Wednesday, June 1,20161:00-2:30PM
Superior Café
Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life for all ChippewaCounty residents by preventing and/or reducing the health problems associated with tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke.
In attendance:Steve Carey, CCHD; Connie Watson, Bay Mills Indian Community; Colin Welker, Sault Tribe Community Health; Brenda Brining, Bay Mills Indian Community
Agenda Item / Update / Action RequiredWelcome & Review of Minutes /
- Steve reviewed meeting minutes. Meeting minutes will still be distributed to the group.
- Minutes will be posted on
- Coalition recruitment
Review of Health Events/Activities
- Bay Mills Red Flag Event May 12
- WMH Employee Health Fair
- National Prevention Week
- World No Tobacco Day
- UP4Health Challenge
- Tobacco Free Michigan Grant
- Youth Prevention /early education
- Media(campaigns ads, brouchures, letters to the editor)
- 300 flags were placed around the Bay Mills Health Center for awareness of tobacco trash.
- WMH Employee Health Fair: Steve had a table of general tobacco information.
- National Prevention Week: Photo project with areaschools. Took photos and posted on the CCHD Facebook page for tobacco prevention.
- World No Tobacco page Facebook posting for Sault Tribe and CCHD.
- UP4Health Challenge: TFLC may plan an event for the 1st week of August.
- Tobacco Free Michigan Grant: Mini grants available for projects. Applications are due late June and dollars need to be spent by late September.
- Youth Tobacco Prevention: Colin went to New Orleans and presented information on Policy on Tribal Lands and Youth Prevention.
- Red Flag event to the Bay Mills News, Facebook, and Bay Mills Website.
- No action required
- Steve will email information on the Tobacco Free Michigan mini grants.
Keep Quitting/Cessation
- MI Tobacco Quitline
- 5A’s Trainings
- Cessation classes/Support Groups
- Quit line: numbers are up for the previous month. 0 pregnant callers from Chippewa County and 1 pregnant call from Mackinac County; ITCMI has contact information cards for the Native American hotline for support.
- 5 A’s training: War Memorial Rehab and HBH is scheduled for the week of June 6.
- Salvation Army Food Bank is changing their policy on gaining access to the food bank. They contacted Steve on Healthy Lifestyle training and making it available to clients.
- Contact Steve at CCHD for 5 A Training.
- Reduce outlets selling tobacco
- Tobacco/nicotine 21
- Increase tobacco tax
- No updates
- No action required
Restricting Places You Can Smoke
- Tobacco Free Outdoor Recreation areas
- Smoke Free casinos
- Increase restrictions on smoking around children
- National TF college campus initiative challenge
- Survey was complete for parks and recreation areas. Data is not available yet.
- Smoke Free Casinos: Kewadin Conference Center is on target to go smoke free by September, 30 2016.
- No action required
Policy Enforcement
- Implement/enforce policies
- Synar Tobacco Checks
- Representative Lee Chatfield and Senator Wayne Schmidt
- Synar checks with teenagers and the CCHD will be completed in June, 2016.
- Colin received a letter from Chatfield on the great tobacco prevention work he has been doing in the community. Colin will try and attend open community hours.
- Steve will forward representative hours to the TFLC.
- Bay Mills Indian Community
- Sault Tribe
Other Updates/Announcements/Reminders /
- No other updates
Next Meeting Date: / Wednesday, July 6, 1:00-2:30pm Superior Café
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead