Section 12(1) of the Assembly Members and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Other Entitlements) Actrequires publication of a document that incorporates each determination made under section 11(1).
as at30 July2018
Statutory Body / Entitlement / Date of effect / Expiry date for personal determinationsAgents Licensing Board / Daily rate for Chair: $959
(Position Determination) / 24 July 2014 / N/A
Building Practitioners Board / Daily rate for member appointed under section 12A(3) Building Act: $959 / 16 July 2018 / N/A
Community Living Areas Tribunal / Hourly rate for Chair:
$190 but not more than $1500 per day
(Personal Determination) / 1 July 2015 / N/A
Development Consent Authority / Annual rate for Chair: $150 282
(Personal Determination) / 1 August 2017 / 31 July 2019
Grants Commission / Annual rate for Chair: $21 570
(Personal Determination) / 1 January 2018 / 31 December 2020
Heritage Council / Annual rate for Chair: $13 800
(Personal Determination) / 16 October 2017 / 30 September 2020
Mental Health Review Tribunal / Daily rate for medical practitioner members: $818(GSTincl.)
(Position Determination) / 1 March 2012 / N/A
NT Civil and Administrative Tribunal / Annual rate for a full-time ordinary member equivalent to Stipendiary Magistrate (Local Court Judge).
(Personal Determination) / 30 September 2014 / 30 September 2019
NT Civil and Administrative Tribunal / Annual rate for a full-time member in the Southern Region equivalent to Executive Contract Officer Level 2 in the NT Public Sector.
(Position Determination) / 19 December 2016 / N/A
NT Civil and Administrative Tribunal / Daily and hourly rate for lawyers with at least five years’ experience as a legal practitioner. Hourly hearing rates and hourly administrative rates are outlined below.
(Position Determination) / 1 July 2015 / N/A
NT Environment Protection Authority / No remuneration for Chair NT Planning Commission in the role as member NT Environment Protection Authority as mentioned in section 10(1)(b) NTEPA Act
(Position Determination) / 14 December 2012 / N/A
NT Environment Protection Authority / Annual rate for members appointed under s.10(1)(a) NTEPA Act: $40000
(Position Determination) / 14 December 2012 / N/A
NT Environment Protection Authority / Annual rate for Chair: $168 000
(Personal Determination) / 1 January 2018 / 31 December 2020
NT Treasury Corporation Advisory Board / Annual rate for members: $19822
(Personal Determination) / 31 January 2012 / N/A
Parole Board / Schedule of rates for members appointed under s.3B(1)(d)(e)(f) Parole of Prisoners Act (now the Parole Act) for time spent preparing for a meeting based on a sliding scale from $360 to $1080 depending on nature of matters under consideration.
(Position Determination) / 22 October 2013 / N/A
Planning Commission / No remuneration for Chair NT Development Consent Authority in their role as member of the NT Planning Commission appointed under s.81F(1)(b) Planning Act
(Position Determination) / 1 August 2017 / N/A
Planning Commission / No remuneration for Chair NT Environment Protection Authority in their role as member of the NT Planning Commission appointed under s.81F(1)(d) Planning Act
(Position Determination) / 19 December 2016 / N/A
Rates forNorthern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal members
who are lawyers with at least five years’ experience as legal practitioners
Determination of Entitlements dated 31 August 2015
Hearing rates / Hourly hearing rate (GST exclusive)Matter in the original jurisdiction of the Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NTCAT) under Residential Tenancies Act / $100
Any other matter in the original jurisdiction of NTCAT / $123
Any matter in the review jurisdiction of NTCAT, other than a matter arising under section 140 of the NTCAT Act / $146
Matters arising under section 140 of the NTCAT Act / $200
A sliding scale of remuneration applies, depending on the total number of hours worked in any day.
A maximum amount also applies.
Administrative rates / Hourly administrative rate (GST exclusive) / Daily maximum(GST exclusive)
Matter in the original jurisdiction of NTCAT under the Residential Tenancies Act / $73 / $509
Any other matter in the original jurisdiction of NTCAT / $96 / $669
Any matter in the review jurisdiction of NTCAT other than a matter arising under section 140 NTCAT Act / $119 / $828
Matters arising under section 140 NTCAT Act / $173 / $1209
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