Yukon Wildland Fire Management / CONTACT: George Maratos
Fire Information Officer


Friday June 17, 2011

1000 HRS

/ PHONE: 867-393-7415
CELL: 867-332-1928
Yukon Wildland Fire Update

Yukon to Assist Alberta’s Firefighting Effort

Bulletin #7

Yukon Wildland Fire Management is preparing to send 20 firefighters and an Agency Rep to Alberta to provide assistance with the province’s current wildfire situation. The firefighters will leave Saturday and may be in the province for 16 days if needed.

“Alberta is dealing with a very busy fire season that is much more severe than anywhere else in the country,” said Duty Officer Mike Sparks. “Fortunately our fire situation in the territory is very quiet right now thanks to cooler temperatures and increased precipitation and therefore we are able to assist,” said Duty Officer Mike Sparks.

Already this season Alberta has seen more than 600 wildfires burn more than 735,000 hectares of forest. The 624 blazes in that province this season, including 32 that remain active, compares to just 31 total fires in the territory. This season’s activity in Alberta includes a blaze in the community of Slave Lake that forced the evacuation of more than 7000 residents and destroyed 374 properties.

“The sharing of resources between Canada and the United Stated is common each fire season,” said Sparks. “Last month British Columbia assisted us when we were in need and now we are able to provide the same support to Alberta.”

The 20 firefighters will be based in Red Earth, Alberta and deployed to areas as needed. This marks the second time this season Yukon Wildland Fire Management has provided assistance in Alberta as last month a radio operator was sent to Red Earth for two weeks.

The sharing of resources is made possible through the MARS (Mutual Aid Resources Sharing) agreement that enables firefighting resources to be shared between jurisdictions. Under the agreement resources can be recalled within 24 hours if required.

Currently in the territory the fire danger rating is low to moderate in most areas with the exception of Haines Junction, Whitehorse and Watson Lake which are high. However, precipitation is in the forecast for much of the territory. So far this season there have been 31 wildfires in the territory burning just over 34,000 hectares of forest.


For Yukon Wildfire updates, call 1-800-826-4750

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