Walking with Cavemen Movie questions

Answer these in your notebook as the notes for each day

***Write down what years each species lived while watching***

1.  How did the tree swinging apes adapt to less trees and a drier climate?

2.  What was a disadvantage of walking upright and what were the advantages?

3.  Why do you think the Afaransis species became extinct?

4.  What happened when the ice did not melt properly in the summers? What effect did this have on the climate in Africa?

5.  How was Australopithecus boisei more adapted to the new climate?

6.  Why didn’t the boisei survive?

7.  Stop Documentary> Think about human evolution, big bang, and creationism. Which topic does this documentary contradict and why?

8.  What were the two secret weapons of the homo habilis?

9.  What traits of the homo habilis live on in us today?

10.  Why do you think homo habilis became extinct?

11.  Stop documentary>Compare the first three hominids introduced. Write two similarities and three differences between them. Write the progression you see from the first hominid to the third hominid. (you can draw a chart or pictures). Do you believe this theory could be true at this point?

12.  What are the 3 adaptations that allowed Homo Agasta to hunt out in the hot African sun all day and how did each one help?

13.  What did larger brains allow for the homo agasta? What did sweating instead of panting allow?

14.  How did fire impact Homo erectus?

15.  What was still vastly different from these species and humans today?

16.  Homo neaderthalensis lived in frozen Europe during the ice age. How did they deal with cold temperatures? Describe what they were like.

17.  What did homo heidelbergensis do that lead the way to our species homo sapiens?

18.  Explain how natural selection was shown in the movie.

19.  Write a one paragraph explanation of your thoughts and opinions of this video and the theory of evolution