

*Read accurately by using phonics, language structure, word meaning and visual cues.
-recognizes basic grade-level sight words
-identifies relationships (on, under, around, beginning, middle, end, first, last, top, bottom, over, under, in, out, in front of, beside, next to)
-able to discriminate between same and different shapes and letters
-distinguishes between letters, words, and sentences
-recognizes letter forms in contest
-language patterns (rhyme and pattern books)
-understands conventions of print (left to right, right side up)
-identifies letter names and letter sounds
*Determine meanings of words using contextual clues and illustrations. 


*Read orally with natural phrasing, expressive interpretation, flow and pace.  /
Study Skills
*Locate information using illustrations, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs, charts, diagrams and/or tables. 
*Retell, summarize or identify sequence of events, main ideas and facts in literary and informative selections. 
*Identify cause and effect relationships and make simple predictions. 
Literal-identifies details in an illustration
-identifies sequence in a story
-recognizes and retells story details
-identifies sequence (first, next, last)
-relates picture to text
-recognizes setting in a story
-identifies characters in a story
-predicts outcomes
-compares and contrasts
-draws conclusions
-distinguishes between reality and fantasy
-identifies cause and effect relationships /


*Read and identify stories, poems, plays and nonfiction from a variety of cultures and time periods. 
*Compare fables and stories from two or more cultures. 
*Identify elements of literature such as character, plot and setting. 
-enjoys literature
-makes connections between text and personal experiences

*State Benchmark

Statewide Multiple-Choice Assessment

Classroom Work Samples




*Read accurately by using phonics, language structure, word meaning and visual cues.
-recognizes upper and lower case letters
-knows all letter names and sounds, blended sounds and common vowel sounds
-recognizes basic grade-level sight words
-able to use a variety of decoding strategies, rereads and self-corrects
-recognizes language patterns and rhymes
-knows basic prefixes and suffixes
-distinguishes between letters, words, and sentences
*Determine meanings of words using contextual clues and illustrations. 


*Read orally with natural phrasing, expressive interpretation, flow and pace.  /
Study Skills
*Locate information using illustrations, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs, charts, diagrams and/or tables. 
-able to alphabetize to the first letter
-understands and uses table of contents
*Retell, summarize or identify sequence of events, main ideas and facts in literary and informative selections. 
*Identify cause and effect relationships and make simple predictions. 
-identifies story elements of plot, character, setting
-identifies main idea
-identifies details
-retells a story
-identifies story sequence
-predicts outcomes
-understands fiction from fact
-understands relationship of text to pictures
-cause and effect
-compares and contrasts /


*Read and identify stories, poems, plays and nonfiction from a variety of cultures and time periods. 
*Compare fables and stories from two or more cultures. 
*Identify elements of literature such as character, plot and setting. 
-makes connections between text and personal experiences

*State Benchmark

Statewide Multiple-Choice Assessment

Classroom Work Samples




*Read accurately by using phonics, language structure, word meaning and visual cues.
-consonants: initial, final, medial, initial clusters, final clusters, digraphs
-vowels: short, long, diphthongs, r-controlled, variant forms
-uses cueing systems (pictures, context, clues, word attack)
-recognizes grade-level sight words
-auditory discrimination and memory
-visual discrimination and memory
-rhyming words
-base words
-lesson vocabulary-
*Determine meanings of words using contextual clues and illustrations. 
-word meaning using context
-content-area vocabulary


*Read orally with natural phrasing, expressive interpretation, flow and pace.  /
Study Skills
*Locate information using illustrations, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs, charts, diagrams and/or tables. 
-understands and uses text organizers (glossary, and table of contents)
-alphabetizes to the second letter
-follow directions, oral and written
-skims for specific details
*Retell, summarize or identify sequence of events, main ideas and facts in literary and informative selections. 

*Identify cause and effect relationships and make simple predictions. 


-makes comparisons and contrasts
-story elements - plot, characters, setting and problem resolution


-identifies cause/effect
-draws conclusions
-makes predictions


-establishes author's purpose
-distinguishes between fact and opinion
-retells story
-categorize story elements
-relate pictures to text
-identifies main idea
-identifies details
-identifies story sequences
-summarizes /


*Read and identify stories, poems, plays and nonfiction from a variety of cultures and time periods. 
*Compare fables and stories from two or more cultures. 
*Identify elements of literature such as character, plot and setting. 
-makes connections between text and personal experiences
-identifies fables, folktales

*State Benchmark

Statewide Multiple-Choice Assessment

Classroom Work Samples




*Read accurately by using phonics, language structure, word meaning and visual cues.
-uses decoding strategies
-knowledge of possessives, contractions, base words, compound words, syllables, affixes, multiple meaning words, antonyms, synonyms, homonyms
-recognizes grade-level sight words
*Determine meanings of words using contextual clues and illustrations. 
-understands content vocabulary
-uses context to find word meaning


*Read orally with natural phrasing, expressive interpretation, flow and pace. 
Study Skills
*Locate information using illustrations, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs, charts, diagrams and/or tables. 
-uses text organizers (index, glossary, table of contents)
-alphabetizes to third letter
-dictionary use
-use text features (bold type, heading, captions) to locate specific information and clarify meaning
-follows directions - oral and written
-accesses reference sources
identifying where a selection may be categorized in the library
-uses test-taking strategies
-skims for specific details / Comprehension
*Retell, summarize or identify sequence of events, main ideas and facts in literary and informative selections. 
*Identify cause and effect relationships and make simple predictions. 
-identifies main idea
-identifies supporting details
-identifies sequence
-can summarize and paraphrase


-categorize story elements
-identifies cause/effect
-draws conclusions
-makes predictions


-distinguishes between fact and opinion
-establishes author's purpose /


*Read and identify stories, poems, plays and nonfiction from a variety of cultures and time periods. 
*Compare fables and stories from two or more cultures. 
*Identify elements of literature such as character, plot and setting. 
-understand different views of family, friendship, culture, and tradition
-makes connections between personal experiences
-identifies and distinguishes between literary forms; plays, poems, informational, mystery

*State Benchmark

Statewide Multiple-Choice Assessment

Classroom Work Samples


Vocabulary/Word Meaning

*Determine meanings of words using contextual clues and illustrations. 
-knowledge of dictionary use, possessives, contractions, base words, compound words, syllables - affixes
-use context to find word meaning
-understands content-vocabulary
-knowledge of multiple meaning words, analogies, antonyms, synonyms, homonyms
Study Skills
*Locate information using illustrations, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs, charts, diagrams and/or tables. 
-follows oral and written directions
-uses glossary and dictionary for spelling, parts of speech, syllables, definitions, and pronunciation
-can access reference sources
-uses graphic aids (diagrams, illustrations, tables, schedules, graphs and maps)
-uses test-taking strategies
-knowledge of library skills, (Dewey Decimal System, card catalog and index)
-can recognize and organize a simple outline
*Identify in literary, informative and practical selections sequence of events, main ideas, facts and supporting details. / LiteralStory elements:
-setting(as used to establish mood, place and time period)
-identifies main idea
-identifies details
-identifies author’s point of view
-identifies sequence – time order, order of importance
-can summarize and paraphrase
-can retell story
*Identify relationships, images, patterns or symbols and draw conclusions about their meanings. 
-identifies cause/effect
-draws conclusions-makes predictions
-can categorize story elements
-sequence/time relationships
-understands literary elements (metaphor, simile, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification)
*Analyze and evaluate information and form conclusions. 
-distinguishes between fact and opinion
-establishes author’s motivation or purpose
-accuracy of information
*Extend and deepen comprehension by relating text to other texts, experiences, issues and events. 
-makes connections between text and personal experiences /


*Read and identify literary forms, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays and nonfiction from a variety of cultures and time periods. 
*Analyze how the development of character, plot and setting contribute to the overall impact of the selection.
*Identify theme in a literary work. 
*Identify literary devices such as similes, rhyme and dialogue. 
*Identify the author’s purpose and recognize how structure and word choice contribute to it. 
*Describe the ways in which a writer has been influenced by life experiences. 

*State Benchmark

Statewide Multiple-Choice Assessment

Classroom Work Samples


Vocabulary/Word Meaning

*Determine meanings of words using contextual clues and illustrations and other reading strategies. 
-knowledge of dictionary use, possessives, contractions, base words, prefixes/suffixes in context to find word meaning
-understands content-vocabulary
-knowledge of multiple meaning words, analogies, antonyms, synonyms, homonyms
Study Skills
*Locate information using illustrations, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, headings, graphs, charts, diagrams and/or tables. 
-follows directions - oral, written
-uses dictionary and glossary for spelling, parts of speech, syllables pronunciations, and definition
-can access reference source
-can recognize and organize an outline
-uses graphic aids
-knowledge of library skills
-uses test-taking strategies
-table of contents
-use text-taking strategies
-table of contents
-use text features (bold type, heading, captions) to locate specific information and clarify meaning
*Identify in literary, informative and practical selections sequence of events, main ideas, facts and supporting details. / LiteralStory elements:
-setting(as used to establish mood, place and time period)
-identifies main idea
-identifies supporting details including key words, phrases, or sentences
-identifies author’s point of view
-identifies sequence – time order, order of importance
-can summarize and paraphrase
-can retell story
*Identify relationships, images, patterns or symbols and draw conclusions about their meanings. 
(make predictions and draw conclusions about)
-cause/effect relationships
-events that could logically follow
-conclusions supported by the text
-identifies cause/effect
-draws conclusions
-makes predictions
-understands literary devices (simile, metaphor, symbolism, personification, onomatopoeia
*Analyze and evaluate information and form conclusions.  /
-distinguishes between fact and opinion
-establishes author’s motivation or purpose
-reads a variety of forms of literature
-understands how literary devices and elements work together to make the story effective
*Extend and deepen comprehension by relating text to other texts, experiences, issues and events. 
-makes connections between text and personal experiences


*Read and identify literary forms, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays and nonfiction from a variety of cultures and time periods. 
*Analyze how the development of character, plot and setting contribute to the overall impact of the selection
*Identify theme in a literary work 
*Identify literary devices such as similes, rhyme and dialogue. 
*Identify the author’s purpose and recognize how structure and word choice contribute to it. 
*Describe the ways in which a writer has been influenced by life experiences. 

*State Benchmark

Statewide Multiple-Choice Assessment

Classroom Work Samples

Draft 8/25/1998 curr\elementary skills rdg&math

Calculation and Estimation
·  Number sense and numeration
-identify ones and their value
-one to one correspondence
·  Whole number computation
-successfully compute with manipulatives addition and subtraction of one digit numbers
·  Fractions/decimals
-successfully be able to identify 1/2 of a whole
·  Estimation
-use number sense to estimate (i.e., estimation jars) / Measurement
·  Identify days of the week and relationship between today, tomorrow and yesterday
·  Compare different objects using measurement terms such as: heavier, lighter, longer, shorter, more, less, faster, slower, ...
·  Use/understand measurement with nonstandard units / Statistics and Probability
·  Organize and discuss data on real and picture graphs
·  Observe and discuss the chances of the occurrence of an event (i.e., fair and unfair spinners)
Examples: fair and unfair spinners
Patterns/Algebraic Relationships
·  Recognize and copy patterns / Spatial Sense/Geometry
·  Recognize shapes in the everyday world
-circle / Problem Solving
·  Conceptual Understanding
-formulate problems from everyday and mathematical situations
·  Processes and strategies
-act out or use objects
-Some children may find it helpful to act out a problem or to move objects around while they are trying to solve a problem. It allows them to develop visual images of both the data in the problem and the solution process. By taking an active role in finding the solution, children are more likely to remember the process they used and be able to use it again for solving similar problems. The dramatizations and objects need not be elaborate: small scraps of paper and colored chips or counters will usually work quite well. This strategy is especially helpful when the problem solver wants to visualize relationships.
·  Communication
-use physical materials, pictures and diagrams to explain mathematical ideas
-use oral communication to explain mathematical problem solving
Calculation and Estimation
·  Number sense and numeration
-identify ones and tens and the value of each
·  Whole number computation
-know addition and subtraction facts through 12
-successfully compute addition and subtraction of two digit numbers without trading
·  Fractions/decimals
-successfully identify 1/2's, 1/3's and 1/4's of a whole
·  Estimation
-use number sense to estimate (i.e., estimation jars) / Measurement
·  Be able to CHOOSE and USE the correct measurement tools (balance scales, rulers - standard & metric)
·  Position numbers correctly on a clock face
·  Identify time to the hour and half hour
·  Use a ruler to the nearest inch