HO. No. /Legal /RTI-5/FAA/840/A-26 March 12, 2013

Shri K Dhanabal,

No. 20, 2nd. Street,

Eswaramoorthy Layout,




Dear Sir,

Appeal under Right to Information Act 2005 against the Order no. 840 dated 17/01/2013 of the CPIO

With reference to the above we inform you that the First Appellate Authority had directed the concerned department to re-verify the records regarding CLCSS subsidy claim of M/s Lakshmi Narsimha Fabs, Tirupur. Accordingly, it is informed that the application received from M/s Lakshmi Narsimha Fabs through Sate Bank of Patiala was received at the Government Schemes Cell of the Bank on February 05, 2013 and rejected and returned on February 15, 2013 due to old reference date i.e. 27.02.2012. The claim should have reached the O/o DC (MSME) by June 30, 2012.

This complies with the direction issued by the First Appellate Authority dated February 26, 2013.

The details of the First Appellate Authority are given below and are also available at Bank’s website

1. Name of the Appellate Authority: Shri B. K Bose

Chief General Manager

2. Address of the

Appellate Authority: Small Industries Development Bank of India

“SIDBITower”, 15 Ashok Marg

LUCKNOW - 226 001.

Yours faithfully,

General Manager [Legal]

& Central Public Information Officer

HO. No. 161/Legal /RTI-5/97 July 4, 2012

Shri K Dhanabal,

No. 20, 2nd. Street,

Eswaramoorthy Layout,




Dear Sir,

Application dt. NIL under Right to Information Act, 2005-clarification sought

Please refer to your application dated NIL under RTI Act which has been received by office of CPIO, SIDBI, Lucknow on February 01, 2013. On perusal of the application it is observed that you have sought clarification in respect of your application which is pertains to CLCSS subsidy. In the connection we advise that we have called information from concerned department on basis of your application & information received from concerned department was forwarded to you only. Nowan appeal may be filed by the information seeker if he were aggrieved against CPIO’s Order No. 840 dated 17/01/2013 before the First Appellate Authority within 30 days from the date of receipt of this Order in proper manner.

The details of the First Appellate Authority are given below and are also available at Bank’s website

1. Name of the Appellate Authority: Shri B. K Bose

Chief General Manager

2. Address of the

Appellate Authority: Small Industries Development Bank of India

“SIDBITower”, 15 Ashok Marg

LUCKNOW - 226 001.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: As above

[Pradeep Awasthi]


[RTI Cell]

प्र.का.क्र.21791/आर.टी.आई-5/840 दिनांक/Dated17.01.2013

Shri K Dhanabal,

No. 20,2nd. Street,

Eswaramoorthy Layout,





Madam/Dear Sir,

सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम के अंतर्गत सीपीआईओ को प्राप्त दिनांक 20.12.2012 के आपके आवेदन के सम्बन्ध में

Your application under RTI Act received by the CPIO on 20.12.2012

आपके सन्दर्भित आवेदन के सम्बन्ध में हम सीपीआईओ द्वारा पारित दिनांक 17.01.2013का आदेश सं. 840संलग्न कर रहे हैं, जिसकी विषय वस्तु स्वत: स्पष्ट है ।

With reference to your captioned application, we enclose herewith the Order No. 840 dated 17.01.2013 passed by CPIO, the contents of which are self-explanatory.

कृपया पावती दें । / Kindly acknowledge receipt.


Yours sincerely,

[प्रदीप अवस्थी]


(ç¸Þ긛¸¸ ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ ‚¹š¸¹›¸¡¸Ÿ¸ ˆÅ®¸)

संलग्नक:यथोक्त Encl: As above

Order No :840Dated : 17.01.2013

Application dated 20.12.2012 of Shri K Dhanabal,Tirpur, seeking

information under Right to Information Act, 2005

This order disposes the captioned application of Shri K Dhanabal,No. 20,2nd. Street, Eswaramoorthy Layout, Karuvampalayam, Tirupur-641604, Tamilnadu received by this office on December 27, 2012. The information seeker has sought to know the status of application relating to M/s Lakshmi Narashimma Fabs,Tirupur, having sanction of term loan Rs.26/- lakh with date of sanction on 17.02.2011A/cState Bank of Patiala, Tirupur Branch under CLCSS Subsidy.

The said application is disposed off as under:

  1. Information in respect of Sl. No. A to D of the application :

The information seeker is informed that, the claim in question has been rejected and returned on 17.08.2012 due to following deficiencies;

  1. Application was a TUFS claim and not in the CLCSS prescribed format which was returned / rejected on 17.08.2012.


The details of the First Appellate Authority are given below and are also available at Bank’s website

1. Name of the Appellate Authority: Shri B. K Bose

Chief General Manager

2. Address of the

Appellate Authority: Small Industries Development Bank of India

“SIDBITower”, 15 Ashok Marg

LUCKNOW - 226 001.

An appeal may be filed by the information seeker, if aggrieved against this Order before the First Appellate Authority within 30 days from the date of receipt of this Order.

[ U.S.Lal ]

General Manager (Legal) &

Central Public Information Officer

Small Industries Development Bank of India

Head Ofice, 15, Ashok Marg, Lucknow-226001

HO No. 433/RTI-5/840/A-26 March 12, 2013

Speed/ Regd. Post

Shri K Dhanabal,

No. 20, 2nd. Street,

Eswaramoorthy Layout,




Dear Sir,

Information under Right to Information Act, 2005-Appeal No. A-26 of

2012 - 13- Decision of FAA dated February 26,2013 – Compliance

Please refer to the First Appellate Authority (FAA) decision dated February 26, 2013 in respect of the appeal under section 19 (1) of RTI Act against the CPIO order dated January 17, 2013. As directed by the FAA, in the aforesaid appeal, available information in respect of application relating to M/s Lakshmi Narashimma Fabs, Tirupur, A/c State Bank of Patiala, Tirupur Branch under CLCSS Subsidy, are being furnished, as under: -

The claim in question was received at Government Schemes Cell (GSC),SIDBI,HO on February 05, 2013 and rejected and returned on 15.02.2013 due to old reference date i.e. 27.02.2012. The claim should have reached to O/o DC (MSME) by June 30, 2012.

Yours faithfully,


General Manager (Legal) &

Central Public Information Officer