Agenda Item No.: IX

Regular Meeting: 08-24-16


TO:First 5 Lake County Commission

FROM:Sorhna Li Jordan, Executive Director

DATE:August 18, 2016

SUBJECT:Executive Director’s Report

FEDERAL LEVEL–Recently, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reported they are, “issuing two reports on the best approaches for optimizing outcomes for pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorders and their infants. Both reports are aimed at helping these woman gain greater access to effective treatment and other important services. One report, entitledAdvancing the Care of Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid Use Disorder and their Infants: A Foundation for Clinical Guidance,summarizes the evidence review and rating processes SAMHSA used to establish appropriate interventions for the treatment of pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorder and their infants. … SAMHSA, with the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, will also releaseA Collaborative Approach to the Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorders: Practice and Policy Considerations for Child Welfare and Collaborating Service Providers,is a guide aimed at promoting collaborative efforts among agencies and providers serving pregnant and post-partum women with opioid dependence and their infants.” Links to both reports are available at

STATE LEVEL–The 2016 Child Health, Education and Care Summit is scheduled for November 8-10 at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Sacramento. Early bird registration ends October 4.

STATE FIRST 5 COMMISSION– The former ED spoke with the Director, Camille Maben regarding the Small Population County Funding Augmentation. Based on this conversation, he believes Ms. Maben is committed to seeing these funds available in the future. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and pursue opportunities to support the continuation of this funding.

IMPACTGRANT - QRIS–Staff has received final approval of its IMPACT grant application and LCOE has hired a Coach. It is expected that the Coach will officially start around November as she is currently a site supervisor with Lower Lake. However, it is unclear at this time whether the Clayton Fire will impact this timeline. Staff is currently working directly with LCOE to ensure that the data due for FY15/16 by September 15, 2016 is accomplished timely and accurately. Unfortunately, the QRIS Launch previously scheduled for this Saturday the 20th has been cancelled due to the Clayton Fire. Staff is also working with LCOE to engage additional community members for the QRIS Consortium.

First 5 Association–Staff attended the association’s July meeting. The primary focus of the meeting was the data field revisions currently on target to be in effect for reporting FY17/18 in the fall of 2018. Additionally, a survey of those counties considering submitting an application for the Local Dental Pilot Program was informally performed. Of note was that many counties are considering the use of Dr. Glassman’s Virtual Dental Home as a cornerstone of the application.

Northwest Region – Staff attended the in-person meeting immediately following the Association meeting in July. Primary point of discussion was the continued need for and process to enact a Trauma Informed Community. This is a topic of great importance to Staff particularly in light of the Rocky, Jerusalem, Valley and Clayton Fires and the severe impact they have caused our community.


PDI–As the Executive Director is no longer a member of the Pediatric Dentistry Initiative’s board, no further reports will be given on PDI, unless we feel there is some information pertinent to Lake County.

Health Policy Committee– Staff has continued to participate in discussions with HLN regarding the “roadmap” and the needs of those prenatal to five and their families.

Mother-Wise program– Ms. Barry continues to work on the moving the website forward. Ms. Ley just completed a new volunteer training where she had four new people in attendance. Ms. Ley reported that she is considering having another training in the near future for those unable to attend this last one.

Nurturing Families–Staff continues to have concerns with respect to the effective use of the Commission’s funds as measured by the number of families and children served. However, staff has spoken with Ms. Santana regarding the program and its process and is comfortable giving her an opportunity to show improvement before issuing a funding recommendation.

Easter Seals – Outreach to Clearlake parents vis-a-vis your Commission’s Clearlake Early Learning Center continues to be successful.

Oral Health –Staff has actively participated in the development of the proposal for MediCal’s RFA for local dental initiatives aka LDPP. The primary focus continues to be to increase preventive services to children with a secondary focus of continuity of care by expanding the number of youth served in the school/community setting. At this time, DHS is taking the lead with several OHAC members having active roles. It was decided amongst the group that the breadth of this application was better suited as a program within DHS and that First 5 would be a supporting partner. To that end, staff requests permission to sign a supporting partner letter so that it may be named in the application. To date, staff has yet to receive a draft to share with the Commission.

Staff participated in a webinar by the State Department of Health Care Services regarding the LDPP and received clarity that Case Management is a covered benefit on a capitated basis via Medi-Cal for those recipients in Managed Health Care (MHC). As such, it is staff’s understanding that Lake County would not be able to fund Case Management through the LDPP since our Medi-Cal program is administered through Partnership which meets the MHC definition. Regardless of this set-back, staff will continue to assist in identifying solutions and actively participate in the LDPP application process.

In addition, staff has met with Healthy Start and will continue to be a resource for Healthy Start to keep the original Oral Health program running for this and future school years. The biggest obstacle is addressing the loss of Marta Fuller “aka Tooth Fairy” to the program and finding an adequate way to provide the services she provided. Department of Health Services has agreed to match First 5 to pay for direct non-billable services ($9400), if needed.

AmeriCorps – As it is the beginning of the school year, there is no update for this program but staff anticipates further information will be available at the next commission meeting.

The Hero Project – Staff has communicated with Ms. Hutt who is now in charge of The Hero Project at LCOE about her plans for the program. She recognizes she is going to have to do more with less and is committed to the continued success of the program. However, due to limited funds, Ms. Hutt has acknowledged that she will not be at certain events that The Hero Project was seen at before, such as the Lake County Fair. She is expecting, though, to be at the Heroes of Safety Health Fair in October. Ms. Hutt will expand further in a presentation at today’s meeting.

Imagination Library – Staff did a review of the Imagination Library and, based on the last report presented, it appears that there is unspent monies in this program. Staff has sent requests to LCOE for confirmation of this information but has not received an answer to date. Staff recognizes that with the Clayton Fires, LCOE staff has more pressing matters to attend to. Staff is also concerned that the program’s outreach appears limited by the numbers presented and thus is considering options to assist the program internally. For instance, staff is recommending that First 5 participate in the Lake County Fair as a vendor in collaboration with the Lake County Breast Feeding Coalition and use this as an opportunity to enroll additional eligible children into the Imagination Library.

CARES Plus - Cares Plus had 39 participants in the last year of this program.

KEDP–Staff recognizes that as this is the beginning of the school year, it is necessary for LCOE to decide if it wishes to proceed with the KEDP this year. Staff recognizes that the Clayton Fire has impacted LCOE and thus is intending on reminding Superintendent Falkenberg at a soon but later date that the process last year was started with a letter from the Superintendent’s office to the Districts and the Principals. Staff is also willing to accompany Superintendent Falkenberg to help solicit cooperation if desired as well as provide any other assistance needed.

Children’s Council & ACES – No update.

MCAH Mini-Grants – MCAH has received two mini-grants from LCBH of $1500 each with First 5 acting as the fiscal agent on both. One grant is entitled, “Resiliency & Children’s ACES Model” and the other is “Infant Mental Health Training”. These grants are expected to cover the cost of a single-day event targeted primarily at professionals and paraprofessionals in the medical, mental health and education fields as well as home visitors and interested members of the general public. The dates of these events have yet to be determined although the last discussion centered around April and May of 2017.


Financial Statements–Statements as of June 30, 2016 are attached. Staff has already begun preparations for the annual independent audit currently scheduled for August 29th and 30th.

Lake County BoS – Staff has received the signed Ordinance #3042 regarding integration of First 5 Staff into the Department of Health Services. However, staff notes that the Ordinance still reads that the Executive Director is appointed by and serves at the will of the Health Services Director. Staff understands this to be in error that was supposed to be corrected. Therefore, staff contacted Commissioner Smith who agreed with staff and advised staff to contact Ms. Huchingson for guidance on steps to address this error.

Training/Conferences/Public Events – Staff is intending on attending the following on behalf of First 5:

  • 2016 Lake County Fair, September 1-5
  • LPC Annual Retreat, September 16
  • Heroes of Safety Fair, October 15
  • 2016 Conference on Adverse Childhood Experiences in San Francisco, October 19-21
  • 2016 Child Health, Education and Care Summit in Sacramento, November 8-10

State Legislation: Several bills targeted at children died in August:


8/12/16 – AB608 – CalFresh: School Meals

Would have increased information provided to CalFresh recipients.

First 5 CA position: Support

8/12/16 – AB1051 – Denti-Cal Program: Reimbursement Rates

Would have increased funding for preventative care and case management.

First 5 CA position: Support

8/12/16 – AB 1644 – School-based Early Mental Health Intervention and Prevention Services

Would have expanded mental health services to preschool and transitional kindergarten as well as define a charter school an education agency.

First 5 CA position: Support


8/12/16 – AB598 – Family Child Care Home Education Networks

Would have restructured evaluation, progress, oversight and curriculum rules.

First 5 CA position: Support

8/12/16 – AB1161 – Preschool: Privately Funded Pilot Program: Tax Credits

Would have developed a pilot program to study the impact of private preschool funding on the state preschools. First 5 CA position: Support

08/12/16 – AB1679 – Child Care: State Preschool Programs: Eligibility: Military Families

Would have modified amount used by Military Personal in determining income eligibility for state preschool services.

First 5 CA position: Support

08/12/16 – AB2150 – Subsidized child care and development services: eligibility periods.

Would have modified eligibility definitions and time lines.

First 5 CA position: Support


08/12/16 – AB2589 – Public Health: Lactation Services and Equipment

Would have streamlined WIC application and developed data measures and outcomes for breastfeeding rates.

First 5 CA position: Support

08/12/16 – SB1166 – Pupil Rights: Pregnant and Parenting Pupils

Would have required school provide up to six weeks of parental leave for pupils and require the school to permit the pupil to continue to engage in school activities and retain status without penalty.

First 5 CA position: Support