Target Audience: Teaching Assistants, SENCOs and class teachers in Somerset LA schools and academies.

Key Stages: 1 and 2

Conference Description:

·  This is an evidence-based intervention which helps develop outcome measures for children with coordination difficulties.

·  Learn to Move, Move to Learn is a proven intervention developed by Dorset County Council to support children with co-ordination difficulties in school.

·  The day’s training will give delegates an overview of identification, assessment and intervention set within the context of understanding the building blocks of fundamental movement skills.

·  Delegates will be taken through, and try out for themselves, the materials and activities they will use over the duration of the Learn to Move programme

·  A follow up refresher session is offered free of charge which provides you with an opportunity to pose any questions, seek advice or discuss your successes/difficulties with other delegates.

Course outcomes:

·  Delegates will learn about the impact of movement on children’s development. learning and wellbeing enabling them to promote a whole school approach

·  When planning their support for pupils within the graduated response schools will learn how to use the Learn to Move materials to meet the identified need of individual pupils.

·  Schools will have a teaching assistant who has the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to run the Learn to Move programme overseen by a member of the teaching staff.

·  Delegates will receive a handbook supporting the implementation of the Learn to Move programme

Tutors: Somerset Learning Support Service and Integrated Therapy Service

Fee: There will be a charge of:

£238 per school for LA schools and £250 for Academies and Independent Schools

(Cost covers one TA and the SENCO or a teacher, one handbook at £40 and lunch. If a school has already attended the training but wishes to send new members of staff, the cost of the manual will be deducted from the fee.)

Date / Time / Venue
Monday 16 May 2016 / 9.00 am-4.15 pm / Dillington House,

Closing Date: Wednesday 27 April 2016

To apply for the above course, please complete the attached form and return to Louise Morgan either by email () or by post to

SEN Support Services, The Holway Centre, Byron Road, Taunton TA1 2JD

Learn to Move, Move to Learn

Dates: / Monday 16 May 2016 - 9.00 am-4.15 pm
Venue: / Dillington House, Ilminster
(per school) / £238 - LA schools
£250 - Somerset Academies and Independent Schools
Name of Applicants
(2 per school) / 1)
School / Treasurer No.
E-mail addresses / 1)
Contact telephone no.
LA Schools / TJ full budget code / 100… 45…
Academies / Cheque Book schools / Independents / Invoice ref. / PO Number
Special Requirements
Line Manager’s signature / Date
Please note:
The full amount will be charged for cancellation or non-attendance within 14 days of the event.
The school named above will be charged for your attendance unless you indicate otherwise
Please complete and return the booking form either by email or post to:-
Louise Morgan, SEN Support Services - The Holway Centre, Byron Road, Taunton, TA1 2JD
* ' 01823 334475