WALC Board Meeting

September 15, 2011

Eau Claire, WI

I. Call to order

II. Secretary

a. Welcome Jill

b. Voting next meeting –plan for Sandy to send via mail for those members receiving

non-electronic updates, to vote. Brook to email rest of members. Voting due the week before Nov. 15th meeting.

III.Membership –new member every month or two. Dues are $20.

IV.USLCA/ILCA – Brook attended ILCA for 1st time, clearer understanding how USLCA/ILCA are connected. Importance of ILCA membership & links to political advancements, educational updates, federal changes, as well as professional advances. Idea from Sandy re: have poster or booth at WALC conference explaining importance of membership. WALC has >50% (~70 people) as ILCA members. Less expensive to join as a group of new ILCA members. Plan to do Survey Monkey to evaluate how/why to get more active members.

V. Programs – Discussed upcoming meetings, speaker options, and webinars.

Idea: Dr. Jenny Thomas, tour of her clinic, & speaker on phone triage.

VI. Treasurer –Kathy provided update on finances.

a. Discussed conference reimbursement and obligations to WALC.

b. Reimburse Brook for ILCA conference fee.

c. Jenny Johnson made a motion to not reimburse XXXXX for ILCA

scholarship due to breach of contract. Becky Krumeweide 2nd the motion.

Brook abstained from vote. All others in favor (Sandy, Jill, Kathy).

Kathy will draft a letter for the board to review prior to communicating

this to her.

d. WALC spending/saving plan discussed

-Last year, WALC donated $1,000 to InfantRiskCenter

-Match program for Josephine, last year

-(MABA) Milwaukee Area Breastfeeding Association donation $750

-Milk Bank $500 last year, no donation this year due to transition to

Western Great Lakes Milk Bank. Plan to clarify with Ruth, status of this

milk bank, will discuss at Business meeting 9/16/11.

-Hale discounted books

-Partner Program to ILCA



-$5,000 is suggested buffer amount in checking

-Ideas discussed regarding use of conference donation money vs. using

funds to enhance new member attendance of WALC conference. Will

table this discussion -with each board member to think about expectations,

dollar amount, and criteria. Include scholarship info/questions on Survey


VII. Conference Update Motion made by Sandy Testin to keep membership at $20 at this time, Jenny 2nd the motion. All in favor.

Add conference dates to the website as well as send a blog update.

VIII. Josephine –member in Uganda, working to save lives with breastfeeding

outreach. Building resource center, doing presentations.

a. Monetary support –Brook met Josephine at ILCA, global impact of her

work as well as WALC’s support discussed.

b. Video presentation conference –Becky to provide update at WALC on a

personal basis as well as professional update.

c. Donations (monetary & materials)

IX. WALC spending/saving

X. Scholarship requests

a. Joann DuMez, CLC –requested scholarship to attend CLC course, will

check qualifications. Approval pending, based on qualification.

XI. Western Great Lakes Milk Bank

a. Northeast WI Milk Depot

b. Depot station in Northeast WI needed, discussion regarding prior WALC

approval for freezer that did not go thru, plan to have board approve and

then membership vote. Kathy makes motion to approve cost of freezer,

Sandy 2nds motion. Brook abstained from vote. All in favor.

XII. Social Media

a. Skype or conference call board meetings –will continue to discuss

b. WALC Facebook


i. New member login/lapse in membership –if lapse or new member,

Sandy issues new password.

ii. Postings WHO compliant –address and add to by-laws that WALC not

support non-WHO compliant events/educational opportunities. However,

if a member posts in membership blog, then that may acceptable if

educational-worthy. All board members in agreement. Add to policies.

d. –a gentleman is touring & creating a

documentary to support breastfeeding. Check website. Jenny made

motion, Jill 2nd motion to create a match fund fundraiser for the Milk For


XIII. Old business

a. Set $ for lactation education/IBLCE scholarships –guideline amount $500

and plan to re-visit in one year. Motion by Becky to set guideline amount

to $500, Brook 2nd motion. Jill, Jenny, Sandy voted aye. Kathy voted ney.

Based on meeting criteria, Brook proposes that JoAnn DuMez be qualified

for scholarship, Jenny 2nd motion, all in favor.

XIV. New business

a. WI Breastfeeding Coalition –Jill provide update.

b. Kathy proposes, from conference committee, credit card swipe and/or Ipad

for book booth and lunch costs. Sandy may help enter fee data.

Discussion re: technology, plan to try with phone and ipad of members first before making decision. Becky will check on registration.

XV. Meeting adjourned @ 10:26pm

Members Present: Brook Murphy, Becky Krumweide, Kathy Russell, Sandy Testin, Jenny Johnson, Jill Bohn.

Respectfully submitted by: Jill Bohn