December 12, 2016 – December 18, 2016
Day / Time / Location / Intention
Our lady of Guadalupe / 7:00 PM / Parish Chapel / Glenys Dobbin
St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr / 10:00 AM / Parish Chapel / Gordon, Isobel & Danny Power
St. John of the Cross / 10:00 AM / Parish Chapel / Vera Sheehan
Thursday / 10:00 AM / Parish Chapel / Beverley Crocker
Friday / 10:00 AM / Parish Chapel / Special Intention (PG)
4th Sunday of Advent / 5:00 PM / St. Joseph’s Church / Our Parish Family
4th Sunday of Advent / 10:30 AM / St. Joseph’s Church / Cyril White & deceased members of the White Family
Ministry Schedule
Ministry / Saturday / Sunday
Sacristan / Sue Jordan / Joan Short
Altar Servers / Clarence Jordan / Fred Dalton
Benjamin Burke
Readers / Pauline Hunt
Sue Jordan / Mary Ann Sheehan
Andrea Whyte
Collectors / Grant Koehler
Ern Purcell
Tom McCarthy
Dona Sullivan / Frances Walsh
Terry Walsh
Jean Haire
Pat Haire
Gift Bearers / David & Katherine Murphy / Owen Dyke & Family
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion / Bernice Hearn(B)
Diane Callahan
Rosemarie Pike / Helen Dalton (B)
Reg O’ Neill
David Northcott

Offertory Collection

December 5, 2016

Weekly Offering$1731.40

SVDP$ 45.00


Thank you for your continued generous support.

Treasury Monitors

Marg Fleming & Patsy Hearn

Received with thanks and appreciation In Memoriam (Cemetery Fund)–In memory of Leo, Margaret & Paul Moriarty, Byron Dawe & Shelia Dunphy – The Moriarty Families - $500.00.

Received with thanks and appreciation in gratitude for prayers – Bill & Stella Anne Smith - $200.00

Cleaning Schedule for December

Jean Haire, Captain

Angela Doyle

Phyllis Ryan

Parish Meeting

Parish Pastoral Council- A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 @ 7:00 PM at the annex to the parish office.

Knights of Columbus

Dalton Council #1448 will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday, December 12th @ 8:00 PM at council chambers. All members are asked to attend.

Catechetical Program Upcoming Events

Saturday, Dec. 17, practice for Christmas Story, 2:30 PM at St. Joseph’s Church

Sunday, Dec. 18, Christmas Story, 2:30 PM at St. Joseph’s Church

Christmas eve Mass, 7:00 PM

Upcoming Events

Christmas Carol, Sunday, Dec 11, 7:00 PM


Some people go to mission by going while others go to mission by giving. In view of this, there will be a second collection on the 17th and 18th of December in support of the Vocationist missionary work. We appeal to our parishioners to assist in the training of Priests, as no amount is too small. Thank you for your generousity. God bless you abundantly.


O my God and my all, O my father, Son and Holy Spirit, only the time spent in direct communication with you is worthy to be lived! Only the hours of full activity, the hours of excellent bargains, the hours of full life! All the others are in the shadows of the unconscious; all the others are a waste of energies, a lowering in the level of life! They are that emptiness which I feel!

O my God and my all, grant that I may be able to transform all my hours of prayer. Grant that every creature, every happening may become for me an object for direct conversation with you.