Mrs. Cobb’s Colorful Class

For the week of: August 24, 2015

Homework Schedule / Character Education Word: respect for learning and punctuality
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Write 5 complete sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation with your choice of 5 spelling words. Underline the spelling words.
Read 20 minutes / Math:
Place Value Practice
Picture Day
Read 20 minutes / Reading Comprehension
Read 20 minutes / Words Their Way: short and long vowel /a/
Collective nouns
Read 20 minutes / Wear your spirit wear!
Back to School Bash
1.  frame
2.  snake
3.  rain
4.  skate
5.  bag
6.  map
7.  crab
8.  jack
9.  train
10.  came /

Special Happenings

·  Specials: Mon. – Music, Tues. – PE, Wed – Technology, Thurs. – PE, Fri – Art
·  Thank you for recording the minutes your child reads daily on their reading log. I check these on Mondays.
·  Please look for Friday’s spelling test in your child’s red folder today.
·  Picture Day is tomorrow. Money and forms are due then to purchase pictures.
·  Look for information coming home today regarding the Reflections Program. If your child would like to participate, please complete the interest form and return by Wednesday, September 2nd.
·  Your child can access our math book at home to review pages we’ve already completed, play games, watch videos, and/or use manipulatives to help them improve math skills. Go to: Username:ccsd(student ID number) This is their lunch/breakfast number I sent home last week. Password:cobbmath1 This can also be accessed under my Pages on the left side of my blog:
·  The Back to School Bash is on Friday, August 28th from 5:00-8:00. Hope to see you there!
·  Open House for K-2 parents is at 6:00 on Sept. 1.