Derry City and Strabane District Council

Tender – Supply and Fit of New Tyres & Batteries
Tender Period 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017
Tender to be returned no later than 12:00 noon Friday 15th January 2016
To be Completed by Supplier
Supplier Name
Supplier Email Address
Supplier Contact Address

Derry City & Strabane District Council

Tenders for Annual Supplies 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017


1. All Tender sections included are for the use of Derry City and Strabane District Council orders will be placed by each the Council and should be invoiced to the Council, delivery should be included to locations within the Council area. Throughout these documents the term “the Council” will be used to refer to Derry City and Strabane District Council. Only one set of tender documents should be submitted by each contractor for each section.

2. All tender prices are to be fixed for the term of the contract, 12mths and no variation or increase shall be accepted during that period and tenderers are required to price accordingly.

3. A Contractor may tender for any number of the items contained in the schedule. The Council may where applicable assess tender prices for a number of related items within a section together, to facilitate awarding the tender to the most economically advantageous tender for that group of products.

4. The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Council against loss, liability, claim or proceedings in respect of any injury or damage whatsoever to any property real or personal in so far as such injury or damage arises out of any negligence, omission or default of the Contractor, his servants or agents or of any Sub-Contractor employed by him.

5. All materials must comply with the latest British Standards where applicable, and the Contractor shall be deemed to warrant and guarantee in his tender document that the latest British Standards has been considered in the tender price. Certificates, samples and tests for the various materials shall be deposited and/or carried out as directed by the Council at the Contractor’s expense. Any materials not conforming to British Standards and appropriate tests will be rejected and the Council shall have the power to make a compensating reduction in the contract price for any materials already used which are found not to be in accordance with these tests.

6. Payment for materials supplied shall be made upon Verification of receipt of goods/ services to the specification indicated in the tender. To ensure prompt payment, Invoices, quoting Official Order Numbers, should be submitted by Contractors to the Finance Department. The Council reserves the right to withhold payment of any Invoice where further details, checking, etc. are required before payment can be certified. The Contractor must submit invoices on a monthly basis. Invoices Must be submitted no later than 3 months after delivery / completion of an order.

7. The supply of materials, etc. in accordance with the Specification and to the satisfaction of the Council shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract and should the contract fail in that respect the Council may: (a) without terminating the Contract, purchase goods elsewhere, the additional cost of which shall be recoverable from the Contractor, the amount of the claim to be certified by the Council (b) if a Senior Officer of the Council shall certify in writing to the Council that, in his/her opinion the Contractor is not satisfactorily fulfilling the Contract, terminate the said Contract by 1 month’s notice in writing to that effect.

8. Where the Contractor delivers incorrect items / unauthorised alternatives against an order, the items must be collected at the Contractor’s expense. Where an invoice has already been raised for the items a corresponding credit note must be forwarded to the Finance department

9. No guarantee can be given that any of the materials will be required during the period covered by the tender or that any particular quantity will be ordered.

10. A sample of materials may be required for inspection at the Council Offices before any tender is accepted. The tenderer will be informed if this Condition is necessary after the receipt of the tender.

11. The Council may terminate this contract and recover all its losses if the contractor, its employers or anyone acting on the contractor’s behalf do any of the following:- (a) offer, give or agree to anyone any inducement or reward in respect of this or any other Council contract; (b) commit any fraud in connection with this or any other Council contract whether alone or in conjunction with Council members, contractors or employees. Any clause limiting contractor’s liability shall not apply to this clause

12. Following award the Successful Tenderer shall not sub-contract or sub-let all or any part of the contract without the consent of the Council. The Successful Tenderer shall remain wholly responsible for all supplies / works included within their Tender Submission

13. The Council is subject to the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Tenderers should be aware that the information provided in the completed tender and contractual documents could be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. We will proceed on the basis of disclosure unless an appropriate exemption applies. No information provided by tenderers will be accepted “in confidence” and the Council will accept no liability for loss as a result of any information disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act

14. Tenderers must ensure that all information provided within their tender submission is accurate. The inclusion of information which is found to be false or misleading will result in the tender being rejected. Furthermore, in the event that false or misleading information comes to light after the award of the contract, this may result in termination of the contract.

15. The tenderer shall not unlawfully discriminate within the meaning and scope of the provisions of the Race Relations (NI) Order 1997, Sex Discrimination (NI) Order 1976 (as amended), Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all servants, employees or agents of the tenderer and all sub-contractors employed in the execution of the contract do not unlawfully discriminate.

16. The Council requires that all organisations who submit tenders comply in full with the requirements of the Bribery Act 2010.


• Tender submissions must be made using the enclosed Tender Documents, one copy to be retained by the Tenderer for record purposes.

• The Form of Tender must be completed and signed for each section that the Contractor wishes to tender for; Failure to do this will render the tender invalid.

• Please ensure that you have enclosed all requested information. Omission of any required information may render the tender invalid.

• The Council cannot accept any responsibility for postal or delivery delays.

• All prices entered on the tender documentation should be exclusive of VAT and be in pounds sterling.

• Tenderers will not be entitled to claim from the Council any costs incurred in the preparation of their tender, whether or not it is successful.

• The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and it reserves the right to select such items as it will accept from any quotation without accepting the whole of that quotation.

• Prices must include the cost of delivery to any locations within Derry City & Strabane District Council boundary.

Tenders submitted by fax or electronic mail will not be considered.

• The Council reserves the right to undertake company checks on any proposed supplier.

• Tenderers must complete & sign (Appendix 1) Mandatory Exclusion Declaration & return it along with their submission.

• The Contractor shall not be an unqualified person for the purposes of Sections 64 to 66 of the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998 and the Contractor shall not sub-contract any services or work to an unqualified person for the purposes of Sections 64 to 66 of the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998. Tenderers must complete & sign (Appendix 2) Fair Employment Declaration & return it along with their submission

·  The Contractor shall not unlawfully discriminate within the meaning and scope of the provisions of the Race Relations (NI) Order 1997, Sex Discrimination (NI) Order 1976 (as amended), Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all servants, employees or agents of the Contractor and all sub-contractors employed in the execution of the Contract do not unlawfully discriminate.

• Tenders must be returned by post or by hand no later than 12 Noon on Friday 15th January 2016, Tenders received after this time will not be accepted.

• The completed Tender document must be returned in a sealed envelope, which should be clearly marked as Tender for Supplies, clearly stating the relevant section number and name in the top left hand corner of the envelope. Each section tendered for must be returned in a separate clearly marked envelope. The envelope should not bear any company name or other distinguishing marks. All Tender Submissions must be addressed to:

Mr John Kelpie

Chief Executive

Derry City & Strabane District Council

98 Strand Road


BT48 7NN


To: Derry City and Strabane District Council

I/We, the undersigned, hereby offer to supply and Fit of New Tyres & Batteries, referred to in the attached cost matrix, in compliance with the associated conditions and shall complete the following documentation in full which forms our Tender offer.

·  Completed Health and Safety Questionnaire and submission of all supporting documentation.

·  Completed RIDDOR matrix.

·  Completed Cost Matrices.

I/We agree that the acceptance of this tender, by letter from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive of the Council, whether for the whole or part of the items included therein will constitute a contract for the supply of such items.

Company Name: ______

Signed ______

Print Name: ______

Position in Company: ______

Email Address ______

Date ______


1.  Firms are permitted to tender for some or all of the tyres.

2.  Prices entered into the cost matrix shall be exclusive of VAT.

3.  Prices for each tyre shall include the supply, delivery, fitting c/w valve, electronic balancing, collection and disposal.

4.  Firms are required to enter the cost per call-out when tasked to attend roadside replacements within 2 hours.

5.  Prices offered shall be fixed for the contract period.

6.  The brands of tyres specified within the matrix have demonstrated that they are the most suitable for Councils working environment and as such Firms are required to supply the tyres specified in the matrix.

7.  In circumstances that Firms wish to supply an equivalent tyre a sample of the tyre shall be made available FOC for destructive testing to ascertain that the subject tyre is of equal or better quality than the corresponding DCC specification.

8.  All products shall be of premium quality and inferior products shall be returned to the supplier and a credit note required.

9.  Derry City and Strabane District Council requires that the successful Firm(s) shall provide an effective and efficient service and reserves the right to terminate the contract of supply for unsatisfactory performance and to engage an alternative Firm for the remainder of the contract

Table 1 - Health & Safety Questionnaire / Insert
√ for Yes
X for No
Primary H&S Management Obligations and Documentation
Independently audited H&S Management System
Written H&S Policy and Statement
Organisational Structure
Employ services of external Safety Consultant
Employ a Health & Safety Manager / Adviser
Named Senior Director responsible for H&S
10m EL & 5m PL Liability Insurances
Vehicles, Plant and Machinery
LOLER Test Certificates
PSV Certificates for road going vehicles, trailers and vans
Safe condition of Plant, Equipment and Tools c/w with current legally required certificates where applicable.
Waste Carriers Licence
Goods Vehicle Operators Licence
Driving licenses for all potential drivers
Machine operators CTA licenses for all operators
Current motor Insurance policy
Management of H&S
Date of last review of H&S Policy
H&S Policy communicated to all personnel
Formal Health and Safety Induction training for all new employees
RA’s / Method statements / SSOW for all activities
Permit to Work when required
H&S trained Managers /Supervisors
H&S trained Operatives
H&S trained Office based staff
Control of Sub-Contractors
Employs sub-contractors
Procedure for receiving and reviewing risk assessments / method statements from sub-contractors.
Named person for site monitoring and inspections
Accident reporting procedure
Table 2 - RIDDOR Matrix
Categories / Accidents
2013 / 2014 / 2015
Employees / Sub
Contractors / Employees / Sub Contractors / Employees / Sub Contractors
No Employed / Engaged
No of Fatalities
No Reportable Injuries RIDDOR
No of Dangerous Occurrences RIDDOR
Please provide full details of any enforcement notices or prosecutions served on your Company in the last three years by the HSE or Local Authority.
What action did your Company take as a result of any enforcement notices or prosecutions served on them?
Table 3 - Cost Matrix
No. / Tyre Size / Type / Price per tyre including Supply, Delivery, Fitting (including valve & electronic balancing), Collection & Disposal. Price to be fixed for 12mths. Rise & Fall will not apply
All wheels are to be collected & returned to either: Skeoge Operating Centre BT48 8SE
Strahans Road Recycling Centre BT82 9SF
Cost of Call Out for Roadside Replacements during normal working hours
Cost of Call Out for Roadside Replacements after normal working hours
1 / 215.75R 17.5 / Bandvulc ZT
2 / 9.5R 17.5 / Hankook
3 / 295.80R 22.5 / Bandvulc Wastemaster
4 / 315/80 X22.5 / Bandvulc Wastemaster
5 / 295/80R 22.5 / Bridgestone Steer
6 / 750R X 16 / Avon Range Master
7 / 155R X 13
8 / 165/70R X 14 / Goodyear 6 Ply
9 / 165/80R X 13 / Goodyear
10 / 155/70 X 12 / Goodyear Trailer
11 / 16/6.50 X8
12 / 23/10.5X12
13 / 315/80 X R22.5 / Bridgestone Steer
14 / 185 X 14
15 / 155 X 12
16 / 175/65 X 14 / 6 Ply
17 / 195/50 X 13 / Trailer
18 / 205 X 16
19 / 225/75 X 16
20 / 195/75 X 16
21 / 13.0/65 X 18 / Tractor Fronts
22 / 600/60 X 30.5 / Tractor Rear Grassland
23 / 500/60 X 30.5 / Tractor Fronts
24 / 7.50R X 16
25 / 255/45R 18 (99Y) / Dunlop SP Sport for Audi A8
26 / 225/40/ZR 18 / Dunlop SP Sport for Ford Mondeo
27 / 215/60R16C
28 / 175/70 R14
29 / 285/70R 19.5 / Michelin Directional
30 / 1000 x 20
31 / 11 R 22.5
32 / 12 R 22.5
33 / 9.00 R 20
34 / 8.25 x 16LT
35 / 80 R 22.5
36 / 155 R 14
37 / 185 R 15
38 / 185 R 14
39 / 185/75 R14
40 / 155 R 13
41 / 7.50 x 16
42 / 16.90 x 16
43 / 900 x 16
44 / 16.90 R 28
45 / 1000 X 20 Tube
46 / 12R 22.5 Tube
47 / 9.00 R 20 Tube
48 / 8.25 X 16LT Tube
49 / 80 R 22.5 Tube
50 / 155 R 14 Tube
51 / 185 R 15 Tube
52 / 185 R 14 Tube
53 / 185/75 R14 Tube
54 / 155 R Tube
55 / 7.50 x 16 Tube
56 / 16.90 R 30 Tube
57 / 900 x 16 Tube
58 / 16.90 R 28 Tube
59 / 235 70R16 Tyre
60 / 10R17.5 Tyre
61 / 205 75R16 Tyre
62 / 215/70R15 Tyre
63 / 13.0/65-18 Grassland Tyre
64 / 195/14 Tyre
65 / 195/65/15 Tyre
66 / 195/70R15 Tyre
67 / Battery to suit Daf Truck No 663
68 / Puncture repairs (type size up to) Small plant and vans 750.15
69 / Puncture repairs (type size up to) Truck Tyres – 12R 22.5
70 / Puncture repairs (type size up to) Tractor and Digger 16.9 x 30
71 / Ford Fiesta Battery No. 075
72 / Puncture repairs - Vulcanizing repair
73 / Puncture repairs - Wheel Balancing
74 / Puncture repairs - Wheel Alignment
75 / Dennis Eagle Battery No 643
76 / Case Tractor Battery No. 222
77 / Toyota Battery No. 067

Mandatory Exclusion