TCPA Mid-Winter Conference
South Padre Island
Isla Grand
January 2012
General Meeting Minutes
Invocation and Pledge
Executive Board Members:
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President
Randy Gardner, Interim 2nd VP
Doug Sisk, 3rd VP
Secretary, Rosie Salinas
Michelle Lanham, Civilian at Large
Lennon Evan, Sergeant at Arms
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President welcome everyone to South Texas and recognizes Chief of Police, Kirby Warnke, Corpus Christi ISD for his support.
Vickie also recognizes all first time attendees to the TCPA Conference, David Cardenas, WebbCounty, Chandra Means, and Riley Police Depart. Jeff Jordan and Tom Hornsby, HaysCounty, Officers from Grapevine and Huntsville Police Department, and Abu Baba, TarrantCountyCollege PD.
Vickie recognizes South Texas Crime Prevention Association for coordinating the Conference.
Regional Reports:
Sgt. Rod Reyna, CTCPA
Thanks to South Texas, I’m here representing Andrew Samarripa, newly elected President of Central Texas. Texas once again has placed 1st in the Nation for the National Night Out Program and I encourage all to participate by sending in your photos, newspaper clippings and newsletter to be included in the After Action Report submission. We are talking about hosting a conference either in 2013 or 2014.
Jason Keller, TexasChisholm Trail, President
I’m the President for Chisholm Trail and we have 11 members attending the conference. We recently elected new board members Billy Rudd is our Membership Chair. We are supporting North Texas with the Summer Conference.
Randy Gardner, representing Steve Garst, President for North Texas.
Recognizes members present from NTCPA and thanks South Texas for a great
Conference. We are working to put on a great conference.
Jason Keller, reads a letter sent by Randy Harris from West Texas
In which it states that they are trying to rebuild the association. They are hosting meeting in all areas of their Region as this might help attendance. Their four sub groups are Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland/Odessa and San Angelo. He gives thanks for the support he has received from Vickie Stonaker and the State.
Paul Gonzales, Alamo Area
Recognizes those members in attendance and thanks South Texas for a great conference.
Jeffery McGowen, President TGCCPA
Recognizes all the members present and we had our elections in December and we only replaced one board member and that was Dan McCool who didn’t seek re-election and was replaced by Warren Reaves and he is the 2nd VP for TGCCPA. We have been focusing on training and we are trying to bring training to our members at a reduced rate. Lennon Evans and I went to talk to the new director of ICJS and we were able to get CP1, CP2 and CEPTED for $130. In November we had 39 people that took the class and we have 36 people signed up at the end of this month. We are also offering 2hours of TECLOSE at our Regional Monthly meetings. If our members attend all 12 of our meetings they get 20 hours of TECLOSE training.
We had a Christmas party for the first time and we donated toys to Toys for Tots and we also donated 63 lbs of food to our area food bank.
In new business you will see that we are trying to host the 2013 Summer Conference.
Pete Rivera, President of South Texas
It’s been a long bumpy road to get here and I want to thank all of you for making it. I know it is a long way to get here clear across the state. I would like to recognize members of the South Texas Crime Prevention Association; in particular Dyan Lopez; I’ve been trying to bribe her to stay with offering babysitting and a job for her husband. We have 83 people registered that is good for a mid-winter conference. I plan to relax and enjoy the training at the next conference.
Jeffery McGowen, President TGCCPA,
I forgot to thank the Regional Presidents for donating for the hospitality room
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President,
No representatives from Far West and East Texas
TCPA Board Reports:
Randy Gardner, representing Steve Garst, President of North Texas
Completed rewriting the CCPS and Study Guide and working on up-coming
Summer Conference. 5 folks took test and 5 folks passed the test. Butch Lindsey helps hand out the certificates. The following received certificates:
James Kitchens
Sofe Martinez
Carrie Lindemuth
Abu Baba
Charles Patty
Doug Sisk,
Thanks South Texas especially, Pete, Bernie and Dyan. He also thanks Bridgett for taking photos at the conference. Send me articles for the news letter and information about any training your Region is hosting. Any training that is being hosted by any Region can be posted on the website calendar free of charge but any training being put on by an agency outside of TCPA can post for a $25 fee. Also, you will need to create a username to access information in the member’s area only. February 3rd is the deadline for Regional Presidents to submit articles for the newsletter. We have established a nexle account so sign up to receive up-dates notices and conference information. Thanks to Jason Keller for his presentation on Nexle.
Rosie Salinas, Secretary
Provided meeting minutes from El Paso, Summer Conference and Galveston, TX Mid-Winter General Meeting (as some of you may recall, the General minutes from Galveston were not voted on in El Paso) for all to review and vote on.
Pete Rivera, President South Texas,
Motion to accept both meeting minutes from El Paso and Galveston
Tony Valdez, TGCCPA Second the Motion
Vickie Stonaker. Interim President calls Motion to a vote, all those in favor, and none abstained, and Motion passes.
Rosie Salinas, Secretary
Minutes from the Special called meetings in El Paso and Austin regarding the CCPS test are also available upon request.
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President reads Daniel McCool’s’, Treasurer Report that he provided at the Board of Director’s meeting on Sunday.
Compass Bank Money MarketBalance of $26,671.08
Compass Bank CheckingBalance of$14,195.33
PayPal AccountBalance of$ 777.24
Total Available Funds$ 41,643.24
Cheryl Garst, Membership Chair not presents (Daughter in Hospital)
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President states that the copies of her membership report are on the tables and that is all we have on membership.
Michelle Lanham, Civilian at Large
A lot of you are new faces to me I had not been at a conference for about 9 to 10 years and it is good to be back. Thanks South Texas; Pete, Bernie and Dyan for a wonderful conference and thanks Vickie for the invitation to serve with her on the board. As far as my efforts to reach out to civilians, in the short time I’ve been here I contact 3 groups; Texas Insurance Investigators, ASIS and Texas Retailers Association and their loss prevention personnel. Hopefully you all have had a chance to interact with these groups in your area. I sent e-mails to these groups telling them about TCPA and inviting them to attend Regional TCPA meetings. They are all pointed to the website so they can discover what Region they are in and get meeting details. I also encourage you to look at these groups and attend their meetings as well; this are all excellent organizations that would bring some strong civilian personnel it’s going to have to be a constant interaction between to get that to happen. Please attend these meetings and learn who these people are and however this might be my last day as Civilian at Large, call me if I can help in any of these areas.
Scott Rhodes, Past President, TCPA
Nothing to report
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President,
Please report to the membership about the CCPS being recognized as a TECLOSE proficiency certificate
Scott Rhodes, Past President TCPA
Steve and I met with TECLOSE Director in Corpus Christi and we asked him and the man’s words to Steve were” they are still in our plans; we have every intension of making it happen.” In order for this to happen it has to go through the TECLOSE Commission. I’m sure Steve will have an up-date at the Summer Conference.
Lennon Evans, Sergeant At Arms,
All I have is that at the adjournment of this meeting we will ask all to step out and and then we will check credentials to allow you back in for the General Meeting.
Thank you to South Texas for a great conference.
Rosie Salinas, Secretary
Thanks Martha Mabry for assisting with the Camera. She helped me at the last conference and she offered to help again this year.
President’s Report:
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President
It’s been a whirlwind this past 5 months and Randy and I worked on the CCPS
Test for the Conference. I appointed Randy Gardner as 2nd VP and Michelle Lanham with the Texas Auto Theft Prevention Authority as Civilian at Large. If we could get these other groups that she mentioned to start joining our Association I think we would be in really good shape. I appointed Darrell Halstead from Central Texas to chair the Awards Committee. There is no reason why we shouldn’t have a least one or two for every award that we give. I know everyone of you work night and day and there is no reason why you shouldn’t be recognized for the work that you do. I challenge you to go to your Chief and Sheriff and ask them to write up their employees and send that nomination to their Regional Presidents and then have them submit those nominations to the committee.
I also appointed Katherine Dotson, who is also with the Texas Auto Theft Prevention Authority as our Vendor Committee Chair. We need a master vendor list and we can add to it at every conference and she can send the vendors a letter inviting them to our conferences. She is a vendor so she knows what they need.
Each Region will be given two scholarships that will cover only the conference registration please make sure that you get those awarded out and turned in.
Old Business: NONE
New Business:
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President
We have to vote on a couple of conferences, I’ll have Paul Gonzales talk to you about Mid-Winter Conference.
Paul Gonzales, President Alamo Area
Before I talk about the conference, I want to remind everyone about the
Legislative Up-date class tomorrow.
We are submitting our bid to host the 2013 Mid-Winter Conference in Kerrville, TX. We have spoken to the hotel which is the YO Ranch. The YO has been a great venue for our conferences. The Visitor’s Bureau is on board with this and we have also selected the date which is Sunday, January 13, 2013. We are looking at a $70 room rate which includes a full breakfast. We are 45 minutes West of San Antonio on Interstate 10 between San Antonio and El Paso.
Vickie Stonaker, Are there any other bids for the 2013 Mid-Winter Conference?
None noted.
Vickie Stonaker, I need a Motion to go to Kerrville?
Scott Rhodes, Past President,
I motion to allow Alamo Area to be our 2013 Mid-winter Conference Host.
Dennis Porter, Chisholm Trail
I second the motion.
Vickie Stonaker calls for the vote, all in favor, no abstentions; Motion passes.
Vickie Stonaker states that we have TGCCPA want to host 2013 summer conference.
Jeffery McGowen, President TGCCPA
June of last year our members voted to host 2013 Summer Conference and we have been raising money ever sense because people in the GulfCoast area like to do things big. We put on the conference in 2011 and it cost us $30,000 so we are thinking this conference will cost us about $45 to $50,000. We are looking at hosting the conference in one of our Regions; several of the hotels are competing with each other. Houston is looking at an $85 room rate with coffee and cookies and gives us 4 condos or Suites for our President, Vice President or for whom ever we want to use them. They are also going to give us a hospitality room with rooms on either side. They will provide free parking and then the Skitters, our Triple A and Double A baseball teams we will have shuttles going to games or Astros games and we will be close to the Galleria.
The Woodlands, Beaumont, Galveston have a higher rate but we did tell them what we are getting for an $85 room rate they are now competing with one another.
So what we are asking for is a nomination to let TGCCPA Host the 2013 Summer Conference because we do things big and you know you will have a good time. I ask that you support us.
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President
I was advised that we can’t vote on this until we come back in. So we will need to vote again on the Mid-winter and this one when we get back.
Is there any other business?
Doug Sisk, 3rd VP
One thing that is different on the website is the on the first page you will need to pay for registration, training or extra meal tickets so that it will generate a receipt which you will need to enter on the form when you are registering for the conference. We are hoping that this will take care of the problems we have had and also with this conference. We will be doing the same with the membership dues. You will have to pay first and then do your registration; so it should be smoother processes.
Vickie Stonaker, Interim President,
I would like to thank the Board for all your work and now I need a Motion to Adjourn.
Tony Valdez, TGCCPA
So Moved.
Joshua Visi, Second
Meeting is adjourned