Witt/Kieffer is proud to announce our launch of a Chief Executive Officer search for North Hill, founded in 1984 and considered one of the nation’s leading continuing care retirement communities. North Hill is located 12 miles west of Boston in Needham, Massachusetts and the CEO will be responsible for managing a budget of over $34 million, a staff of approximately 360 full-time/part-time employees, assets of approximately $200 million and 440 living units. “PurposeFULL Living” is a guiding philosophy and North Hill has just completed a $150 million, 5-year expansion project which has established the community as a New England and national leader in delivering superior experiences and opportunities to older adults, with residential/independent living apartments, enhanced living, memory care for Alzheimer’s and dementia, skilled nursing, short term rehabilitation and home health. North Hill is also a proud member of LeadingAge, the national association of non-profit aging services providers.

We are seeking a proven leader, someone with 10+ years of leadership experience in a complex, retirement, hospitality, health system or human services organization, with strong preference for CCRC experience. Exceptional business and financial acumen, strategic business planning and operations leadership are needed, along with a deep appreciation and an understanding for the clinical operations/demands facing care-givers and care delivery.

The CEO will be visible, a superior communicator and highly engaged with the residents and staff. This leader will build brand awareness, nurture existing relationships and establish new bonds with key members of the community, other retirement facilities, health care providers and the media. He/she will be highly knowledgeable regarding the future of senior living and innovative in his/her approach to identifying future delivery models for care and services.

To learn more about this exciting role, please visit Inquiries and nominations are invited. This search will be conducted with respect to the confidentiality of candidates. Communications may be sent to Diane Tanking or John Fazekas, the Witt/Kieffer consultants working with the North Hill on this endeavor:

North Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is dedicated to these principles. The organization values and welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages all minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply.