Location:C-IV Project – YosemiteConference Room
11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Members present via teleconference:
Region 1 -Susan von Zabern, Riverside County DPSS Directorand Vice Chair
Region 2 - CaSonya Thomas, San Bernardino County HSA Assistant Executive Officer
Region 3 - Dena Murphy, Kern County DHS Director
Region 4 - Kathy Harwell, Stanislaus County Community Services Agency Director
Region 5 - Scott Pettygrove, Merced County Human Services Agency Director and Chair
Region 6 - Mike Dent, Nevada County Department of Social Services Director
Region 7 - Eric Nielson, Lassen County Community Social Services Director
Tom Hartman, C-IV Project Director
- Chair Scott Pettygrove convened the meeting at 10:02a.m.
- Public opportunity to speak on any Item NOT on the agenda
- None.
JPA Board Action Items
- Approve the Minutes of the April28, 2017, JPAGeneral Membership andBoardMeeting and Update of Action Items
Summary: The Consortium is seeking Board approval of theApril28, 2017, JPA General Membership andBoard Meeting Minutes.
Action Items from previous meeting:
- None
Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.
Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve the Minutes of the SFY 17/18 Regional JPA Board of Directors and Project Steering Committee Nominations conference calls and SFY 17/18 Slate.
Summary: Pursuant to the JPA Agreement Article 11, Section 2.04 (c) each Region must nominate one or more candidates to serve on the JPA Board of Directors for the upcoming State Fiscal Year. Pursuant to the JPA Bylaws, Section VIII, each Region must nominate one or more candidates to serve on the Project Steering Committee for the upcoming State Fiscal Year.
The Minutes and Slate reflect the outcome of the nomination meetings held with each Region.
Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Seeking approval of the Board for the formation of a Recruitment Committee for the new positions of Executive Director and Migration Project Director for the Forty-County Consortium, the California Automated Consortium Eligibility System
Summary: The JPA Board Chair is requesting the Board create a Recruitment Committee for the recruitment and hiring of a new Executive Director and Migration Project Manager.
Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
Motion was seconded by Member Eric Nielson.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture Change Order CO-097 – EBT 3 and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 16/17 C-IV Project Budget
Summary: The Statewide Electronic Benefit Transfer (“EBT”) system is migrating to a new vendor, Fidelity Information Services (“FIS”), and platform, resulting in changes to the EBT system’s interface specifications. This effort to migrate the EBT system to a new vendor and platform, known as the “EBT 3 Project,” requires each SAWS system to update its network connectivity to the EBT system and perform interface-testing activities in the EBT transition.
This Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to gather requirements for updating the C-IV system’s interface to the EBT system, review changes to the interface specifications, and develop test scenarios for testing of the C-IV System’s interface to the EBT system.
All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through EBT funding.
Motion to Approve was made by Member Kathy Harwell.
Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture Change Order CO-098 – IEVS Automation
Summary: The Income and Eligibility Verification System (“IEVS") is the umbrella term used for matching systems that assist in the eligibility determination of applicants and recipients of benefits for the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (“CalWORKs”), CalFresh, General Relief (“GR”), Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (“CAPI”), Medi-Cal and Refugee Cash Assistance (“RCA”) programs. The C-IV System receives IEVS abstracts from the State and matches the received person data to an existing case in the C-IV System. County workers must then investigate each received abstract and determine the appropriate outcome manually. The Consortium would like to leverage functional designs from the LEADER Replacement System (“LRS”) to implement enhancements to the C-IV System that would automate the disposition of IEVS abstracts without findings, notify recipients when the C-IV System has detected a discrepancy, and document System actions in the form of journal entries.
This Change Order describes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test and implement the enhancements that would enable the automated disposition of IEVS abstracts without findings, notify recipients when the C-IV System has detected a discrepancy, and document System actions in the form of journal entries.
All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.
Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture Change Order CO-099 – Electronic Signature
Summary: To support the enactment of Senate Bill 947 (Chapter 798, Section 1) and the coordinated effort between the California Department of Social Services (“CDSS”) and the California Department of Health Care Services (“DHCS”) known as “Horizontal Integration,” the Consortium has requested additional enhancements that would enable the C-IV System to capture and track applicants’ electronic signatures for verifying their intent to apply for public assistance benefits, for applicants who apply over the phone. This “Electronic Signature” functionality would leverage the C-IV System’s existing solutions for e-notifications, text message notifications and interactive voice response (“IVR”) to allow applicants to confirm their intent via e-mail, text messages on mobile phone devices and the IVR system, respectively.
This Change Order describes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement the enhancements to enable the above-mentioned Electronic Signature functionality in the C-IV System.
All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.
Motion to Approve was made by Member Kathy Harwell.
Motion was seconded by Member Eric Nielson.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture Change Order CO-100 – Continuum of Care Reform and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 16/17 C-IV Project Budget
Summary: In compliance with Assembly Bill (“AB”) 403 and All County Letters (“ACLs”) 16-79 and 17-11, the California Department of Social Services (“CDSS”) must implement changes to support new mandates that reform the placement and treatment options for youth in foster care. These mandates, known as the Continuum of Care Reform (“CCR”), require the implementation of new rate structures within the Foster Care program for Home Based Family Care (“HBFC”) and the Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (“STRTP”). These changes to the Foster Care program will be implemented in two phases:
- Phase 1: Creates framework for placement types and new foster care rate classification level (“RCL”) structures using one flat rate for administration and incorporate the new components, Resource Family Approval (“RFA”) and Social Services & Support (“S&S”) that become effective January 1, 2017.
- Phase 2: Establishes rate structures based on HBFC tiered Level of Care (“LOC”) that become effective December 1, 2017.
As a result, enhancements to the C-IV System are required to enable the Counties to perform the related program activities.
This Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement enhancements that would enable new short-term rate structures for HBFC and STRTP in the C-IV System (Phase 1). Additionally, this Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to confirm the requirements for enhancements that would enable new long-term rate structures for HBFC and STRTP that would become effective December 1, 2017 (Phase 2).
Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.
Motion was seconded by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture County Purchases and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 16/17 C-IV Project Budget
Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
Motion was seconded by Member Eric Nielson.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture Contract Amendment No. Ninety-Two and Updates to Exhibit A
- Change Order CO-097 – EBT 3 increases the Total Contract Value by $173,227. This Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to gather requirements for updating the C-IV system’s interface to the EBT system, review changes to the interface specifications, and develop test scenarios for testing of the C-IV System’s interface to the EBT system.
- Change Order CO-098 – IEVS Automation increases the Total Contract Value by $579,273. This Change Order describes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test and implement the enhancements that would enable the automated disposition of IEVS abstracts withoutfindings, notify recipients when the C-IV System has detected a discrepancy, and document System actions in the form of journal entries.
- Change Order CO-099 – Electronic Signature increases the Total Contract Value by $1,065,204. This Change Order describes the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement the enhancements to enable the above-mentioned Electronic Signature functionality in the C-IV System.
- Change Order CO-100 – Continuum of Care Reform increases the Total Contract Value by $168,800. This Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement enhancements that would enable new short-term rate structures for HBFC and STRTP in the C-IV System (Phase 1). Additionally, this Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to confirm the requirements for enhancements that would enable new long-term rate structures for HBFC and STRTP that would become effective December 1, 2017 (Phase 2).
- Using the County purchase process, the Counties of Amador, Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kings, Kern, Lake, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, Napa, Plumas, Riverside, San Benito, San Bernardino, Shasta, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne and Yuba have purchased various Services, Equipment and Software items. Each of these purchases was funded and approved by the individual County. These County Purchases increase the Total Contract Value by $1,316,065.
- The Extension Cost Schedules have been adjusted to shift funds from M&O central print to M&O WAN administration in State Fiscal Year 2017/2018 to support production operations related to Electronic Signature functionality. The adjustments are implemented and reflected in the Cost Pricing Schedules attached to this Amendment.
Amendment No. Ninety-Two increases the Total Contract Value by: $3,302,569.
Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.
Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture Change Order CO-068 – CalHEERS, Revision 9
Summary: On January 24, 2013, the JPA Board approved Change Order CO-068 – CalHEERS. As part of that Change Order, Accenture designed, developed, tested and implemented an interface between the C-IV System and the California Healthcare Eligibility, Enrollment and Retention System (“CalHEERS”). This interface was implemented in January 2014 in order for the C-IV System to support the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and enable the C-IV Counties to perform the related program activities. Subsequent to the implementation of that interface, the California Department of Health Care Services (“DHCS”) implemented additional changes to the Medi-Cal program, and, therefore, additional enhancements to the C-IV System related to the CalHEERS interface are required to enable the Counties to the perform the related program activities.
On March 24, 2017, the JPA Board approved Revision 8 to Change Order CO-068 which included a shift of funds reflect a shift of funds from the Central Print line item to the Application Maintenance line item to support additional hours for Application Maintenance for State Fiscal Year 2016/17. Additionally, Charges for Application Maintenance for State Fiscal Year 2017/18 were updated to include hours for the development of System Change Requests, resolution of System Investigation Requests and system test required to support the CalHEERS interface for one additional State Fiscal Year.
This Revision 9 to the Change Order includes the following changes:
- Charges for Application Maintenance Services and Central Print were updated to reflect a return of funds from the Application Maintenance line item to the Central Print line item for State Fiscal Year 2016/17.
- The Central Print line item was also adjusted to show a reallocation of funds out of this Change Order and into the Maintenance and Operations Central Print line item within the Extension Two Cost Pricing Schedules.
This Revision 9 reduces the Total Change Order costs by $250,000.
Motion to Approve was made by Member Kathy Harwell.
Motion was seconded by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture County Purchases and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 16/17 C-IV Project Budget
Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Accenture Contract Amendment No. Ninety-Three and Updates to Exhibit A
- Change Order CO-068 – CalHEERS, Revision 9 reduces the Total Contract Value by $250,000.
- Using the County purchase process, the Counties of Amador, Butte, Colusa, Calaveras, Del Norte, Humboldt, Imperial, Kings, Kern, Lassen, Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, Riverside, San Bernardino, Sierra, San Joaquin and Siskiyou have purchased various Services, Equipment and Software items. Each of these purchases was funded and approved by the individual County. These County Purchases increase the Total Contract Value by $6,605,416.
- The Extension Two Cost Pricing Schedules have been adjusted to update Application Maintenance Services hours, Technical Infrastructure hours, Central Print, Equipment, Software, Hardware Maintenance and Software Maintenance to reflect actual and projected amounts for State Fiscal Year 2016/17. The adjustments are implemented and reflected in the Cost Pricing Schedules attached to this Amendment.
Amendment No. Ninety-Three increases the Total Contract Value by $7,180,649.
Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve First Data Change Order CO-015 – LRS, Revision 4 and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 17/18 C-IV Project Budget – pending funding approval
Summary: On December 13, 2012, the JPA Board approved Change Order CO-015 – LRS. This Change Order encompasses the additional effort required to provide Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services for the C-IV Joint Collaboration of the Los Angeles Eligibility Automated Determination Evaluation and Reporting (“Leader”) Replacement System (“LRS”).
On August 25, 2016, the JPA Board approved Revision 3 to Change Order CO-015, which included adjustments needed to the costs associated with the Services of the First Data QA Team due to extension of the support of LRS implementation through June 30, 2017. This Change Order included an additional 5,757 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team.
Revision 4. Adjustments are needed to the costs associated with the Services of the First Data QA Team due to extension of the support of LRS implementation through December 31, 2017.This Change Order includes an additional 4,032 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team.
This Revision 4 increases the Total Change Order costs by $528,216.
All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the FY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved July 28, 2016.
Motion to Approve was made by Member Kathy Harwell.
Motion was seconded by Vice Chair Susan von Zabern.
All present board members were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
- Approve First Data Change Order CO-020 – Modernization, Revision 2 and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 17/18 C-IV Project Budget – pending funding approval
Summary: In compliance with the passage of ABXI 16 in 2011, which reduces the number of California’s SAWS from three to two systems, a phased migration approach was developed by the State. The intent of the approach is to prevent delays in the Los Angeles Eligibility, Automated Determination, Evaluation and Reporting (“LEADER”) Replacement System (“LRS”) design, development and implementation schedule; minimize the impact to C-IV and LEADER maintenance and operations projects; and reduce the complexity, risks, and costs associated with the migration effort.
This Change Order outlines the staffing requirements, costs and timeline for First Data to perform Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services associated with the development, testing, and implementation of the changes related to the upgrade of the C-IV System platform and the ongoing analysis of design differences. Theseadditional Services will be accomplished in accordance with the approved First Data Maintenance & Operations (“M&O”) Independent Test Plan (the “Plan”) and as prioritized and agreed to by the Consortium and First Data.