August 15, 2014

Welcome Back Roswell North Families!

We are truly excited about being back at school and settling into our school routines.

"Working together to help each student reach their full potential" is the vision of Roswell North. Our theme for this year is “Full STEAM Ahead!” Roswell North seeks to utilize the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) framework to promote critical thinking, ignite creativity and curiosity while fostering a purpose for service to others and the world around them.

As of today, we are slated for over 1000 students. Please be reminded that if you bring your child to school, the carpool line ends at 7:40 a.m. At that time you must bring your child to the front of the school and walk him/her inside. Please do not drop your child off in the lower parking lot and leave as this is very unsafe.Also, please refrain from talking on the phone while driving through the carpool line and be sure to use the crosswalk if necessary. Safety is our number one concern.

Please make time to check our school’s website at as we will continue to post current information regarding our school events and programs.

Watch out….Here we go!! Choo!! Choo!!!!

Kindra Smith
Roswell North Elementary

“Full Professional Learning Days for Teachers” – 9/19, 11/21, 2/13
During the 2014-2015 school year, RNE will have three full days for teacher training. This has been approved by FCBOE. Please mark your calendars accordingly, as there will be no school for students on these three days.

Parent Volunteers
Before you volunteer at Roswell North Elementary School, you will have to register through the Fulton County Schools Department of Safety & Security web page. “Community” then “Partners & Volunteers”. Volunteers will now be approved centrally.

RNE parents if you have not signed up to tutor and would like to, please contact Joy Fofana at or 770-552-6320.

Innisbrook PTA Fund-raiser Starts Today!
Be a Superhero for Roswell North! Our annual Innsibrook PTA Fund-raiser starts today, August 15th, and will run through Friday, September 5th. A color catalog containing ordering instructions and prize information should come home with your child today. There is a selection of beautiful wrapping papers new for this year, as well as a wide array of exciting food and gift items to appeal to all your family members, neighbors and friends. Your child has the opportunity to earn fun rewards for their participation and hard work in supporting our school both from Innisbrook (see catalog) and from the PTA, including prizes for Top Class, Top Grade, Top Ten Sellers, the $250 Plus Club, and selling more than 5 or 15 items. And don't forget students selling even one item earn entry into weekly drawings for additional prizes!

Please keep in mind that this is the only fund-raiser for the PTA for the 2014-2015 school year. The funds raised are critical to our ability to providing many wonderful programs for our children including the School-wide Enrichment Model (SEM), Reader’s Challenge, IXL, Artists Day, etc. especially in the absence of Boosterthon this year. Our fund-raising goal is $31,500. Our RNE families exceeded last year's goal and we know we have the superhero strength to do it again!

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail .

Who to Contact
Martha Patorgis - Assistant Principal for PK, K, 1st, 2nd grade
Laura Webb – Assistant Principal for 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
Laurie Brown – Counselor for PK, K, 2nd, 4th grade
Joy Fofana – Counselor for 1st, 3rd, 5th grade

“Foodless” Birthday Treats
Due to the increasing cases of food allergies among our students, we ask that birthday celebration treats be non-food items. Suggestions include pencils, stickers, etc. The front office staff will make sure that the teacher is aware that the items were dropped off and the students will receive them that day.

Announcing the new PTA Board for the 2014-15school year.
Co-President -Randa Cain
Co- President - Shannon Zdancewicz
Treasurer- Rebecca Groves
Secretary- Kim Keating
VP of Academic Enrichment- Jeannine Bernstein
VP of Communications- Aimee Douglass
VP of Parent/Family Involvement- Farrah Ryan
VP of School Support- Angela Bryant
VP of Ways and Means- Caryn Saker

RNE Foundation Elects Board for the 2014-2015 school year:
Chair: Donna Clayton
President: Shawn Shepard
Vice President of Development: Kerry Veale
Vice President of Communications: Amy Williams
Treasurer: Jennifer Engel
Secretary: Dacey Foshaug
Trustees: Douglas Bullman, Rich Dippolito, Shannon Freeman, Eric House, Mike Reed, and Michelle Vincent

Rounding out the board are Principal Kindra Smith, Teacher Liaison John Weigand, PTA Co-Presidents Randa Cain and Shannon Zdancewicz, and Chair Emeritus Karen Braddy.

The Foundation board is looking forward to engaging parents and the community in its fundraisers to provide resources for the school’s strategic initiatives this year.

It’s PTA Membership Time!
Join PTA and help support the many programs PTA provides for the school, including our Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM), whichwill provide rich educational experiences to each and every studentat RNE! We have two easy ways for you to join:

1) Go to pay via Paypal — we will have your membership materials for you to pick up at Curriculum Night.

2) Join at the Membership table at Curriculum Night — bring a check or cash.

If you have any questions regarding membership levels and benefits, please contact Membership co-chairs Jenny Haley r Jennifer Engel . Thank you!

Enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards® Program to Earn Cash for the New School Year!
As a member of the Kroger Community Rewards® program, Roswell North Elementary received more than $1,000 from Kroger last year. We encourage you to take a few minutes to enroll or re-enroll in the program. Even if you enrolled last year, it is necessary to re-enroll in the program. Please encourage friends and relatives to link their cards to our school too!

•Visit and follow the instructions to link your Kroger Plus card to Roswell North Elementary Foundation. To complete the process, you will need to have your Kroger Plus Card handy.

•When prompted to select the organization, please enter number 23863 or type “Roswell North Elementary Foundation” and click to confirm.

IXL Summer Challenge Coming to a Close
The IXL Summer Challenge is in its last days. Students can continue Math practice through August 21st that will count towards the Summer Challenge of 10 hours of IXL practice. Students who meet the challenge will be acknowledged on the morning announcements and receive a prize in late August.

The Operational Planning Office is excited to announce the release of our district’s new online address locator.
The tool will allow schools, parents and community members the ability to query addresses and locate their neighborhood schools. Topographical and satellite views are available, as well as the ability to pan or zoom within the map layer. Once the school has been identified, the user may then click the school name and the school’s website will open in a new window. The new page can be found under the SCHOOLS header on the main webpage, under the FIND A SCHOOL link.. The tool also helps non-Fulton Schools residents identify their local school district.

In addition, an interactive school zone look-up has been posted. Users can query an individual school zone and pan to see neighborhoods within the specified attendance boundary. This function is located under the SCHOOLS header on the main webpage, under Attendance Zone Maps.

All bus stop information can still be found under the Edulog WebQuery page at .

From the TAG Department
Information regarding Fulton County screening and referral processes for the TAG program can now be found on the Roswell North website. Click on Parents, then Registration & Parent Information. Any further questions can be directed to Ayo Richardson at .

From the Media Center
Library Media Center Wish List: Are either of these items lurking in your home but no longer used? Small computer speakers – good working condition with a volume control knob is appreciated! VCR and / or DVD players WITH TUNERS! That is the important part! If it has channel changer buttons on the player or on the remote I would love to have it!

Congratulations to RNE students for having the highest number of students participate in the summer reading challenge at the Roswell Public Library! WOOO-HOOO! Our students have won this award multiple times and it is a great testimony to family commitment for your children. Thank you for keeping their minds working this summer – we are happy you took advantage of a great resource in our community! Go RNE Bears!

Be a Girl Scout!

Is your daughter interested in developing her leadership skills through songs, games, community service, healthy living, and STEAM? Then please joins us on August 17th, 2014 at the Northbrook UMC from 2:00 pm-4:00 pm for our troop organizational meeting and learn more.

Please contact Laura Williams at 404-977-0040 or with any questions.

Northbrook UMC

11225 Crabapple Rd

Roswell, GA 30075

Partners in Education
We are pleased to have many wonderful businesses supporting our school! RNE wants to remind everyone to please patronize all our Partners in Education.Laura Webb, assistant principal, is our business partner contact.

Upcoming Dates

August 15 / Innisbrook Gift Wrap Kickoff – packets to go home with students
August 18 / Foundation Board Meeting – 8 a.m. LCR
August 19 / Room Parent/Committee Chair Meeting
Cafeteria; 8-10 a.m.
August 26 / Newcomers Meet & Greet 5pm-Media Center
August 26 / Curriculum Night for K-2 grades. 6-8 p.m. Parents only, please.
August 28 / Newcomers Meet & Greet 5pm-Media Center
August 28 / Curriculum Night for 3-5th grade parents.
Cafeteria; 6-8 p.m. Parents only, please.
*5 p.m. – Tybee Island Parent Meeting
August 29 / Innisbrook due
September 1 / Labor Day Holiday – No School