PRESENT: Councillors: S. Deely (Chairman), R. Bullen, L. Carter (from 7.10pm), C. Gabbitas, M. Greene (from 7.05pm), C. Herbert, P. Whitwood, County Cllr. L. Caborn and District Cllr. A. Day

1.Apologies for absence

Cllrs. G. Leeke (holiday) and L. Balzaretti (personal commitment).

2.Mr. Bob Church, Rural Crime and Initiatives

The Clerk reported that he was unable to attend.

3.Public Session

No questions.

4.Declarations of interest

Cllr. Herbert declared a pecuniary interest in item 11(v) as an organiser of the event.

5.Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (January)

The Clerk had circulated the draft minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Herbert proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.


(i) The following bank balances were reported:

Current Account£25,516.15

Investment Account£73,346.21

(ii) Offsite meeting; feedback

Councillors agreed that it was a worthwhile session. One of the suggestions from the meeting was that councillors attend an informal meeting, a week prior to the Parish Council Meeting, to receive any updates on projects and a preview of any planning applications that have been received. This would help to ensure that there is sufficient time to debate the high volume of complex issues and also allowthe Parish Council meeting starting time to revert to 7.30pm.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange.

(iii) WDC Training Support Session; attendees

No councillors were able to attend.

(iv) Sports and Social Club; amendment to lease update

Cllr. Gabbitas reported that this is with our solicitors.

(v) Allotment holders; response to letters

The Clerk said that she has not received any responses to our letters.

(vi) Commander Close; response to letters

The Clerk reported that she has received 5 responses. It was agreed that she should pass these responses to Cllr. Leeke to discuss with residents.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to follow up on this.

(vii) WALC Annual Briefing Day; 12th March

No councillors are able to attend.

(viii) Passing of following accounts for payment

RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Whitwood, seconded Cllr. Carter and carried unanimously).

Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; February

Mr. D. Connolly - Play area inspections (February) - £20.00

Cadman Printers - printing for offsite meeting - £28.80

Cadman Printers - printing for Sports, Leisure and Wellbeing questionnaire - £156.00

Cadman Printers - printing Grove Farm leaflets - £141.00

Bishop’s Tachbrook Primary School - hire of hall for meetings (Jan-April) - £110.00

CPRE - annual subscription - £36.00

7.Warwickshire County Council Matters

(i) To receive report from County Council

County Cllr. Caborn reported that Graeme Fitton, Head of County Highways, will be accepting early retirement. He will not be replaced. There could also be a reorganisation of the Social Care Department. Balfour Beatty has been appointed as the highways contractor for 2016/17.

(ii) Schools and Education

Cllr. Caborn said that there will be an extra primary school built in Bishop’s Tachbrook Parish in 2017.

(iii) Traffic and Road Safety update including bus shelters for Warwick Gates.

Cllr. Caborn said that Jo Edwards would be looking at bus shelters. It was agreed that Cllr. Carter should liaise with Chris Sharp at the District Council.

ACTION: Cllr. Carter to contact Chris Sharp.

(iv) Flooding on Mallory Road

Cllr. Bullen said that he has met with David Cross from County Highways. David Cross agreed to arrange for the jetters to clear the drains. Cllr. Bullen said that he would be contacting Severn Trent as he believes they also need to be involved.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to contact Severn Trent.

8.District Council Matters

(i) To receive report from District Council

The District Council budget has been cut by a third in the last few years. They now need to cut it by £1 million. They will fund this cut though a number of strategies; for example in future they will be charging for replacement wheelie bins. Business rates are being returned to local authorities. However, the NHS pays business rates on their sites which may now need to be paid to the District Council.

(ii) Parishes survey update

Circulated via email.

(iii) Driving on District Council land update

Cllr. Day said that this is being addressed by officers.

9.Planning Matters

(i) Neighbourhood Plan update

Cllr. Bullen reported that the plan has been accepted by the District Council. The consultation will start on 26th February and be completed by 8th April. Responses will go to the District Council and they will be forwarded to the examiner. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen should arrange for details to be placed on the website. Councillors further agreed that a summarised version should be available for residents.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to arrange for the documents to be placed on the website and to liaise with the Neighbourhood Plan WP to arrange for a summarised version to be produced.

(ii) Grove Farm II; to agree to cancel the judicial review

The Chairman updated the meeting. Cllr. Greene proposed that we cancel the judicial review as the District Council has agreed to liaise with us regarding the country park and also with funding in the parish. This was seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Chairman to arrange for the judicial review to be cancelled.

(iii) Planning application no. 14/0689 - land north of Oakley Wood Road

Councillors agreed that they would like some more detail on the drainage to the road because it is a local flooding point.

ACTION: Cllrs. Carter, Gabbitas or Bullen to liaise with Bloors.

(iv) Deed of Easement update

It was agreed that Cllr. Leeke would liaise with our solicitors once he has spoken to residents.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to liaise with our solicitors.

(v) Planning notice no. 15/2131/LB - Grey’s Mallory; granted

(vi) Planning application no. 15/2125 - Brickyard Barn, Mallory Road

Councillors asked the Clerk if she could obtain guidance from the District Council on the new regulations governing this kind of application.

ACTION: The Clerk to obtain guidance from the District Council.

(vii) Appeal decision 14/0681 - land south of Gallows Hill; granted.

(viii) Appeal decision 14/0300 - The Asps; granted.

(ix) Meeting with AC Lloyd feedback

Cllrs. Carter and Gabbitas met with representatives from AC Lloyd. AC Lloyds agreed that they would support a highways project. They were thanked for erecting signs to reduce traffic in the village. Seven Acre Close application is going to be submitted.

(x) Planning notice no. 15/1966 - 11 Dunstall Crescent; granted.

(xi) Planning application no. 16/0017 - 15 Cicero Approach

Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(xii) Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath draft Supplementary Planning Document Consultation

Councillors expressed concerns regarding the amount of traffic this development could generate. It was agreed that Cllr. Carter would liaise with FORSE, draft a response, circulate to councillors and submit.

ACTION: Cllr. Carter to liaise with FORSE, draft a response, circulate to councillors for approval and submit.

10.Amenities Matters

(i) To receive report

No new report.

(ii) Diseased tree on Mallory Road

ACTION: March agenda item.

(iii) Oakley Wood update

It was reported that the Woodland Management Plan is being looked at by The Friends of Oakley Wood.

ACTION: March agenda item.

(iv) New benches - project update.

Cllr. Gabbitas said that she would liaise with Cllr. Leeke regarding the type of bench.

ACTION: Cllr. Gabbitas to liaise with Cllr. Leeke regarding the benches.

(v) Sports, Leisure and Well-being project update

It was agreed that the Chairman should meet with the Club and arrange for a District Council officer to attend that meeting. This officer could also assist with the ‘trim trail’.

ACTION: The Chairman to arrange a meeting with the Club and for a District Council officer to be present.

(vi) Paul’s working parties - update

Next working party is on 27th February. Any ideas for projects to be forwarded to Cllr. Whitwood.

ACTION: Any ideas for projects to be forwarded to Cllr. Whitwood.

11.Police/Community Matters

(i) To receive report

The Clerk had circulated a report prior to the meeting. PC Rob Davies has said that he would attend a Parish Council meeting. It was agreed that he should be invited to the Parish Assembly in May.

ACTION: The Clerk to invite PC Davies to the Parish Assembly in May.

(ii) Verge damage on Kingsley Road

Cllr. Bullen met with David Cross from County Highways. He said that County Highways would be writing to some householders requesting that they repair the damage to the verge which David Cross believes they have caused. He would be requesting repairs to the remaining damaged verges.

(iii) Community Forum feedback

Cllr. Gabbitas attended and we were granted £595 towards a bench on Warwick Gates.

(iv) Clean for the Queen; email sent to Brownies

The Clerk confirmed that this has been sent.

8.50pm Cllr. Herbert leaves the meeting.

(v) Request for use of the Meadow for TachFest on 23rd July

Councillors agreed that this was a great community event last year. Use of the Meadow was approved unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the organisers regarding licences and insurance cover.

8.52pm Cllr. Herbert returned to the meeting.

(vi) Request for use of Green for the WI cake stall on 7th May

This was discussed and councillors were concerned that this might not be able to take place in the usual location because of the building of the centre. It was proposed that this takes place on either the bus stop side of the Green or on St. Chad’s Green near the newly planted WI tree, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the WI.

(vii) Community Safety Ambassador for Warwick Rural West

It was agreed that the Community Safety Ambassador should be invited to a Parish Council Meeting.

ACTION: The Clerk to invite the Community Safety Ambassador to a meeting.

(viii) Friends of Oakley Wood AGM; 1st March

(ix) WALC Warwick Meeting; 10th February

Councillors were unable to attend.


(i) email re. parking on private land; response

The Clerk reported that the resident thanked us for putting a note in the magazine.

(ii) Conservation of old barn; response

This gentleman has said that he will liaise with the conservation officer.

(iii) Conservation walks; response

The Clerk reported that a response has been received saying that the landowner is unable to extend this.

(iv) WCC Open Evening; 27th February

Cllr. Herbert said that she is able to attend.

(v) Footway/Cycleway at Oakley Meadows

This is being dealt with by our solicitor.

(vi) Neighbourhood Development Planning for Health

13.Date of next meeting

Thursday, 17th March 2016 at 7.30pm at Bishop’s Tachbrook Primary School.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm.