2011 Pumpkin Season Data Collection

Head Researcher: Matthew DeBacco

Plant ID= ______

Growers Name: ______

Address: ______


-Reason(s) why you wanted to participate in this study- ______

  • Growers History

-# of years growing= ______

-Personal best as of late fall 2010 = ______

  • Weather

-Weather data from weather.com

Print out the past month for your zip code so the high/low temps can be documented main type of weather for that day (sun, rain, clouds, wind) and the amount of rain fall can all be easily documented

(where is says “06067” type in your own zip code)

-Any severe or out of the ‘norm’ weather conditions (ex. Frost, hail, high winds…) note the type, severity/damage and date.






  • Field History

-Years soil has had pumpkins/squash grown on it (not counting 2010)= ______

-Common pests to area (includes insects, disease, and animals) = ______

  • Soil Additions

-If possible include a copy of your past soil test reports starting with the summer/fall of 2010= ______

-Type of soil? (state the classification or degree of drainage) = ______

-Cover crops used? (if any) ______

-Soil amendments added=

ProductManufacturerAmount per 1,000sq.ft. Date










  • Fertilizer and other growth promoting products not applied to the soil

ProductManufacturerAmount per 1,000sq.ft. Date








  • Pesticides used (includes herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides)
  • Note: If products was applied as a soil drench please make note

ProductManufacturerAmount per 1,000sq.ft. Date







  • Growing conditions

-Grown for pollen, competition, or just for fun? ______

-Water source? (well, town, pond, natural rain fall…) ______

-Watering method? (overhead, by hand, drip…) ______

-Early season plant protection method (cold-frames, heating cables, other…) ______

-Any method of plant cooling used? (State method used if any ex. misters, shade cloth…) ______

-# of times the patch has been tilled over the past year? ______

-Hours of sunlight that reaches the plant approximated around July 1st ______

-Shade protection used? (If so state the % shade) ______

-Any late season plant protection used? (If yes, sate the material used) ______

  • Plant

-Date planted= ______

-Vines buried? (all, only the main, secondaries, just the leaf nodes…) ______

-Date plant reached 10ft. long? = ______

-Day when 1st secondaries began to reach 5ft. long? = ______

-Square feet of final plant? = ______

-Was the main terminated? (If so at what length) ______

-Average leaf diameter for

Mid-June, ______mid-July ______mid-August______and mid- September______

-Average leaf stalk height for

Mid-June, ______mid-July ______mid-August______and mid- September______

  • Pumpkin

-Final weight of all pumpkins grown to maturity (please state each individually) = ______

-Distance the pumpkin is out from the initial plant site = ______

-Pumpkin grown in main or secondary? = ______

-% heavy or light= ______

-shape= ______

-days old= ______

-What (if anything) was put under the pumpkin= ______

-Color= ______

-Level of cantaloping (low medium, high)= ______

-If possible include at least one external and one internal picture of the final pumpkin, the more pictures that better.

  • End of Season Comments…

-If more plant material was available next season would you be interested in participating? = ______

-Is there a plant (or set of genetics) you would ideally like to see as a clone? = ______

-Include any comments you have both positive and negative so that improvements can be made if this is continued and what works can remain the same.


  • Any other Grower additions:

-Did I miss something? Please feel free to add any other information you think pertains to this clone experiment.


Thank you for your participation. The more details you can provide the better for the experiment. If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

-Matthew DeBacco (e-mail: )