Tantramar Regional High School

Parent School Support Committee Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 20th, 2014

In Attendance: Susan Lafford, Michelle Dobbin, , Lana Walton-Ward, Beth Barczyk, , Faye Morrissey, Patricia Harrington, Lilian Davis, Joyce Cummins, Megumi Gates, as well as parents Lu Weihong, Randall Ingalls

Regrets: Hedy Dobson, Christine Wilton, Debbie Champagne, Julie Jones

Susan Laffordcalled the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. The agenda was amended to add: 4) Invite DEC member Wayne Feindel to the next meeting and 5) Update from tonight’s Inclusion Policy meeting at Salem Elementary. Motion to approve amended agenda (Beth/Joyce). The minutes from the last meeting wereread and approved (Lana/Faye).

New Business:

  1. Welcome 2014-2015 PSSC members: Susan welcomed everyone and introduced the PSSC members and indicated when their terms would be up. The committee remains the same as last year. Susan reminded members they had signed declarations last year. An overview of the role and responsibility of the PSSC was provided.

Michelle and Pat attended the DEC’s PSSC training evening on Oct. 6th and gave the committee a recap of what it was all about. They indicated it was very informative and a fun way to learn about the work of PSSCs.

Susan asked if anyone would like to nominate themselves or another member to act as PSSC Chair this year. It was moved that Michelle continue as our Chair (Pat/Faye).

  1. School Improvement Plan: Susan discussed the work that the staff has done on the SIP this year: Mission, Vision & Values were reviewed and it was determined that these were still relevant and would not be changed this year. These were developed collaboratively with the staff 6 years ago. The staff broke into 6 groups to discuss school-wide goals for this year (Literacy, Numeracy, Scientific Numeracy, Attendance, Inclusion, Student Services, Positive Learning and Working Environment). Each group developed 2 goals (draft) which were shared with the PSSC. Feedback from the PSSC included a focus on identifying spelling errors in written work and looking at the Youth Heath Center model used in NS (mental health supports).

Susan explained that subject/grade level teams were creating more focused goals that contributed to the school-wide goals. B (permanent) contract teachers were creating Growth Plans that focused on 2 essential practices they would like to improve on. D (annual) contract teachers were focusing on the Enhancing Professional Practice rubric for their growth. Examples of these were provided to the PSSC.

  1. Facility: Susan described work that has been done since the end of the 2013-2014 school year: new roof ($550,000), 3 new cement walkways ($40,000, mostly donated). Concerns and priorities include: replacing the roof over the Wetlands Center, carpet removal in the rest of the building, tile on the hallway walls falling off, converting G45 from a science lab to a classroom, completing the interior digital signage project and the foyer make-over. The Operation Beautification committee’s priority for this year is a LCD sign for the top of the hill/driveway.

Faye asked about the school’s heating system being repaired. Susan reported that the Facilities

Manager said it would be done this year and this was also indicated in a Times & Transcript

article last year.

A need for interior signage or a public map was discussed. Faye will contact Fire Chief Craig

Bowser and/or the Fire Marshall to inquire what the 911 requirements are for interior signage

of public buildings.

  1. Pat Harrington indicated that she had met our DEC member, Wayne Feindel at the DEC’s PSSC training night and he would like an invitation to our meetings. We will invite him to the next one.
  1. Michelle have an overview of the Inclusion Policy 322 Parent Info. Session held at Salem Elementary from 6:30-7:15pm. There were only 6 parents in attendance (3 were our PSSC members). The Policy was explained and our PSSC members expressed that the classroom teacher has an enormous amount of responsibility with little training or resources. The Policy indicates classroom teachers will be supported, but are they? Michelle inquired about data on how inclusion was working in NB, but did not get an answer.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm (Lana/Faye).

Next Meeting: Michelle & Susan will discuss and plan for a meeting before Christmas.

TRHS Mission

Our Titan community will collaborate to ensure high standards of learning, respect and responsibility