What a lovely sunny, but cold, morning greeted us all today – a real taste of Autumn. However, during the week we have had the full range of weather – rain, fog, mizzle (was it drizzle or mist?). Could I please ask you to ensure that your child brings a coat with them to school. Having an opportunity to run around and release some pent up energy and to get some fresh air is so important at playtimes; we aim to get the children outside everyday with only really steady rain stopping us! Thank you.

Lancaster Class Assembly

We were treated to a most wonderful, and informative, assembly today, when the children of Lancaster Class showcased some of their work from this term. In just three weeks they have certainly covered a lot!! Their assembly was based on their topic of Space, and they told us all about the planets, the Solar System and the stars – demonstrating the size and scale of the Solar System very cleverly by using fruit of different sizes to represent the planets. They also treated us to some very inspiring singing and art work – they truly are a most talented bunch and their enthusiasm for their learning really came across. My thanks go to Mrs Loxton, Mrs Turner and Mrs Hicks for the great work that they do to inspire and teach the children.

Toy Museum

Our Year 1 and Year 2 children had a very interesting trip to the Toy Museum in Bourton this week to support their topic theme of ‘Toy Story’. I know they all enjoyed the trip, because they had so much to talk about when they got back! The feedback from the staff was how well behaved they all were – Well done to Spitfire Class, Harrier Class and Vulcan Class.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We are very proud to be taking part in raising funds for this most worthwhile cause, and would like to invite all our parents and friends to the two coffee mornings, one in each school, that we are running next Wednesday 27th September, 10.00am. All the children will be making/decorating cakes or biscuits to share at the coffee mornings (classes will come in to the coffee morning to eat their cakes as part of the event), and the older children will be serving. However, I wonder if there are any budding ‘Cake Makers’ out there who could support us by baking and donating a cake, or cakes, for the event. We do hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us.

We will be collecting donations for the Macmillan charity – so please remember to send a small donation with your child that day if you can, so they too have something to put in the pot.

Mrs Loxton – Jury Service

Mrs Loxton has been called up for Jury Service for two weeks starting on 2nd October. This is very unfortunate for us, as she is fabulous teacher, but we have made arrangements to ensure that a good supply teacher is in place, and I will of course be monitoring the situation. Her class are aware, and are looking forward to a ‘mock trial’ when she returns!

Year 6 Residential Meeting

There will be a meeting for the parents of those children attending the Year 6 residential on Tuesday 26th Sep at 5.00pm, Upper Rissington Site.

Who Rose to the Challenge at Rissington?

Congratulations to the following pupils who were celebrated this week …

Great Rissington: Elsie Sumner, Erin James, Helena Perry, Tilly Jones, Meredith Rhodes, Rowan Cornish-Bowden.

Upper Rissington: Jake Eccles, Tilly Swales, Eve Metcalfe, Michael Sayers, Keira Angood, Zac Panchbhaya, Lucy Lee, Fergus Triggs, Elliot Butler, Ethan Blake, Jennifer Hicks, Alaya Sullivan.

Don’t forget you can buy a copy of our Challenge Poster for home from the School Office - £1 to cover costs.

Class Assembly

Our next Class Assembly will be Tornado Class on 6th October. We do hope their friends and family will be able to join us, and also share their children’s work in the class afterwards.

Kind Regards,

Sue Dawe
