A)Normalization Movement I)Guarantees Rights to Equal Protection of Law

A)Normalization Movement I)Guarantees Rights to Equal Protection of Law

SQ4R – Chapter One


a)Normalization Movement i)Guarantees rights to equal protection of law

without discriminating against

mental or physical disability.

b)Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ii)Students with exceptionalities

should be fully involved in school

progams and activities.

c)Residential Programs iii)All individuals, regardless of disabilities

should be provided

d)Inclusion living arrangements and education

as normal as possible.

iv)Daily living supports as well as

some education and training for

those with intellectual disabilities

and sensory deficits.

Answer: a)  iii) / b)  i) / c) iv) / d) ii)

Approximately _____ % of school age children have a recognized exceptionality.





Answer: b)

Groups of students with diverse learning and behavioural needs in the public school system are formally classified as having ______.

Answer: exceptionalities

True or False?

The definition of exceptionalities is uniform across Canada’s (and each province’s) school boards?

Answer: False


a) Problems in learning, memory, problem i) Intellectual Disability

solving, adaptive behaviour and social skills.

b) Genetic and/or neurological factors or ii) Emotional/Behavioural Disorder

injury that alters the brain functioning in a

manner which affects one or more processes

related to learning.

c)A lifelong definition that primarily affects iii) Autism Spectrum Disorder

communication and social interactions.

d)Causing disruptions for themselves or others iv) learning disorder

through inappropriate behaviour.

Answers: a)  i) / b) iv) / c) iii) / d) ii)

Which of the following four major role is NOT a major role that teacher’s play in regards to school – based assessment?

a)moderators – must be able to moderate the best solution for the student.

b)consumers – must be able to understand assessment information.

c)producers – must be able to generate assessment information (tests, observations etc.).

d)communicators – must be able to share assessment information with others.

Answer: a) moderators

An IEP stands for ______?

Answer: Individualized education plan

The process of comparing a student to other in his/her norm group is called ______?

Answer: Norm-referenced.

True or false? A criterion-referenced assessment compares a student’s performance with a criteria of mastery for a specific task, regardless of his/her relative standing in a group

Answer: True

Name 2 questions a teacher may ask themselves if they are developing an ecological assessment for a student?

Answer: What physical environment does a child learn best?

-What is useful, debilitating, or neutral about the way a child approaches the task?

-Can the student hold multiple pieces of information in memory?

-How does increasing or slowing the speed of instruction affect the accuracy of a child’s work?

-What processing mechanisms are being taxed in any given task?

-How does the student act to different teacher styles?

-Who has been most successful with this child? How do they react to differentiated instruction?

Student’s with disabilities achieve similar average scores, despite their cultural differences? True or False?

Answer: Socio-economic and cultural differences may cause a bias in the assessment process. Teacher’s must be careful when interpreting tests for these students as they may not be accurate reflections of the student’s abilities.

Who of the following should be involved in the IEP team?

a) The student (if appropriate)

b) A principal from another school

c) An IET – Individualized education Technician

d) An IET – Individual Education Teacher

Answer: The student (if appropriate)

True or false? Classroom teachers may administer formal assessments?

Answer False. They do however, contribute in important ways to the assessment process and should remain informed on the process and results.

1)Children with intellectual disabilities and with sensory deficits were typically placed in ______programs.

2)Services for students with exceptionalities evolved in three distinct phases. These phases include (1) ______, (2) ______, (3) ______.

3)Which group of students are NOT at risk of developing learning and behavioural problems? Circle the correct letter.

a)potential dropouts, minority cultures, ESL students

b)those from low income housing, abuse drugs or alcohol, or are pregnant

c)those from single-parent homes, considered socially maladjusted, or have suffered verbal and physical abuse

4)Match the Exceptionalities with the most correct answers.

Intellectual Disability __ / a) capable of making significant contributions to society in a variety of areas
Learning Disabilities __ / b) associated with many exceptionalities and often requiring a speech-language therapist
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) __ / c) damage caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) __ / d) insult to the brain
Sensory Problems __ / e) relate to people, objects, and events in abnormal ways
Other health impairments __ / f) wide variety of health conditions
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders __ / g) problems with physical abilities
Emotional/behavioural disabilities __ / h) problems with visual or auditory (speaking) abilities
Speech/Language Impairments __ / i) Cause disruptions through inappropriate behaviour
Orthopedic impairments __ / j) Problems in learning, and adaptive behaviour
Gifted/Talented Students __ / k) Due to genetic and/or neurological factors
  1. Students considered at risk include:

a)students who are abused

b)students who go to school exhausted

c)students who are sexually active

  1. Who usually first identifies Students with special needs?

a)secondary teacher

b)post-secondary teacher

c)elementary teacher

  1. Assessment Practices guide and direct planning for students with suspected or known ______.
  1. During this phase the child is formally evaluated to determine if he or she has an exceptionality in which ______education would be appropriate.
  1. The four approaches to Assessment include observation, recollection, record or portfolio review and ______.
  1. Formal assessment involves:

a)quantitative information

b)qualitative information

c)taking notes only


11)Match the correct term with its definition.

Informal Assessment __ / a) Evaluating individuals in the context of their environments
Ecological Assessment __ / b) Used to determine skills or knowledge a child possesses
Issues of Bias in Assessment __ / c) Individualized Education Programs
IEPS __ / d) Accurately assessing culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities

12)Role of the classroom teacher includes:

a)Ask questions about the assessment process

b)Providing snack for all students

c)Punishing students so they know never to misbehave again

13)The IEP team is developed by a group of individuals who are ______about the student.

14)Three components of an IEP document that guide intervention are (1) present levels of educational performance, (2) measurable annual goals, and (3) ______.

Answer Key

1) residential

2)relative isolation, integration (or mainstreaming), inclusion

3)C -> those from single-parent homes, considered socially maladjusted, or have suffered verbal and physical abuse


Intellectual Disability _j_
Learning Disabilities _k_
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) _d_
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) _e_
Sensory Problems _h_
Other health impairments _f_
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders _c_
Emotional/behavioural disabilities _i_
Speech/Language Impairments _b_
Orthopedic impairments _g_

5) A-> students who are abused

6) C-> elementary teacher

7) Disabilities

8) Special

9) Testing

10) A-> quantitative information


Informal Assessment _b_
Ecological Assessment _a_
Issues of Bias in Assessment _d_
IEPS _c_

12) A-> Ask questions about the assessment process

13) Knowledgeable

14) Short-term objectives

In regards to Canada’s development of educating children with special needs, place the following historical changes in order from the oldest to most recent philosophies.
relative isolation___
integration___ / oldest... relative isolation (1)
developing...integration (2)
current....inclusion (3)
Label the following expressions as either “good” use of “People First” language or “not good.”
Students with visual impairments___
Handicap or handicapped____
The disabled person___
Children with autism___ / good
not good..disability or disabled
The term “exceptionalities” refers only to those individuals experiencing significant deficits in a variety of areas. T or F / F
Students recognized to have an ‘intellectual disability’ score less than ______on individual intelligence tests.
-1.A. 100
-1.B. 80
-1.C. 70
-1.D. none of the above / c
Match the following:
The category of a. sensory
exceptionality problems
which accounts
for more than
50% of students
education_____ b.emotional or
Inappropriate disorders
behaviors or
expressions of c.learning dis-
emotions _____ abilities
Visual and Auditory
Disabilities caused d. speech or
by alcohol language
consumption impairments
pregnancy _____ e. fetal
A disorder that disorders
primarily affects
communication f. traumatic
and social brain injury
This results in
impaired cognitive,
physical, or emotional functioning._____ g. autism
Teachers work disorders
closely with speech-
language pathologists
to help this group of
students _____ h. gifted or
Students with IQ students
scores of 120 or
higher _____ / c
Name 3 causes for students to be ‘at risk of school problems.’ / students who are abused or neglected
students who abuse drugs or alcohol
students from minority cultures
students living in poverty
who become pregnant
speak English as a second language
in trouble with the justice system
It is usually the______who initiates the process that will result in a student’s receiving special education services.
a)classroom teacher
b)the parent
c)the principal
d)the school special education consultant / a
In the area of assessment practices, the teacher’s role is only to communicate assessment information to parents and students. T or F / F.. It is the role of the teacher to be consumers, producers, communicators, and developers of assessments.
Place the 8 steps Leading to the development of an IEP in the correct numerical order.
____The school psychologist evaluates the student.
____The teacher consults with student’s parents and tries the behaviour management strategies she believes will resolve the problem.
____The teacher asks for help from the school team.
____If the student is found eligible, then an IEP must be written.
____With the help of the team, the teacher implements and documents the results of strategies designed to resolve the problem.
____A teacher notices that a student is having serious academic or behavioural difficulty.
____After reasonable implementation of the school team’s suggestions, the teacher makes a referral for evaluation by the school psychologist.
____With results from an evaluation in hand, the school team determines whether the student is eligible for a special education. / 6
The most common approach to gathering information for an assessment is_____
-1.talking with parents
-1.recollection / b
Formal assessment tests should not be viewed as completely reliable.
T or F / T..when considered in isolation, the results of formal test can also result in lost data that can lead to poor decisions..these should be augmented with assessment techniques such as observation and portfolio review
An assessment approach that emphasizes evaluation within the context of the student’s environment is ______
a)informal assessment
-1.formal assessment
-1.curriculum-based assessment
-1.ecological assessment / d
For what does IEP stand? / Individualized education programs
Name 4 people who can make up the IEP team. / parents, teacher, qualified special ed teacher, specially qualified school district representative, the student
The three components of an IEP are: / -1.present levels of educational performance
-1.measurable annual goals
-1.short-term objectives
The teacher should view and IEP as a guideline and goal as opposed to a hard and fast curriculum. T or F / T