgave

Table of contents

Table of contents

Publisher 1

Manual (University of Twente) 1

Table of contents 1

1 Introduction 2

2 What's new? 2

3 To work 2

3.1 Starting the application 2

3.2 WebHare Applications 2

3.3 The ``Publisher'' application 2

3.4 Folder types 2

3.5 Protected files and folders 2

3.6 File types 2

3.7 Preferences 2

4 Actions 2

4.1 Managing files 2

4.2 Managing folders 2

4.3 Files and publication 2

5 The University of Twente website 2

5.1 Layout and navigation 2

5.2 Edit site specific properties 2

5.3 @campus elements 2

Publisher - Table of contents

1  Introduction

The Publisher application offers you a user friendly environment to manage the content on your webpages. With the help of sites, folders and files you can publish your information to internet, extranet or intranet sites. Keeping your websites up-to-date and looking good was never easier.

The WebHare system creates your (internet) site automatically based on templates and profiles (the design or layout) and the content of the website. This content is built by the files and folders structure which you can control. You can also give the files and folders extra information (the properties of the file or folders, also called metadata) which can be used in the website. In this manual it is made clear how all of this works. The starting point will be an existing and fully completed website.

You can place various types of files on your website. Some of which can be published by WebHare without manipulation, like images, audio files and animations. Other files can be manipulated by WebHare before publishing, like Word documents and HTML files. These manipulations translate the Word documents into HTML files which are adjusted to match the website.

This manual is targeted at every WebHare users who wishes to manage and publish content.

This manual does not explain how to configure read and write properties of your files and folders. In the manual ``user control'' you can find more information about these subjects. Also this manual does not go into the procedures necessary to built your website from the ground up (like making and publishing layout files)

The screenshots used in this manual were made with the following settings:

·  User is logged in with site owner rights

·  Language is set to English

·  The standard WebHare skin is applied

! / Because the screenshots were made with site owner rights some of the options will not or in lesser form be available to users with other rights. If this is the case the differences will be presented to the reader.

2  What's new?

The manual in front of you describes the Publisher application. If you are coming from the old Publisher interface there are a couple of things interesting to know. The full explanation of the new Publisher can be found in this manual, aside from that you should be aware of the following:

·  The Publisher is part of the new WebHare Application Portal. For tips and tricks common to all Portal application we recommend reading the ``WebHare Applications'' manual.

·  It is no longer necessary to press F5 to refresh the publishing status of a document: the list with files and folders will refresh itself. F5 reboots the entire Portal forcing you to relocate the correct folder in the Publisher.

·  The new interface enables interaction as seen in Windows or MacOS. For instance it is now possible to drag and drop files or open a context menu with the right mouse button.

·  You can make shortcuts to folders in the Publisher in the start menu - if you often work in the same folder(s) it enables you to go to those places quickly. To make a shortcut select the target folder and choose the ``Add to Start Menu'' option from the ``Publisher'' menu and click ``Current Folder''.

·  You can open multiple Publisher windows next to eachother in one WebHare session (like multiple explorer screens in Windows). Open a ``New Window'' by selecting this option from the ``Publisher'' menu.

·  For many actions from the menus there is a shortcut available. These are listed next to the action it links to. For instance ``Ctrl+q'' (press the ``Ctrl'' and `q' key at the same time) closes the application.

·  You can select all files and folders inside of a folder at once. Navigate to the target folder an choose ``Select All'' from the ``Edit'' menu. This option is also available by pressing the right mouse key or ``Ctrl+a''.

·  The preview screen in the bottom right corner is not the only option to preview your website. You can also see a preview in your browser by pressing the ``View'' button.

·  If you have Flash installed you can upload multiple files at once. To do this you have to select multiple files in the ``Choose File'' dialog. To select multiple files hold down either the ``Shift'' or ``Ctrl'' key while selecting files. Unfortunately it is not possible to download multiple files at once. It is possible to archive entire folders to a ZIP file. The ZIP file can then be downloaded and unpacked.

·  In the new Publisher interface the ``edit pencil'' has been replaced by the Properties button. Before you could change the name of a folder by clicking the pencil behind it. Now you select the file or folder and click ``Properties''. Double clicking a file doesn't open the properties but the file itself. In many cases this means that the file has to be downloaded, like with Word documents.

·  In many cases the size of a dialog screen can be changed. For this read the ``Tips and Tricks'' section from the ``WebHare Application'' manual.

·  Finally you can always access the old WebHare through the ``Start Menu'' in the ``Classic WebHare applications'' option.

3  To work

3.1  Starting the application

After you have logged on you can find the application in the WebHare start menu located in the top left corner (click the running hare). Under the option ``Applications'' is an application called ``Publisher''.

3.2  WebHare Applications

This application is part of the WebHare Application Portal and the Tollium framework. This framework offers a consistent user interaction for the applications, just like Windows dos for desktop applications. If you are unfamiliar with WebHare applications we recommend reading the ``WebHare Applications'' manual for tips and advice.

3.3  The ``Publisher'' application

In this section will be a general description of the application in order to give you an impression how the programme works. The actions necessary will be discussed in greater detail in the next chapters.

The menu bar and the button bar

After you have started the application you will find the menu and button bar at the top.

The menu bar contains the items ``Publisher'', ``File'', ``Edit'' and ``Go To''. In these menus you can find all possible actions within the application. Not all actions are visible to all users depending on the rights of the individual user.

If an action is displayed in grey the action is (temporarily) unavailable. This can be because the action requires the selection of an item from the application. For instance a file or folder first has to be selected before the action ``Open'' or ``Delete'' can be done.

Under the menu bar is the button bar where you can find buttons that make common actions from the menu easily accessible. Here too the buttons become unavailable if an action is (temporarily) not possible; the button text turns grey and the image gets darker.

The main screen

The rest of the screen is divided into three sections. The screenshot below depicts this division.

On the left the folder tree is shown. Here you can find the folders and websites present on your server. If you select a folder or website the contents of the folder is shown in the list to the right. A number of things are shown in the list:

·  The name of the file or folder.

·  The title of the file or folder. This can used in the navigation of the website as a link to the file or folder.

·  The (optional) description.

·  The file size.

·  The publication status, represented by an icon .

·  The time and date of the last edit.

If you select an item from the list on the right which has been successfully published (represented by a green tick at the publication status) a preview of that webpage is shown in the preview screen in the bottom right corner.

The folder structure and file list work in a familiar fashion you may know this method from the explorer in Windows. It is possible to select multiple files by holding down either the ``Shift'' or ``Ctrl'' key while selecting files. You can also drag and drop files to other folders (when holding down the ``Ctrl'' key at the same time the file is copied instead of moved) You can also call up the context menu giving you a quick overview of common actions.

Publication status

In the file overview you can see a column with icons that show the publication status of the files. Below you can find an overview of the possible statuses and the associated icons. The icon on the left side is shown if no tasks are planned for that file. The icon on the right side (with clock) is shown if there are tasks planned for the file.

/ Successful / The file has been successfully published.
/ Busy / Th file is being published. The list will be updated.
/ Warning / The file has been published but with warnings.
/ Error / There was an error, the file has not been published.
/ Not published / The file will not be published.
/ No publication / The file will not be published, there is no output location

There can also be an icon directly in front of the file name:

/ Index file / This file is the index for the current folder.

File and folder names

Although you can give all files and folder in WebHare extensive names the following agreements have been made for the naming of files and folders, because of neatness and consistency:

·  The name of a file or folder cannot contain capitals.

·  The name of a file or folder cannot contain spaces. Instead use an underscore ('_')

·  The name of a file or folder should be short and concise. Use a maximum of ten characters. You can use the title field of a file or folder for a more extensive name.

·  The title of a file or folder should always begin with a capital.

·  Avoid the use of special characters in the name of a file or folder. Examples of special characters are: ", \, &, ^, $ and €.

Description for files

For every file in WebHare you can make a description. This description can be used by search engines and in some cases is printed onto the webpage by WebHare.

For the description the following agreements apply:

·  Giving files a description is not mandatory but it is strongly advised.

·  The description may contain a maximum of 2048 characters. We advise using a shorter description.

·  The description may contain HTML code. Including HTML code is strongly discouraged because wrong code can severely limit the operation of the website.

Keywords for files

Besides a description it is also possible to give a file keywords. These keywords can help search engines better index your files which means your content can be found more quickly.

Try to keep to the following rules:

·  Don't use too many keywords. Usually seven are enough.

·  Don't use the same keywords a lot for different files.

·  Don't use general keywords. Words like ``University of Twente'' are too common to be used as keywords.

Don't use keywords related to the contents of the file. Don't enter for example information about the author or date of publication.

3.4  Folder types

The Publisher application had different types of folders. Below you can see the icons with which to identify the different types of folders. Below that the different types of folders are explained shortly. In the chapter ``Actions'' the making, editing and deleting of folders is discussed.

/ (Sub) website
/ Default folder
/ Photo album
/ System folder
/ External folder

Default folder

This type of folder is used most. A default folder can contain underlying files and folders. Default folders are usually used to build the different parts of your website. The folders make up the structure over which the content of the site is divided.

Photo album

In this type of folder you can place photos or other pictures. From those pages with thumbnails are automatically generated and also pages on which a larger version of the picture can be seen. In the properties of this type of folder you can set how many thumbnails you want displayed on one page. Here you can also set the size of the thumbnails and larger versions on the website.