HOME/2013/CFP/PARS - CHECKLIST[1] - 2013 Action Grants
The aim of this checklist is to help preparing a complete Application Package and verifying the compliance with the most important conditions of the Call for Proposals HOME/2013/CFP/PARS.
Verify that a Partnership of at least four organisations (Coordinator + three Co-beneficiary Partners) is established.
Verify that all organisations participating in the Partnership are eligible to participate in the call; they are distinct; non-profit and that they come from at least four different eligible EU Member States (Denmark is not eligible).
Verify that the action proposed by the Partnership is scheduled to start once the Grant Agreement is signed and that you took into account the indicative timetabledescribed under section 3 of the Call for Proposals.
Verify that the project budget does not include any costs for organisations established in Denmark or non-EU countries.
Verify that the proposal addresses at least one of the specific objectives defined in the call.
Verify that the requested EU-contribution is at least EUR 200.000 and not more than EUR 500.000.
Verify that the grant requested from the EU does not represent more than 90% of the estimated total eligible cost of the proposed action.
Verify that all organisations participating in the Partnershipare aware of and understand the Commission's rules on eligible expenditure.
Verify that all organisations participating in the Partnership are aware of and are ready to accept the Commission's rules and procedures concerning the implementation of the project and financial matters (e.g. the finalisation of a budget, terms of payment, etc.).
Make sure you read and understand how to use the PRIAMOS system.
Make sure you register in the PRIAMOS system well before you wish to upload your application. It is recommended that you do not submit your application at the last minute.
Make sure your Application Package is not larger than 100 MB.
Make sure that the following documents are submitted together with the Application Package and numbered as indicated in this checklist. The use of ALL the standard 2013 forms is compulsory.
Verifythat you have downloaded the correct Grant Application Form from the PRIAMOS system (HOME/2013/CFP/PARS) and that all sections of the Form are duly completed before you upload it. Before you upload the Grant Application Form make sure in particular that the financial information concerning the financing of the activities indicated in the Grant Application Form is identical with the information indicated in Annex 2 - Budget Form. It is recommended that you finalise the Grant Application Form last.
VerifythatAnnex 1 – Description of the Action (Word document) specific for HOME/2013/CFP/PARS is duly completed. Check that you attach the Word format to the Grant Application Form and not a scanned version.
VerifythatAnnex 2 - Budget Form for 2013 Action Grants (Excel workbook) is duly completed
-it includes a detailed breakdown of expected expenditure and revenue;
-it is in Euro and in balance: Expenditure = Revenue;
-all Worksheets marked Blue are completed;
Make sure that you attach the Excel format to the Grant Application Form and not a scanned version.
VerifythatAnnex 3 a – the Simplified balance and profit and loss account sheetsForm (Excel workbook) is duly completed by each of the participating organisations that are requested to do so according to the Call for Proposals.
Check that you attach the Excel format to the Grant Application Form and not a scanned version.
Verifythat Annex 3 b – Financial Statements for the last TWO closed financial years are provided by each of the participating organisations that are requested to do so according to the Call for Proposals. Make sure that you only attach officially adopted documents to the Grant Application Form and that scanned versions are legible before you attach them.
Verifythat Annex 4 - Information on participating organisations Form is duly completed with the data and information of all participating organisations including the Coordinator in one single document. Check that you attach the Word format of the document to the Grant Application Form and not a scanned version.
Verifythata duly completed, dated and signed Annex 5a–Co-beneficiary Partner Declaration is provided by each Co-beneficiary Partner. Make sure that only the scanned versions of the original signed declarations are attached and that the scanned versionsare legible before you attach them to the Grant Application Form.
Verifythata duly completed, dated and signed Annex 5b–Associate Partner Declaration is provided by each Associate Partner. Make sure that only the scanned versions of the original signed declarations are attached and that the scanned versions are legible before you attach them to the Grant Application Form.
Annex 6 - Verify that a Curriculum Vitae (CV) is provided for each of the key staff members / or the profile of the future project staff member is established.


[1]This Checklist is a not a compulsory Annex and does not have to be attached to the Grant Application Form.