APPENDIX 2 Market survey questionnaire

Basic information

Nameofrespondent Market Nameofenumerator Date ofinterview

  1. Vendorinformation

A1. Sex: [a] Male [b] Female

A2.Age: A3. How long have you been sellingindigenousfruits? A4. How often do you sellindigenousfruits? A5. Is this the only market whereyousell? [a] Yes [b]No

If no: In which other markets do yousell?

A6. Is this the nearest market toyourhome?[a]Yes[b]No

A7. Is fruit selling your main sourceofincome:[a]Yes[b]No

If no: How important is fruit selling for your totalincome?

  1. Market potential of indigenous fruits in the localeconomy

B1. Availability of indigenous fruits

B1.1. Which indigenous fruits do you normally sell? Which exotic fruits do you normally sell?

Indigenous / Exotic

B1.2. Which ones do you prefer selling, indigenous orexoticfruits?[a] Indigenous[b] Exotic


B1.3. When are the indigenous fruits that you have mentioned in B1.1. in season?

Species / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec

x = available

xx = main season

B1.3. When are the exotic fruits that you have mentioned in B1.1. in season?

Species / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec

x = available

xx = main season

B1.4. Do you normally have enough indigenous fruits to satisfy themarketdemand?[a]Yes[b]No

If yes: Do you normallyhaveexcess?[a]Yes[b]No

If you have excess, what do you do with the excessfruits?

If no: Why not?

B1.5. From where (location) do you get the indigenous fruits that you have mentioned in B1.1.? How do you get them?

Species / Location / How to get
1 = collect from own land
2 = collect from someone else’s land
3 = collect from the wild 4 = buy from collectors 5 = buy from middlemen 6 = other(specify)

B1.6. If collected from own land: Have you plantedthetrees?[a]Yes[b]No

If yes: How many trees do you have on yourland?

Does the quantity collected from your land satisfy themarketsupply?[a]Yes[b]No

B2. Economic benefits of indigenous fruits

B2.1. What is the price range for the indigenous fruits that you have mentioned in B1.1.? What are the quantities of indigenous fruits that you normally sell in a day? What is the price range for the exotic fruits that you have mentioned in B1.1.? What are the quantities of exotic fruits that you normally sell in a day?

Indigenous / Price range (UGx)
/ unit / Quantity sold / day / Exotic / Price range (UGx)
/ unit / Quantity sold / day
  1. Buyers of indigenousfruits

C1. Who are the main buyers of the indigenous fruits you have mentioned in B1.1.? Who are the main consumers of these fruits?

Species / Male / Female
<18 years / ≥18<60 years / >60 years / <18 years / ≥18<60 years / >60 years
B = buyer, C = consumer

C2. Are indigenous fruits mostly bought in bulk or in smallquantities/individually?


  1. Vendors’ preferences for the marketability of indigenousfruits

D1. How important are the following factors for you as a vendor when trading in indigenous fruits?

Species / Sufficient quantity of fruits to meet demand / Attractive taste of the fruit / Attractive texture of the fruit / Attractive aroma of the fruit / Attractive appearanceof the fruit / Long shelf- life / High price for economic benefits / Low price to attract buyers
1 = not important, 2 = fairly important, 3 = very important

D2. How important do you see the improvement of these factors for better marketability of indigenous fruits?

Species / Sufficient quantity of fruits to meet demand / Attractive taste of the fruit / Attractive texture of the fruit / Attractive aroma of the fruit / Attractive appearanceof the fruit / Long shelf- life / High price for economic benefits / Low price to attract buyers
1 = not important, 2 = fairly important, 3 = very important
  1. Market opportunities and challenges for indigenousfruits

E1. What market-related challenges do you experience when trading in indigenousfruits?

E2. What market-related opportunities do you see for indigenous fruits?