We look forward again to celebrating Reformation Sunday--a day to recall and affirm both the pure Gospel of God’s love for His world in Christ, and God’s intention that His Gospel be proclaimed to all of His world. We thank God that our Lutheran fathers confessed this Gospel clearly in their age and world, even giving their lives that all might hear and believe. May we have the faith, courage, and charity to respond in a like manner.

In the spirit of the reformation faith and with an attitude of thanksgiving, I am once again asking all of our congregations in the California-Nevada-Hawaii District to commit to a special faith offering “for the next generation.” Following our traditional understanding, this offering includes our time, talents, and treasures—time dedicated each Sunday in our worship services to intercede for those who do not know and believe the Gospel; utilize our talents and vocations to share the hope of salvation with those we serve; and treasure by raising a minimum of $50,000.00, one dollar for each baptized member in the CNH district.

In 2010, we revived the Reformation Faith Offering after a three year hiatus in which we focused on the Synod’s “Fan into Flame” effort. We praise God for over $13,000 raised during 2010. During 2011, we also raised approximately $13,000.00. To date, those funds have been used as intended for continuing education of our Hispanic pastors and to form a learning community with our newly graduated pastors who have entered our District in the last 2 years. In addition to this in 2011, funds were also made available for debt reduction for our newest professional workers. Where will our financial gifts go in 2012? We plan to distribute the money in four main areas.

  • Theological education for men preparing for or serving as pastors in ministries using languages other than English
  • Mini-grants for congregations, partnering with them in boosting mission outreach to their communities. For 2013, we will offer mini-grants for congregations who are hosting mission awareness servant events. These grants will touch not only the communities in which they are located, but also people from all over our District who participate in these events.
  • Ongoing formation for our newest professional workers as they begin their ministries in the post-churched contexts of CNH.
  • Finally, we will devote a minimum of 25% of the offering to enhance our debt-reduction assistance to professional workers who carry a large debt-load from their college and seminary years.

Our Reformation fathers understood the universal dimension of the Gospel, that is, they believed that God loved His entire world and intended that all people be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. This is why I urge you in a spirit of the Reformation to celebrate this faith with a special offering during the week of October 28 – November 4th. Join with your fellow CNH District Lutherans in thanking God for our gospel centered reformation faith.

Enclosed in this mailing is a master 81/2x11 insert of the 2012 Reformation Offering Poster as well as bulletin blurbs for up to 6 weeks. Posters and envelopes were made available at the Fall District Pastor’s conference but can also be requested to be mailed to you by contacting Carlie Watney at . Please indicate to her the number envelopes you would like sent. There are also a limited number of 11x17 color posters available upon request.

Posters, bulletin inserts, and bulletin blurbs are available from the cnh website.

God’s Richest blessings to you as you proclaim and share the faith!

President Robert Newton

Pastor Michael Lange (Reformation Faith offering coordinator)

Second article – Artist 2012 Reformation Faith Offering – Artist 2012 Poster

Lisa Tseng is a free-lance graphic designer who knows first-hand the value of Reformation faith for a new generation. After five years of involvement with one of our CNH pre-schools involving her two children and participation as an active volunteer, Lisa, her husband James and both of their children were baptized and have become active, participating members of their congregation in Brentwood, CA. She regularly uses her gifts to enhance the expression of the Reformation faith to the community.