Your name:
If you wish interview feedback, please use this form to enter information you remember providing during the admission interview. You are welcome to summarize briefly each answer you gave the interviewers.
Each row will expand as you type, but please limit yourself to no more than two pages of type.
Please submit by email to , administrator with the Co-op Office, by noon on Thursday, October 5, 2017 to secure a feedback meeting appointment. (We will not accept copies delivered in person or to any other email address.)
Reminders from the introductory statement:
Your interview is your only opportunity to tell us about your experience in each of the four categories we consider:
  • work experience from the beginning of grade 11 to the end of the summer before your second year
  • volunteer service and extracurricular activities from grade 11 to the end of Orientation Week of your second year
  • academic record in your first year at Laurier
  • your performance during the interview.

Extracurricular and Volunteer Activities: First year at university
Enter your answer here
Extracurricular and Volunteer Activities: Last two years of high school
Enter your answer here
Work Experience
Enter your answer here
During your interview, you were asked about a time when you were self-directed and went beyond what was expected. Please record what you remember answering this questions.
  1. During your interview, you were asked about a time when you were self-directed and went beyond what was expected. Please record what you remember saying in answer to this question.
    Enter your answer here

  1. During your interview, you were asked to tell us about a situation when you were not as successful as you had expected. Please record what you remember saying in answer to this question.
    Enter your answer here

  1. We asked you to tell us anything else about your accomplishments and experience.
Enter your answer here
Extenuating Circumstances
If you submitted an extenuating circumstances form and letter before your interview, please provide a brief summary of what you told us during the interview.
Enter your answer here
After answering the questions above, please print this document, sign it, and send it by email to at the Co-op Office by noon on Thursday, October 5, 2017.
I hereby declare that I have entered only details I remember mentioning during my admission interview.
Signature: / Date: