Slide 1 — Ordering
Greetings, AP coordinators!
Thank you so much for being part of this session of the AP Coordinator Tutorial for 2016-17.
My name is Derek Kameda. I am an AP Coordinator, and I’ve had the pleasure of doing this for over a decade at one of the top AP programs in the world.
Before I begin, please allow me to provide a quick overview of what to expect from these tutorials.
If you are a brand new or inexperienced coordinator, these tutorials provide a solid foundation.
You will receive a clear description of the role and responsibilities of the AP coordinator.
If you are an experienced coordinator, these tutorials provide the same review.
However, they also feature some best practices to improve efficiency and accuracy.
Thank you again for joining us.
Let’s get started.
Slide 2 — Online AP Exam Ordering
AP Exams are ordered online at the URL listed on this slide.
They can be ordered as early as mid-to-late January of each school year.
An access code is required to order AP Exams.The access code is sent via email to the coordinator designated on the AP Participation Form.
Schools with outstanding balances from the previous year are not allowed to order AP Exams until the issue has been resolved.
Slide 3 — Education Professionals’ Sign In
This is a screen shot of where coordinators sign in to AP Exam ordering.
The user name and password are entered here.
If the coordinator doesn’t have a user name and password, go to the “Sign Up” button located in the lower right.
Slide 4 — Enter Enrollment Data
On the next page, coordinators enter enrollment data for 10, 11, and 12th grade students.
This is the total number of students at the school in each of these grade levels.This is not the number of AP students.
You can save some time by acquiring these figures in advance from the attendance office or Registrar.
This information can be entered later, but it’s preferable to enter it at this time.
Slide 5 — Request Fee Reductions
On this screen, enter the number of students that qualify for fee reductions.Then, enter the total number of exams that these students will be taking.
An online tool is available to help determine the total number of qualifying students and exams.
Providing student names is optional. Only the total number of qualifying students and exams is required.
However, coordinators need to keep their own internal list of both fee-reduced students and exams.
Slide 6 — Fee Reduction Roster
This is the Fee Reduction Roster. Providing actual names here is optional.
Again, please keep an internal list of students and corresponding exams. This information may be required by states or districts.
Slide 7 — AP Exam Ordering Home Page
After completing the fee-reduction information, AP Exam ordering is next.
From this page, coordinators order all types of AP Exams.
This page is also where coordinators create Packing Lists and the final invoice.
Please click on “Order AP Exams” for regular testing.
If you are ordering late or alternate exams, click on “Order Late-Testing Exams”
The exams used for late-testing are not the same as those used for regular testing.They need to be ordered separately.You cannot use regular testing exams during the late-testing period.
Slide 8 — Order AP Exams – Step 1
On this page, coordinators indicate whether or not they wish to order Preadministration Materials.
This is recommended, especially for medium-to-large programs.
Preadministration sessions are covered in more detail in the “Preparing for the Exams” section of the AP Coordinator Tutorial.
Slide 9 — Order AP Exams – Step 2
This page is used to enter the number of exams needed for each subject.
This page can be sorted by exam date and time, or by exam title.
The previous year’s totals are listed just for reference.
Slide 10 — Order AP Exams – Step 3
On this page, enter the number of individual students testing.
This number is critical because it equals the number of Student Packs that will be sent to the school.
Be sure to confirm the total number of students testing to ensure the correct number of Student Packs are received.
Then you will enter the total number of exams.
Slide 11 — Choose Split Shipment
Coordinators who administer 150 or more exams choose whether or not to do a Split Shipment. This is completely optional.
“Split Shipment” simply means that at the end of Week 1 of AP Exams, coordinators pack all the completed materials and ship them off.
Coordinators then ship a second time at the end of the second week of exams.
This option comes in handy if storage and organizational space is limited.
If the Split Shipment option is selected, the coordinator must ship accordingly.
Vice-versa is true, as well. Schools should not ship twice if they did not pre-select the Split Shipment option.
Slide 12 — Additional Score Reporting Services
Coordinators can order additional score reporting items. This is covered in more detail in the “After the Exams” tutorial.
Slide 13 — View Cumulative Order
Be sure to print a copy of the order for your records. This will be used to verify the actual exam shipment upon arrival.
Slide 14 — Changing Your Order
Exam orders can be changed if they have not been processed for shipment.
Generally, this must be done within the same day.Otherwise, it will likely be too late.
The "Change Order" link will only appear next to those orders that can be changed.
Coordinators can always order again and increase the number of exams.There is no issue with that.
However, the number of exams cannot be decreased unless is it adjusted with a Change Order.
Coordinators receive automated emails during the exam ordering and the shipping process with updates.
Slide 15 — End of “Ordering”
Thank you for joining this session of the AP Coordinator Tutorial.
This is just one of several tutorial sessions that are available.
For more information about the AP Program and AP coordinators, please visit the other tutorial sessions.
And as a reminder, all of the downloads referenced in the tutorials are available on (or linked from) the tutorial page.
As an AP coordinator, you have the opportunity to positively impact your school’s AP program.
I strongly encourage you to be organized, secure, and committed to providing a great testing environment for your students.
Strive to give your students the best opportunity to maximize their academic abilities.
Please keep up the great work and thank you for making a difference!